15 - Mates and Harems

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"Vamos," I snap. Eyes blind, hearts sore, the young males follow me as I carry mama back to the hacienda. Nico is choking back his tears. Luis's face is ashen. Miranda sways at my side, stubbornly pretending that she's not exhausted.

My weakness is pushed to the side. There is work to do. Bodies to burn, evidence to collect, and damn if I understand how the next few hours, hell the next few minutes, are going to work.

I carry Mama inside the house and settle her down on an uncomfortable-looking leather sofa. It's one of the only pieces of furniture in the large sitting room near the dining room. Alpha Javier never gave two shits about comfort. Not in these downstairs rooms at his hacienda. He wanted wolves to be uncomfortable. He wanted them to leave quickly as possible and now we know why.

Cassie is herding the two tiny female pups downstairs. Ahead of her, Jose is rushing to close all of the blinds and curtains. The two tots don't seem surprised to see anything down here except the other wolves.

Sharp, ice-cold blue eyes meet mine. Carmichael nods my way. He sees it, too. It looks like Alpha Javier brought his two youngest pups downstairs occasionally.

"You got a cage here?" the ClearHowl Beta asks Carm. My alpha nods, his jaw clenched tight. His wolf is pacing, snarling, distraught, but Carm is only icy control.

"Rique, stay here," he orders. I nod in agreement. I don't know if I could leave this room right now, anyway. Lily and the two pups are huddled in a corner of the room. Mattie and Cassie are hovering nearby. Mama is unconscious on the couch. Miranda is here, staring blankly at the wall. This room holds everything important. My wolf wouldn't let me leave this place. My respect for Carm grows.

Carmichael claps his hand on my shoulder. "Our mamas are alive," he says quietly.

I clasp his hand in mine briefly, "Sí, Carm." He turns and walks away, leaving me alone with the scattered remnants of the LoboGris.

When Luis wanders by, dazed and in shock, I grab mi hermano by the back of his neck. "You don't go near Mattie, sí?"

Luis nods, his face sullen and exhausted. "I made a mistake," he says quietly. "I was... never mind."

I let him go. Let it go. , he did make a mistake, but there is nothing threatening about Luis right now. His wolf is nothing more than a whimpering puddle of boneless fur right now. Mattie doesn't even seem to notice he's here. The omega is too busy... is he cleaning... grooming? I watch the sweet male hover over his twin, wiping Cassie's face and hands with a small white cloth. If they were on paws, he would be licking her fur clean. Diosa.

Nico sits on the floor near Mattie and Cassie, his dark eyes watching the pups and his mama. Legs sprawled out in front of him, he oozes blood onto the carpet, not caring. Luis settles behind him, head bowed, slumped against the wall, also oozing blood.

A slim, cool hand slips into mine. I squeeze her palm as Eli approaches, "Beta, the bodies?" the male asks.

"Let's pile them up and burn them. Identify and note it so we can inform the families," I say. I'm on autopilot. My wolf is pacing, eyes surveying the room, back and forth. Nostrils flare, taking in the scents, letting the fear and pain fade along with the adrenaline until there's nothing but worry in the air.

"Secure rooms for everyone," I order. The tiny female pups are hiding. I can tell it's from me by the wary looks they toss my way. I scare them.

I stride to the door, but can't make myself leave. After another minute, I realize that I'm blocking the exit. I check to see if the pups are more agitated, but they don't seem to notice.

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