#395 Merlin

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Fandom: Merlin
Soggetto: Merlin
Creatore: orontes su tumblr/Ester Roma su spotify


Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face

Escapist - Nightwish

Secrets (Cellar Door) - Radical Face

The Poet and the Pendulum - Nightwish

Battle for Camelot - Tartalo Music

Wishmaster - Nightwish

Theme from Harry's Game - Remastered - Clannad

My Love Will Never Die - AG, Claire Wyndham

Eve of Destruction (Epic Trailer Version) - J2 ft. Lola

Renegade - J2 ft. Coleen McMahon

Rise Up - J2 ft. Keeley Bumford

Nocturne - Rolf Løvland, Petter Skavland, Secret Garden

Blue Butterfly - Inge Frimout-Hei

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