Chapter 12: And the Plot Thickens

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Chapter 12: I Forgive, I Don't Forget

I walk the down the halls of my high school in anticipation. Today was the day I found out whether I had gotten the internship I had applied for in the city. I was headed to the guidance counselor, dreaming of what it would be like when I was rudely awakened by the appearance of Shaun beside me.

I did what first came to my head and sent a swinging foot in his direction successfully landing a good kick to his knee. Figuring he could take a hint, I continued on my way. But he only grunted in pain as he walked-well limped-alongside me.

When I came to a stop at the counselor's door I waited for him to get himself together and hobble away. Instead he just stood there, after a good thirty seconds I assumed he had a reason for being here.

"Yes?" I asked trying to speed things along. After all I did have a date with destiny per se.

"You should go out for the soccer team," he sputtered out what I assume was a chuckle.

"Ah, thanks? What do you want?" He really needed to get to the point. "Kind of busy here."

"Look I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me last week," I began to interrupt him but he had more to say, "What I did was more than wrong I would really like a second chance, as friends. I know it means nothing to you but, will you please accept my apology?"

He looked at me pleadingly and I understood what Aggie had said. Right then Shaun was giving me the power to save or sink a possible friendship. And as small as accepting one apology seemed to be, I felt like I had the world on my shoulders.

Something was ringing in the back of my mind, something I was forgetting, which would explain what came out of my mouth next, "What about my father?"

He avoided my gaze a while before reluctantly turning his head to face me again, he obviously knew something I didn't, "What do you know?" He finally asked.

That's the thing. I didn't know a thing. "Nothing," I said honestly. "I've been left in the dark for pretty much my entire life." I don't know why I had to add that part, I was saying too much.

"All this time..." He muttered something to himself; he suddenly looked up, a little upset, "What do you want to know?"

That's something I thought about all the time and I still couldn't come up with an answer. I wanted to know everything but, at the same time I was afraid of what I would learn. "Nothing in particular..."

Actually Shaun I would like to know everything, I thought to myself.

"I can't say much now, but I'm willing to help," with those words I felt a rush of emotion build up inside me, a mix of joy and fear, "Under one circumstance." And suddenly that bubble was busted.

"And what would that be?"

"Talk to Sadie for me. Tell her to give me a chance."

I had told Sadie what happened because I simply don't keep things from my best friend and she cancelled their date, the both of us had been avoiding Shaun like the plague. I understood the guy's request.

"Deal," I stuck out my hand in partnership.

"So I guess this means you forgive me?"

"I guess it does." And the weight was immediately lifted.

I had held up my end of the bargain and gotten Sadie to forgive Shaun, it really wasn't that hard. Shaun had developed what I believe is a genuine interest in Sadie and as much as I'd hate to say it, the girl was desperate. Since then their mushy honeymoon stage had been driving me crazy. I mean I know Sadie can talk but, she can't seem to get off the topic of Shaun. It's been Shaun this and Shaun that every day of this week and I'm sick of it.

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