One: Lets Start.

978 19 21

Repeated days.

Wake up, get tested, try and eat.

Throw that up.

Get a scan done.

Get told the same news. Its tiring.
He knows the risks. He knows not to get close. Hell, hes been in the same hospital for three years. He knew every nurse, doctor, even knew things about them.

Such as a few sneaking off to have sex in a locked closet.

Hes learned that the nurses, all have eyes for his doctor. Even attendings or residents.

"How are you holding up today, Venti?" His Doctor asked, checking papers.

"Well, if the interns stopped stabbing my arm and got an actual vein id be alot better." He said, hissing when an intern stabbed him with the needle, "Plus, the crushing weight that im gonna die is making me feel awesome." He said, the bitterness and sarcasm was heavy in the sentence. He let out a hmmph noise.

His Doctor hummed, taking his arm, pushing the needle to vein, "What have you learned today?" He glanced at Venti's books.
Stacks of books sat around his room. On the chair, the windows.

"Nothing, but, heard that a 3rd year resident has eyes for you." Venti answered, closing his book. Hes twenty-four, doing virtual collage. He hated it.

"Hmm, and which one could that possibly be?"

"Zhongli Morax, not sure who has eyes for you? The hottest doctor here?" Venti laughs, "Some ginger guy, i dont know. Tartaglia i think, no idea, he was talking to some girl resident, they were checking my vitals." Venti answered, sitting up, "Am i able to go about the hospital again? Its boring in here." He said.

Zhongli held back a smile, but nodded, "Yes, just dont bother the nurses."

"Ahh, okay, ill bother the other cancer patients." Venti teased, standing up, letting out a exhale, followed by him coughing.

Zhongli gently rubs Venti's shoulders, "In..Out."

Venti inhaled, and then exhaled.


After a moment Venti nodded, "Im okay." He answered, inhaling.

The interns looked at Venti, concerned.

"New ones?" He asked.

Zhongli nods, "Yes."

"Right. I have stage three lung cancer, meaning they suck. I have a tumor we cant operate on. So we hope the medicine will make it shrink. It wont. Hasnt worked." Venti dragged his tank of oxygen into the bathroom, closing the door.

Zhongli sighed, waving the interns out, glancing at the door leaning against it, "You can go see the kids." He said.

A hum answered him, "Thanks."

Venti liked to see the kids, seeing them smile, play.

He looks in the mirror, his eyes had dark eyebags, his skin was pale. His body looked frail. He looked like a walking corpse. He felt like one.

He took the tubes from his nose, taking his shirt off, changing it to a blue pastel sweater.

He let out a wheezy exhale, looking at himself.

He felt his lungs start to panic, struggle for air, he sighed, putting the stupid tubes back into his nostrils, fixing it, so it wouldnt fall off.

He sat on the tub, tugging his sweats off, putting on a pair of jeans.

He sighed, taking a breath. Changing made him tired.
Alot of things made him tired.

He sighs once again, standing up, leaving the hospital room, the cool tiles seeping through his socks. He didnt bother with shoes.

His tank clanged behind him, as the wheels glided with ease.

He sighs, as he walks to the childrens section, stopping by the gift shop, buying a stuffed toy.

He grabs a toy seal, paying, soon leaving..

yay! first part of the book!
im very excited for this one!
im not sure what triggers i should put,,,uhh, ig death, bl00d, n3edles, uhh s/icide attempts/mentions,uhh yea-

side ships are kaebedo, thomaluc, Zhongchi and uh, idk. hm.
welp! enjoy!


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