Chapter 5.

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Ross POV

I was at Laura's door. After I knocked on the door and waited. I didn't what that long until Laura excitedly hoped out.

"Ross!" She smiled and threw her arms around me. I was stunned at first, but hugged back. "So do you fregive me?" She asked while pulling away.

"Oh... Uh.. well..-" I started

"Rossy... I am truly sorry please pretty please with a cherry on top?" She begged.

"Fine," I sighed. she cheered and she welcomed me in. I sat on her couch and looked around.

"So.. we are friends right?" She asked.

"Yeah," I smiled

"Awesome, so maybe we can go down stares for some lunch?"

"Oh you mean on a date or-"

"No.. well.. I'm not sure I'm not good at asking people in dates," she laughed nervously.

"So, want to go on a lunch date with me?" I asked. I shivered at my words. When she answered, 'yes' I had a small rush of butterflies as we walked down to the restraint.


Me and Laura played footsies until the waitor showed up. I got s burger and Laura got salad. When we finished eating we walked around.

"Soo.." she smiled.

"Want to go.. dance?" I asked.

"Sure," we both walked to the dance floor. The played a slow song and I walked up to Laura. And grabbed her hand. Sadly, she pulled it away.

"Uh Ross?" She asked. I looked down.

"Sorry," I sighed, "well I have to uh get going, I am sorry about that." I trailed.


"Listen Laura, I am sorry if you don't want to be my friend, I understand, I didn't mean to freak you out like some creepy weird dude but-" I was cut of my Laura putting her hand over my mouth.

"Ross, its okay I understand," she smiled while taking my hand. "Let's dance," she laughed while pulling me onto the floor. We laughed and danced. After the lat song of the night about to end me and Laura looked at each other in the eyes. We stayed like that. It was 12:01 AM. We were still staring until I leaned closer. She leaned barly and we both closed ate eyes. We were so close I could fell her soft breath breathing on my lips. We were so close-

"Everyone the dance floor is closed!!" The DJ yelled whitch caused us to pull quickly away //whitch we didn't even kiss// so close! I sighed and stepped back more. When we were a few feet away I took off running back to my dorm. I layed flat on my bed and cryed to myself. Thinking if what u have done..

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