Chapter Forty-three

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Sam Lewis.

"Assembly?" Samuel asked no one in particular as we scrambled up, laying our beds properly just in case it was one of those impromptu room inspections.

But I knew it wasn't – not even close.

I pushed my feet into my shoes, grabbing a jacket from my locker since I had initially given out the one I had been wearing. A loud siren pierced through the evening again, followed by a scolding voice of a clearly frustrated woman.

"Fast, guys." Chris hurried to the door, opening it wide and beckoning us over before shutting and locking afterwards.

There was a slight case of human traffic on the corridor as others trooped out of their rooms, hurrying downstairs. No one was complaining of the impromptu calling; like we already expected an emergency assembly this night.

"Sister Daniels is doing a countdown!"someone shouted from the front causing everyone to start running hastily.

A rare case of pandemonium as everybody run helter skelter like God had just announced to start the rapture.

Chris was already ahead of Samuel and I and as I heard the countdown of the woman, I didn't need any voice to tell me to run faster.

I bounced off the stairs, elbowing my way through those who had slowed down making mindless talk and I almost slipped on one step that had water spilt over if Samuel didn't catch me in time.

"Careful, buddy,"he cautioned.

We got out of the stairway running out of the gate just in time. Sister Daniels stood, her lips set in a hard line and watching as we scurried our way past.

"Hey! Stand aside and dress properly, where are your shoes?"she shouted at some guy.

"Geez, that woman, does she ever laugh?" Samuel jested when we had made a distance.

"I have no freaking idea, she's always with a hard face."

"I mean she'll be damn pretty if she smiled often. She can't even miss a day without shouting at someone."

"I know,"I looked over my shoulder as we rounded the corner to the campus,"she needs to take a break, honestly."

We entered the auditorium, hurrying over to Chris who had saved seats for us.

The boys continued to pile in, filling the front and back rows and the chattering noises couldn't get any louder.

When the headmaster stepped in, all voices were hushed. The room became silent as though we had seen a ghost. We rose up to our feet in respect, our hands clasped behind us.

He made his way to the podium, gesticulating us to sit. By this time, the assistant head, the house masters, the Roman sisters and father Cyril had made their entrance and were seated at the seats reserved solely for the authorities.

The headmaster tapped his mike and then cleared his throat.

"Good evening to you all,"he said, his voice scratchy.

"Good evening, sir."

"I reckon you have at least the slightest idea why an assembly has been called at this time of the night. Cutting to the chase, first of, I'd want Connor Greenwood to come upstage."

Murmuring amongst the student body swirled around as heads turned left to right, no doubt in search of the said guy.

I fidgeted with my fingers, whispering at Chris,"ah, I thought they said Connor had gone into hiding..."

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