Chapter 11: A Light Unseen--Avery meets Aggie

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I Forgive, I Don’t Forget: Chapter 11

In two seconds flat Asher was off of me extending a helping hand, his now navy blue shirt a sign of success.

“Is that your Grandma?” I whispered. Even though I knew she couldn’t hear me I still felt like I should keep quiet.

“Yeah, come on.” He tugged lightly on my hand. Rather than budging I just looked at it. I hadn’t even noticed him take my hand.

“Are you crazy?” I yanked my hand away, “I’m not going down there looking like this,” I gestured to my blue smudged clothes.

“You look great, she’ll love it actually,” he paused and put a mischievous smile on his face, “Unless you want to borrow one of shirts…then again that might give Aggie the wrong idea.”

I sighed and held out my hand in defeat, “Fine, you win.”

We walked over to the hole in the floor and I stopped short. “You go first.” I said imagining my frail, lifeless body on the floor below. So maybe I was being a little over dramatic but, me and floor haven’t had a good relationship, seeing as floors are always attacking my face.

“Why?” Asher asked confused, he was unaware of our history—the floor and I, I mean.

“We both know how accident prone I am.”

He paused for a moment and brought himself up to speed. He looked at me and nodded in agreement. 

“In that case, I’ll go first.” He hopped through the whole and like that rabbit in Alice in Wonderland he was gone. He landed on his feet with no problem. I swear he was a cat in past life.

“Come on Avery, come to daddy…” The smirk on his face made me laugh, especially with the way his arms were stretched out to me.

“I’m not jumping, are you crazy?” I asked for the second time in the last five minutes.

An older woman who I assume was Aggie appeared behind Asher.

“Come on Child, I’ve got places to go and people to see. I did clear my schedule for you My Dear.” She said in a motherly tone.

“Just sit and ease yourself off the edge, I’ll catch you, I promise.” Asher coaxed, I did what he said and was in his arms in a matter of seconds. He set me on my feet gently, with his arms still wrapped around me.

“You two look like you were having fun.” Aggie winked at me.

“No need to apologize dear, the blue looks good on you.”

I smiled at her comment,” Thanks but, I meant for making you wait.”

“No apologies,” she reminded me, “They make me nervous.” We followed her into the kitchen.

“I don’t get it,” I said, something about what she said made me wonder, “Aren’t apologies supposed to make you feel better?”

“Sure they do, but at the same time you’re taking on and giving out too much power. Some people just can’t handle it.” I still didn’t get it but, I didn’t say anything.

“You’ll understand what I mean in time,” she placed a kettle of water on the stove to boil, “Hot chocolate anyone?”

 I shook my head, “No thank you.”

She leaned in and smiled, “I’m more of a coffee person myself but, my grandson here thinks it’s bad for my health. Follow me.” She showed me her “stash” which was hidden in a blueberry muffin box in the pantry off of the kitchen. She informed me of how much Asher hated blueberries as a child.

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