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Tomioka and Iguro went to the final selection. Murata was with Obanai the whole time, that how they got to know each other. Both became hashiras when they were 19, yes, the same age Tanjiro and Nezuko met Tomioka at the beggining of the series. That event took shortly place after he became a pillar. To sum it up, Giyuu started to train when he was 13, so he was 15 at the time of the selection. Both of them fell in love for each other. They get together but then something tragic happens...

[The end might doesn't make too much sense, but just pretend it does please, haha.. abyways, enjoy now :D]


"Hey, what's your name?" A peach-haired boy asked while holding an injured raven-haired boy. "I-I'm Iguro Obanai and that's Murata-Kun here.." He said. "I'm Sabito. I need you to take care of him here. This is my best friend Tomioka Giyuu and he is heavenly injured, please make sure he is safe! I heard another scream I need to go!" Sabito explained. "Of course. Be careful, Sabito-Kun." Murata responded. And so, the boy with the scar on his face vanished into the dark. "Are you alright, Tomioka-San?" Iguro asked. "I'm not su..." These were the only words that left the raven-haired because he immediately passed out due to blood loss. Murata, fortunately, knew how to treat wounds, and made sure he'd be fine until the end.


Some days passed, the final selection was over. Tomioka woke up, bandaged. Next to him were two boys, the ones he met at the mountain. "You woke up, how are you feeling?" Murata asked. "I'm fine. Where are we? And where is Sabito?" Giyuu wondered. "The selection is over. And he... he didn't make it. I'm sorry." Iguro answered. Giyuu was shocked, his eyes clearly showed it. "Y-you're kidding, r-right..?" He said, a tear coming out of his eye. Both of the black-haired boys shook their heads. Tomioka started to cry, he was screaming inside. He loved Sabito, and again, he lost someone dear to him. He was having a mental breakdown inside, he wanted to scream.

But then, he felt a warm touch... arms wrapped around him from the back, a snake making satisfying, non-intimidating, and quiet sounds next to his ear. "I-Iguro-San..?" It was silent, Murata had patted his shoulder. Giyuu developed a slight blush, as the hug was more tightened, and about the masked boy. He qlso had a blush, covered by bandages.


About five months passed since the selection. A lot of things happened, and Tomioka and Iguro were best friends. Giyuu got over his old best friend, but of course, could never forget him. He got a lot of missions, paired with Obanai, which was amazing. Both of them were very similar, which is one, having past trauma, their aesthetics and they are very unsocial in general, except to each other and Murata, which they kept in contact with sometimes. Even though Giyuu was very social at first, he wasn't anymore.


Another month passed. Iguro was in love with Tomioka, same the other way around. Giyuu wanted to confess to Obanai soon. They may have only known each other for six months, but they felt something. A warm and comfortable aura and atmosphere when they are together. The day came, as they both after a mission went to a village. Near the village was a corps resident, but the real reason why they were there, was the wisteria protected garden. It was wonderful, flowers and insects like butterflies were there. It was clean, and a sore sight. Iguro admired the place, as he didn't notice Tomioka standing him, holding something at his back.

"Uhm, O-Obanai. I wanna tell you.. something." Tomioka said nervously. He never did that before, well neither did the other. "What is it, Giyuu?" He asked. Suddenly the raven-haired got out what he was hiding. He held it right in front of the heterochromia-eyed slayer. It was flowers, roses, tulips, and more. There were some decorations on it such as hearts, and even wisteria and sakura petals. It was all held together by a red string with a red bow. There was a card hanging with the sign 'You are beautiful, perfect and the person of my dreams.'

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