2. Descending into Hell. . .

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-Location: Romania, Unknown Castle-
-Time: 23:48-
-POV: (Y/n)'s-

Clint: "I'm getting the shivers guys"

(Y/n): "Clint, for the last time, we will be fine. The only reason your scared is because its a creepy castle. I bet you right now the insides of this place look like buckingham Palace!" I say, trying to cheer him up and also stop him whining. I could hear him huff in response while Michael laughs up front.

Michael: "Kinda reminds me of the Castle from Castlevania"

(Y/n): "Its does. . . cool"

Clint: "How is that cool- You know what, forget it"

Michael: "Here's the real question. What are we gonna do to introduce ourselves?"

Clint: "Simple. Say hi, your name, then why we're here-"

Michael: "Not like that, dumbass! I mean like presenting, because we look like peasants!" 

(Y/n): ". . . and?"

Michael: ". . . you know what, forget it"

-Knock, knock, knock-

After Michael knocked the door, we stood there for what felt like a minute before he gave another knock, though still no one replies.

Clint: "Right no one is here, lets go"

Michael: "Maybe their all asleep inside?"

(Y/n): "No no, castles always have night staff, just encase something happens. Let me try" I say as I walk up to the door, giving three firm knocks. Again, no one answered. I was about to pound on the door, until my eyes caught sight of something covered by dead vines near the door. I step over and rip the vines off, seeing that same crest again with a small button under it.

 I step over and rip the vines off, seeing that same crest again with a small button under it

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Clint: "Is that a doorbell?"

Michael: "Uhhh can a castle this old even have one?"

(Y/n): "Well, we're about to find it" I say as I press my finger on the button. It showed a slight resistance, but I easily pushed it and a loud bell was heard from one of the towers. "Oh that's neat. They've connected the button to one of the bell up in the towers!"

Michael: "I gotta admit, its kinda cool"

Clint: "And loud. . ."

(Y/n): "Well hopefully now we won't be waiting any lon-"

-Insert unlocking sound-

All three of us nearly jumped as we hear something unlock the doors in front of us, taking a step back as they slowly creek open. We all expected someone to poke their head out from behind it, but no one did.

Clint: ". . . Alfred, you there-"

Michael: "Clint, zip it" he snaps at him while I slowly walk towards the open door, slowly pushing it more open with one arm as I peer inside.

'welcome to the Castle': House Dimitrescu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now