Chapter I - Truth or Dare

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Master Ubuyashiki decided to lock the Hashiras inside an estate to make them all hopefully get along. After they ate the dinner, that Tomioka made, they played a game of truth or dare. But something happens when playing it, and once they all took a break because of a specific reason, Giyuu went to the bathroom and started to have something...

It was a normal day with the Hashiras. Surprisingly, no pillar had to do a mission. Master Kagaya did make them do things together and decided to lock them inside an estate. He knew that many did not get along with each other too well. The estate was pretty big, it had one room with nine futons, comfortable yukatas, two bathing rooms, a little room to either meditate or to chill, and a small kitchen with tons of food and ingredients. "Maybe it isn't going to be that bad!" Rengoku said. "I agree! Oyakata-Sama said that we are going to be here for some days, and I think it's good so that we could all get along." Mitsuri responded. "I'm quite hungry and it's soon time for dinner anyway. Does anyone know how to cook?" Gyomei asked. Mitsuri put her hand up. "I kinda do. But I'm not an expert, and I often mess up..." She said. Iguro comforted her, Tomioka saw that and got a little jealous. "Giyuu-San is good at cooking... I think." Muichiro said. Everyone looked at the raven-haired, which made him uncomfortable. More surprising was the fact that the mist pillar even memorized it. "Ara ara~ Is that true, Tomioka-San?" Shinobu asked curiously. The water pillar looked away for a moment but then nodded. "What do you all want?" He asked, and went to almost everyone, except Sanemi and Obanai. "Oi oi, are you not gonna ask us?" Shinazugawa said in a p!ssed tone. "It's obvious that you want to request Ohagi and Iguro-San wants to request Tororo-Konbu." He said. Everyone was surprised, yes they knew that Sanemi would have said that, but no one besides Mitsuri knew about Obanai. How could have Giyuu known this?

Tomioka ignored all of those looks that were going in his direction. He went to the kitchen and started to make the food. Kyojuro requested Miso Soup with sweet potatoes, Shinobu Ginger Tsukudani, Tengen Fugu-Sashi, Muichiro Furofuki Daikon, Mitsuri Sakura Mochi, and lastly, Gyomei requested Takikomi-Gohan. For his own request, he made Syake-Daikon. While Giyuu made the food, the other pillars were inside the meditate room. Well, that except for the insect pillar, who made all the futons ready in the sleeping room. "I think we should do something flamboyant after eating!" Uzui announcement. "Oh, how about games? What do you all think about that idea?" Mitsuri asked. "Wonderful," Obanai responded. 'Such a simp', everyone thought. But they all were pretty loud, Tomioka was again able to hear it. Jealousy took over his mind again. What did life have against him? Why can't he be with his beloved Obanai? They were together for almost four years, technically are still together now for almost six years, and all that was shattered because of a stupid moon.

"Food's done," Tomioka said a little while later. Slowly, every hashira entered the room and sat down. They all prayed and then started to eat their food. "This tastes flamboyant!" Uzui said. "Umai!" Rengoku commented. Giyuu just did a hm sound, but it was easy to understand that it mean thank you. "I overheard you all talking about a game while I made the futons ready. What were your ideas?" Shinobu asked. "I thought of classic truth or dare!" Mitsuri answered. "What's that?" Muichiro said. Every pillar except for Tomioka and mist hashira himself made that 'expected' face. "If you get truth you need to answer a question, if you get dared you need to do something, Tokito," Sanemi explained. Everyone was surprised, as he seemed somewhat calm when saying that. "Oh, okay," Muichiro said.


Soon everyone was finished and placed their plates near the sink. Tomioka insisted on cleaning them, to avoid playing truth or dare. His fellow Demon Slayers let him do that, as it would be pretty nasty if there were just some dirty plates there. Giyuu slowly cleaned them all, and after he was finished, he went to one of the bathing rooms. The raven-haired released his ponytail from the rubber band. It was fluffy! He changed into a yukata, but still wore his haori, which carries tragic memories with it. He still had a photo with him the whole time, and put it inside a little envelope, which he had already done since the photo was taken, five years ago. In that picture, there were both Iguro and Tomioka to be seen. Giyuu was hugging Obanai from behind and he held his hand near Kaburamaru, while both males looked up at that snake. Kaburamaru still remembers Tomioka, at least one living being does apparently. So Giyuu was happy that someone similar to the serpent hashira, was still able to understand him.

After that, the water hashira joined his fellow pillars. It was a surprise that he did. "It's very good to see you joining us today, Tomioka-San," Gyomei said. The raven-haired sat down. They played a little, until Giyuu was finally able to choose someone. "Kanroji-San. Truth or Dare?" He said bluntly. "Truth!" She said. It took about two seconds for the raven-haired before answer. "Do you love Iguro?" He asked. The love pillars' faces went into a deep red shade, and the serpent hashira started to blush like crazy too. "Y-yes.." She said. Both of the lovesick was silent after that. How Giyuu wanted to cry and be comforted by his boyfriend. It was technically cheating, but it's not Iguro's fault. He wasn't able to remember the old times, and Tomioka also stopped trying to tell him. The serpent hashira always looked so happy with Mitsuri, Giyuu slowly felt like he wasn't good enough. He stopped trying. Kaburamaru even noticed Tomiokas's emotions. Crazy that a snake was able to identify that, but not eight humans.

"W-Well, continue! Shinobu-San, truth or dare?" Mitsuri asked. "Dare." She said. "Okay, kiss your crush!" Kanroji responded. The insect pillar was shocked, everyone knew who she loved, except for Giyuu, who is her crush after all. "Uh, Tomioka-San, can I kiss you.." She asked nervously. "You like me?" The raven-haired asked. The shorter female nodded her head. "Apologies, but I'm afraid that I cannot do that." He said. Shinobu got sad, she was almost on the verge of tears because of this rejection. "I-I understand... Could you tell me why though..?" She asked. "First of all, you always tease me to death, and second... I love someone else." Tomioka explained. The hashiras were surprised. Who could he love? There was a silence in that room for a while, until Kanroji spoke up. "Then just a simple hug?" She asked. "That's fine," Tomioka said. The insect and water pillar hugged each other for a couple of seconds, now it was Shinobu's turn.

"Iguro-San, truth or dare?" The insect pillar asked. "Dare," Obanai responded. Shinobu giggled a bit before speaking up. "Hug the person you like." Iguro blushed and went to Mitsuri, giving her a lovely hug. The water pillar again felt jealousy. He wanted to leave, knowing the fact that the serpent hashira fell for someone else. "Ek! Iguro-San..!" Kanroji commented. The black-haired let go of the love breath user. They all decided to do a little break for the two lovebirds to calm down, Tomioka used this opportunity to go to one of the bathrooms.


Once the raven-haired arrived and shut down the door, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He started to cry and got on his knees. The man took out the picture of him and his boyfriend, looked at it, and almost ripped it apart. Tears got on that paper, such an unfortunate event. He thought...

'What did I do to deserve this miserable life..?'

Story words: 1299
Complete chapter words: 1432

Chapter I start: 02/20/2022
Chapter I end: 02/21/2022
Published: 04/07/2022

Inspiration: Classic game of truth or dare, often seen in texting stories🍵

Written by: Masumi Sensu
Grammar checked by: Masumi Sensu and her best friend
Check read by: Masumi Sensu.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one and have a good day/night! ♡

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