Chapter Thirty-two

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  A/n: Don't forget to vote my loves. Happy reading!

Sam Lewis 😪

The rest of the evening was a blur. I don't remember leaving Swagger Hall premises,nor do I remember disappearing into my hostel and falling down like a stick on the bed.

But I do know without a doubt that I fell into a deep slumber after being consumed and suffocated by thoughts after thoughts running through.

My system just got tired of everything and bailed on me instead.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was met with darkness and the familiar snorty snores of Samuel. I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the darkness as I stretched my arms to free them of the cramps.

I felt empty and dejected. You see that kind of down feeling where nothing excites you and you're just battling with your inner thoughts.

It had everything to do with the blackmail.

Remembering it filled me with all kinds of anxiety and dread.

Sooner or later, I'd have to make my decision— either to play the seesaw game with Connor or risk getting my disguise uncovered.

And the latter meant I'd have bad records on my file, thereby losing possible chances in getting admission to any other university.

An audible sigh escaped me as I pulled myself up, climbing out of the bed. My time read one a.m. and I needed to use the washroom badly.

I inputted my combination, taking out my sponge bag and towel. I almost couldn't believe yesterday happened.

A groan came from Jordan as he turned to his side, his brows furrowing. I studied him for a while, watching the creases on his forehead fade away before he was pulled back into dreamland.

He looked so innocent and cute in his sleep, his chest rising and falling steadily.

A light smile traced my lips at the sight before I looked off to the rest of my sleeping roomies, Chris who had a book covering his face. I sighed when my eyes fell on Samuel. I was still mad at him,ngl.

I doubt Jordan will ever look at me the same way again. He probably thinks I'm homosexual by now.

I shut my eyes briefly, stepping up my disguise before moving out. I made sure to take off my pants, leaving me in some baggy shorts.

Wouldn't want another episode of disappearing pants this morning.

The early morning air whipped harshly against me immediately I stepped out of the room. I went straight ahead to the toilet first to finish my business before sauntering into the bathroom.

I had a feeling I was being followed when stepping into one of the cubicles, I heard the main door of the bathroom click close. I had closed it didn't I?

I slowly stuck my head out and listened silently for any movements. After a solid three minutes of no noise at all apart from my breathing, I concluded I must've imagined it.

I kept my eyes on my shorts and top as I washed myself, not once did I take my eyes off. If someone had been stealing them, I was determined to catch the person red-handed today.

I toweled myself dry, getting back into my clothes and taking my belongings with me. I set them on the sink, looking in the mirror as I fixed my wig. Ivy should've thought of adding a fake stubble to my disguise, I thought, pushing back my brown strands into the wig.

I would've appeared more manly. I sighed, putting on my glasses. I was about to turn around when the reflection on the mirror halted me. I tensed.


My eyes grew wide, my body turning sharply at their own accord to meet the set of evil green eyes that were staring back at me on the mirror.

        "Connor."I mumbled.

"My surname's Greenwood. You could add that too."

Nothing irritated me much than the smugness on his face as he boldy raked his eyes over me.

Let's not forget I was in an XL Tom and Jerry shirt and shorts which exposed my kneecap downwards.

I paused, narrowing my eyes.

"Wait. What the motherflying turtles are you doing here?" Trying to tame the annoyance in my tone.

"If you came to take a shower, what do you think I came to do? Count the tiles?"

But I wasn't backing down now that an oh so suspicious thought was dominating my brain.

"How long have you been here Connor?"

He raised a thick brow his smirk never leaving.

"Long enough."

He pushed a polythene bag into my hands. "Here. Just thought to return them back since we'll be acquaintances soon."

My jaw slacked when I saw what was in the polythene.

There they were.

Hit with rage, I snapped my head up, chucking the bag to the floor.

"So it was you! What the hell?"

Connor rolled his eyes, not the least remorseful. "It's still early in the morning, shut the fuck up if you don't know lower your voice."

Tears pricked my eyes which I quickly held back.

"You think I fucking care? Stalking me wasn't good enough for you but to steal my clothes in addition?!— wait, have you been watching me under the shower all this while?"

The beast grinned like he had won a lottery, clearly enjoying my reactions.

"Took you so long to realize it, Lewis. C'mon, don't label me as a creep, I've only seen your naked self twice and to ease you on the embarrassment, I never got to see the full view."

Kill me already.

I fumed silently as he continued to rant. This boy's a devil. Any dignity I felt in me was slowly dissipating.

"You should be thanking me for returning the clothes. Someone less generous wouldn't have returned it at all!"

I took a deep breath, picking the polythene and my sponge bag.

"You know what? Thank you."I made to brush past him but Connor stopped me by the shoulder with a serious look.

"About the deal, you only have today to make up your mind. When you finally do, give me a call."

Trusting my voice not to come out weak, I looked at him. Like a real hard look, no expression whatsoever.

  "Wh–why are you giving me that look?"

I stared at him a minute longer before slowly allowing myself to nod.

"I will give you a call when I'm certain what my decision is. If you want to use this as a means to satisfy your desires…that's fine. I'll be your prey. Remember we don't always get away with our deeds Connor. But I'd like to ask you one question. What did I ever do to deserve this?"

My voice broke at the last part as a stubborn tear fell.

Without a second glance, I brushed past him, not trusting myself to hold on my emotions anymore.

It was my fault for disguising myself into this school. Whatever the consequences were, I needed to pay for it. Sooner or later, everything was bound to come around and bite me in the ass.

But for the sake of my education, I felt like there wasn't any choice than to allow Connor have his way. After all, it was only left with two months and I'll be out of this school for good.


Thank you for reading 🥺
Sorry this update was short, I'll make it up to you kk?

   Question for the day: What's your biggest regret?

    Take good care fellas and I'll see you in the next update!

Porsh Ford.

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