Chapter Seven: I Can't Be Falling (Already.)

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Some how I managed to get my hands tangled in his hair, as did he. I found myself shoved up against my front door with no space left in between our bodies. He pressed his lips hard against my own and I opened mine a bit to allow entrance. Right at that moment I came to my senses.

I hope my mom can't hear us. Oh God this is so embarrassing. 

I knew for sure my mom had her ear pressed up against the door. Maybe she even brought a glass. I had to get Asher off me, as much as I'd regret it. 

Not knowing how to go about breaking apart a kiss like this, I tried the obvious option--pulling my head back. The problem with that was that there was no room  to move. I ended up banging my head hard on the door. I could hear glass shatter through the metal and I knew I was right about my mother. 

Atleast my head injury and possible concussion wasn't in vain because that got Asher's attention. He broke the kiss and stood there smiling down at me. His smile was infectious whenever he smiled it made me feel like smiling too. He had yet to move though, our bodies were still pressed against each other with his hands on either side of me. 

At this moment I felt the door move from behind me and I tumbled backwards, Asher right behind me and we landed in heap his weight pinning me to glass sprinkled floor. He rolled off me immediately, stood up and offered me a hand. 

"I'm sorry. I was just making sure everything was okay. It got really quiet after that bang." My mom said, sounding sincerely concerned. There was no way I could go off on her now. 

"I assure you everything was fine Mrs. Wilde." Asher said in reply. Oh God his voice sounds like music to my ears. I wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning.

Stop it Avery. Just stop it.

"It's Miss Wilde, but you can call me Jessica." Oh God, was my mother flirting with him? 

Get a grip woman! He's less than half your age! Not even legal!

"Mom." I warned.

"What? I can't let him know my own name?"

"Well, Ms. Wil-"


"Uh Jessica, I think I'll be leaving now. Unless, you don't mind me helping you get this glass up." He flashed her a smile. 

Ugh, he is totally flirting back with her.

"Of c-" I had to stop the words from coming out of her mouth. I needed this awkward moment to end and delaying his departure would draw it out.

"No, it's fine!" I interjected quickly, yelling so loud I could nearly busted my own eardrum. "I'll take care of it." I added in a less ear -shattering pitch.

"Well, goodnight then." He smiled and was that a wink? I opened the door for him and headed out to his surprise.

"So much for taking things slow." I whispered to him in a teasing tone. But, it was the truth. He said he wanted to take this, whatever it was, slow. And there he went, kissing me, making me all hot and bothered. Now I know what you're thinking; didn't you make that move? But, in reality my move didn't count, as it was an epic fail. His, however, was nothing short of amazing. His warm body; pressed against mine, being able to feel his abs through his shirt, the way my lips tingled along with the rest of me; all of it totaled up to absolute bliss.

"Well...seeing as you were ready to take the next step, I intiated it. We can go back to the way it was if you'd like."  He said trying to sound all professor like. It was cute but, it didn't suit him.

"You know we can't go back after something like that." I said.

"You mean like this?" He leaned down and planted his lips on mine. The tingles that were there before returned only this time the heat was even hotter. His hands were on my face, caressing them gently but, his kiss was torrid and his lips were steaming hot. If it were light outside you could probably see the heat radiating off of us. I ran my hands down his back and up again, running them through his thick and lush hair. What kind of shampoo does this guy use? Screw that. What kind of girl thinks about hair products during a kiss like this? 

His hands moved to my waist slipping around me, he was kissing me like a hungry wolf. I know. How bad does that sound? But, I meant it in a good way. 

This kiss was quickly escalating to something more and I sure as Hades was not ready for it. I pulled away immediately after I realized that. Asher must've felt me tense up because he didn't resist. 

 "Goodnight." I whispered into his ear. We were still that close. 

"Goodnight." I watched him walk to his car and pull off before I turned back to the house. I walked up towards the porch when I noticed something move near my balcony. 

Must be an owl or something.

With that I walked into my house and headed up to my room, replaying that scene in my head.

I can't be falling. Can I?

Okay so that was it. I bet you all thought the end of the last chapter was the end of the love scene. Well, as you can see it wasn't I decided to add a little more to it. I'm still not completely comfortable with writing my own love scenes but, I'm working on it. So um, can you guys do me favour? I would really appreciate it if you spread the word a bit? And maybe try to vote on every chapter. I'm determined to keep writing either way but, I kind of need guidance and encouragement too. 

Show meh some love eh? 

If I get atleast 10 votes on this chapter or any of the others I'll upload early !!

Okay LOVES I shall see you soon, til we meet again! :P

Next upload will be next Friday!!

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