Valentines day<3

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Guide~ y/n (your name)
f/f (favorite food)
f/m ( favorite movie)
You woke up to knocking on your door
You sit up and rub your eyes from tiredness and pick up your phone
"Ugh, it's 8 am on my free day, who could be knocking on the door." You say grumpiness.
You get up and put on a pair of slippers.
You walk to the front door and open the door.
"Hey look bud, it's my free day off of work and I'd really-" you cut your own sentence off looking up finally and see a well dressed Korekiyo. You observe him wearing a nice suit with colors of a dark green and red with some touches of black.
"Oh well, y/n I thought since it's valentines day we could go out and have a date , since it's been forever. But if you're busy I'll just leave then." He said a little disappointed.
he stepped back and started to turn away.
" Ah hey, let me get ready, you can wait in the living room." You said in a apologetic tone.
He seemed like and smiled because of his eyes, you couldn't see exactly because he was wearing his mask like all ways.
"Alright." He said.
You led him to the couch and you walked off to your room.
You opened your closet to find nothing really formal-ish to wear.
you had some sun dresses but they weren't that proper like Korekiyo's outfit.
You looked through and through your closet finally finding a dress that looked perfect.
It was a very dark green dress with black lace outlining the edges of it. The lace had flowers imprinted into it and vines tangled around each one.
You quickly put it on with semi matching shoes and you put on some eyeliner.
You walked out of your room into the living room and found Korekiyo sitting on the couch patiently.
He looks up to you standing there.
"Wow y/n... you look dazzling.."
He walks to you and hugs you.
After a little bit he separates from you and grabs your hand.
"Are you ready to leave now y/n?" He asks you, again with the smile seeming face.
You nod with a smiling face.
You two walk out of the door to his car and get in.
He drives off somewhere while you try and pry him from not telling you where this mysterious location is.
After awhile he stops driving and you look up at this big fancy restaurant.
"woahhhhhh... I'm astonished Korekiyo.."
You said in amazement.
"Heh, I thought you'd like it." He said.
Korekiyo got up and went to your door and opened it.
You stepped out and grabbed his hand.
You both walked into the restaurant and got a table.
The server handed you two menus and walked away.
"Man this food is expensive.. why'd you choose such a fancy place?" You said almost in shock.
"Well, I thought it would be nice since it's valentines day." He said in a gentle tone.
"Oh yeah! It's valentines day, jeez how could I forget.."
You said.
"I mentioned it this morning though when I arrived.." He said.
"I must of forgotten..heh.."

"Hello, have you both made your decisions upon the food you'll be eating?" The waiter comes by and asks.
"Oh uh. I have, have you Korekiyo?"
You said.
"I have indeed, I'll have (whatever kork picks)"
"And uhm, ill take f/f."
You say with a smile.
"Alright, ill be out with your order any minute now!"
The waiter said joyfully.
After awhile the waiter comes back with your food and you two start eating.
You observe Korekiyo and notice most of his food is all ready gone.
' how does he eat so fast..' you think to yourself.
After some time you both get to go boxes and leave the restaurant.
He drives to another place unknown to you.
'A theater??' You think as you arrive at the place.
He soon parks the car and walks to your side and opens the door like at the restaurant.
"Ooo a theater! What movie are we watching..?" You say to Korekiyo excitedly.
"You'll see y/n" He says in a friendly manner.
You both walk in and he talks to a worker there.
Once he finished Korekiyo walks up to you and grabs your hand leading you to the concessions stand.
"Would you like anything y/n?" He asks you.
" I think I'm fine, that meal earlier made me full." You said to him.
"Alright then."
You both walk to the theater hall opening and sit in the middle-ish row.
"I guess we're a little early. There's no one else here yet." You say to Korekiyo while getting situated in your seat.
"Well actually.. I may have rented this specific theater hall for just us." Korekiyo says almost mumbling.
"Oh my gosh really! You so amazing Korekiyo!" You say happily as you begin to hug his arm.
He turns his head to the side gazing to the floor with a barely noticeable red tint right below his eyes.
As you noticed this the movie begins with some shots of your f/m playing.
You look over in glee as the movie starts.
Around 30 minutes in you noticed Korekiyo looking at you. He seemed to have a soft look in his eyes, like if he was almost daydreaming.
You catch him off guard though when you quickly moved your head up to his and met eye contact.
He immediately looks down from embarrassment..
You gently grab his chin and lift his head up to your focus and say
" I love you Korekiyo."
He looks a tiny bit shocked.
You both felt like time slowed down whenever you guys gazed upon each other's features.
Korekiyo's features were remarkable to you.
His eyes were striking to you, a sharp but gentle gaze rested on his eyes.
Everything about his face you loved, and his hair..
His hair looked so soft to the touch, almost silky.
You were fully focused on him.
You lost your concentration as he began to speak.
"I love you too y/n. With all my heart."
You smiled widely at this.
You grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to you, taking in his scent as well.
You began to flutter your eyes as you two got closer.
Korekiyo moved his hand to your waist and the other to your face slowly lifting it up.
You pulled his mask down slightly just enough to make his lips visible.
One lean in you two finally kissed.
It was passionate and sweet.
you two held on to each other closely.
You beginning to run your fingers through his hair and him still holding on firmly to your waist and shoulder.
It felt like the kiss lasted for a century.
You two were in bliss from each other.
The size of your love and his love deepened with this kiss.
Everything seemed to disappear, you were in complete bliss.
The kissed ended sadly as you two pulled back for a gasp of air.
You guys were still staring at each other.
Just reimagining the kiss playing on repeat in your minds.
After a later bit you pulled back up his mask and leaned your head on his chest.
He held on to you still but now just his arms wrapped around you.
You felt safe in his arms, warm and cozy..
You both continued the movie at that moment.
The movie ended and you were feeling tired.
Korekiyo lifted his arms up and got up.
He offered his hand to you helping you up from the seat.
You both walked out of the theater into his car.
He started to drive back to his home.
"Hey Kiyo, can we stop by the super mart near your house ?"
"Of course y/n." He said happily
He stopped at the super mart and you got out and ran in.
You looked and looked around the store and finally found what you were looking for.
You looked at the options and everything seemed too bright for Korekiyo.
You were about to give up until you found a flower that seemed like his aesthetic.
A mossy green stem with a dark red bud of petals.
You picked it up and a vase that matched it.
You bought it then concealed it into a bag hiding it from Korekiyo.
You returned to the car his instructed him to drive to his home now.
Once you guys were there, you both walked in holding each other's hands.
You told him to turn around while you got the follower and vase together and nice looking.
"Ok you can turn around now!" You said smiling brightly.
Korekiyo turned around and made a smile with his eyes.
"It's so beautiful y/n. Thank you." He said joyed.
"The aesthetic of this delicate is remarkable!"
He added to the other thing he said.
"Your welcome! Anything for my Kiyo!" You said to him happily.
He sat the flower and vase down and stepped forward to you.
Korekiyo grabbed your waist and dipped you down.
He looked directly into your eyes not even blinking once.
Your face flushed with a shade of a reddish pink.
"u-uhm, yeah..?"
He pulled down his mask and said..
" I love you , with all the passion that's within me."
You were silent for a second..
"I love you too Korekiyo.."
He dipped his face down to yours and gave you a passion filled kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck grabbing a fist full of his hair.
You both were totally in love what can I say?..:)
"Happy Valentine's Day Y/n"

The end:)


Boom finally finished ..
Sorry this couldn't really come out on Valentine's Day I was busy with work..
At least I still got it out!!:)
Anyways thanks for reading I appreciate it!
I'm still trying to refurbish this story to make it better,, adding chapters, editing chapters, deleting chapters..
All that boring stuff
Anyways I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day !
(Oh yeah Sorry if the first part of the chapter was kinda boring,, I was kinda out of it when I wrote it..)
Word count:: 1716


( UNDER HEAVY EDITING ) The Beauties Of The World~Korekiyo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now