17 - Drunks and Lovers

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"Suck, bruja," I murmur, jerking the last droplets into Miranda's hot, sexy-as-fuck mouth. "All of it. Good girl," I croon. She swallows, her mint-green eyes glowing brightly in the dimly-lit bedroom. The bed is a double, and small for a grown wolf. The air in here is stale as if no one's used it in a long time. I suppose it's been... six, maybe seven years since Carm lived here? It's fairly empty. He took most of his stuff with him when he moved to the packhouse after his first shift.

"Are you really fucking in my brother's pup-room?" Nico asks from the doorway, shaking his head in bemusement.

"Si," I shrug at him. "Lick it clean, good girl," I murmur as Miranda sucks and licks my softening dick. She lets go with an audible pop and collapses backward on the bed, giggling as Luis nuzzles her neck. I lean down and kiss her on the top of her head before standing. "Carmichael doesn't sleep here anymore, hasn't in years," I point out to Nico.

"What if he wants to bring his mates here tonight?" Nico asks, fidgeting uncomfortably. His dark eyes scan the room with a frown before drifting back to Luis and Miranda on the bed. Something softens in his eyes.

Luis, for his part, curls up with Miranda, ignoring his... fuck... his mate... effectively leaving me to deal with Nico. When Luis settles his body on top of my female and starts kissing her sweetly dirty mouth, I stand up and cross the room to talk to Nico more privately. My wolf pouts and turns his back. He likes the action on the bed and wants to stay for some more.

I pull Nico to a corner of the room, where Miranda won't be able to hear us, but Luis will.

"This is Carmichael's room," Nico says stubbornly. He won't meet my eyes. Instead, his gaze is fastened on the two lovers moaning behind me. I hear Luis stroking himself. He's avoided fucking Miranda, so far. I wonder if he's being respectful of me or of his mate?

I hope I detect a flash of jealousy in his eyes. I wouldn't have said this even a week ago, but Luis deserves his mate. Nico deserves him, too. If they stay with Miranda and me, fine. If not, then I'll shop around for more males for mi bruja. Jose may be up for it...

"Carmichael is running with his mates tonight," I say with significance. Nico goes a little pale, but nods, his jaw set tightly.

"Will you go? Miranda can't run with us," Nico says.

"We have to go," I tell him. "I'm Carm's Beta and you're su hermano. Luis will stay with Miranda." I watch Nico's eyes as I say it. If I wasn't watching so closely, I would miss the tightening around the corners of his eyes.

"That's not fair to Luis," Nico says quietly.

"I don't want to go, Nico," Luis speaks up. Nico and I turn to look at him. Luis is still lying on top of Miranda, but their embrace has gentled. Miranda's hand is stroking his back, comforting him. "I'll stay with Miranda."

Nico frowns, but he doesn't argue. He looks back at me. "This isn't normal," he mutters.

"Miranda es una bruja," I remind him. "She doesn't follow our rules."

"Si, but this is Lobo." His eyes drift over to Miranda. "She won't stay," he whispers. "This dream can't last."

"She will," I tell him firmly. "Now, go kiss our female and your male."

Nico's shoulders stiffen until I can hear his spine crack. "Luis isn't mine."

I dart a quick glance at Luis, but he's busy kissing Miranda. "Isn't he? You don't want this, Nico?"

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