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P.O.V. – Damian

"So she was cool after that?"

"Yeah, she was cool. We both were."

Damian and Elijah walked through the Capital City that night, with the former chomping on a candy apple from the marketplace while the latter scrolled through Instagram on his phone.

"Well, I'm glad it worked out," Elijah told Damian, glancing away from his phone and smiling. "I would've hated for you guys to be at each other's throats again."

"No worries. We're totally chill now," Damian said confidently.

Elijah nodded slowly. "You're not... dating or anything, right?" he asked hesitantly.

"What? No! Ew!" Damian cried. "She's a human, dude! And she's like my best friend! So... no! Ew. No way."

"You can shapeshift into a human," Elijah pointed out. "That makes you a Shifter. So it's technically legal."

"But it's disgusting, so stop talking about it. And if you bring it up again, you're gay."

"I am gay."

"Then you'll be even more gay!"

"That doesn't even make a little bit of sense."

"Whatever!" Damian yelled. "I'm not dating her! She's just my friend!"

Eli gasped and put his hands on his face. "Oh my gosh. That's the thing! You just said the thing! You're totally in denial!"


Elijah cackled and rubbed Damian's head, making him scowl even more. "I'm just messing with ya, Dame. I know you're just friends." He winked and added slyly, "Besides, poor Ink would be devastated if you—"

"Stop talking right now, or so help me...." Damian growled.

Suddenly, a sound akin to a massive roll of thunder echoed throughout the district, making Elijah and Damian look up. "Huh. That's weird," Elijah commented. "I don't see any clouds."

"That didn't come from the sky, you idiot!" Damian snapped, spinning around with surprise and unease written all over his face. "It came from the Tower!"

"The Tower?" Elijah echoed, turning around as well. "You mean the Tower? Like, Fisi's tower?"

"No, a different one!" Damian rolled his eyes and began flying back toward the centre of the city. "Stay here, Eli!" he called over his shoulder. "I'm gonna check it out!"

"What? But you're not on PF duty!" Eli protested. "You could get in trouble for that!"

Damian ignored his friend and flew faster, soaring over cars and fearful civilians as a wave of murmurs and whispers rose from them—no doubt a result of the strange sound. I hope this isn't anything serious, Damian thought nervously. We've got enough trouble on our plate as it is...


A harsh rain had begun to fall by the time Damian pulled up and came to a halt in front of the massive skyscraper that had been erected by the Dark Celestial known as Fisi over the past five years. It was officially called the CIC (Celestial Insurance Corporation) Headquarters—or, alternatively, a "Safe Haven Monument"—but everyone just called it "the Tower" because of its imposing appearance.

Currently, the Tower's spire was glowing with a dull white light that seemed to be fading by the second. "What the heck...?" Damian whispered.

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