Chapter XI - History repeats itself

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I don't wanna spoil so much so yeahー history repeats itself :]


The forest looked all terrible and destroyed, Shinobu hoped for the other two hashiras to be fine after hearing the messages from the crows. Shinazugawa, Tokito, Rengoku, and Kanroji were all fine too, and they only encountered lower moons. While Shinobu had treated them in the butterfly mansion, the crow came in and said: "Caw! Caw! Tomioka Giyuu and Iguro Obanai! Caw! Caw! Encountered and defeated Uppermoon 4! Caw! Caw!" It surprised everyone present there, but they thought that maybe they would be fine, though they were still skeptical and worried. Shinobu immediately went to go to the battlefield with the Kakushi and placed everything in Kanzaki's and Tsuyuri's hands until she was back.

"Lady Kocho, we found them!" Shinobu was so relieved when she heard those words and directly went in the direction where the voice coming from.

As expected these two were passed out and had injuries. They were taken by the Kakushi to the butterfly mansion, then Kocho treated them.

A little while later Iguro woke up, seeing himself bandaged in a bed. Looking around, he realized that he was inside the butterfly mansion.

"Kocho?" He asked. A few minutes later the insect hashira came in. "Hello, Iguro-San. Please don't move much, your wounds haven't healed yet. I congratulate you on your win against Upper 4." She said. Obanai looked around for Giyuu, but he didn't see him anywhere. "What is about Tomioka?" As soon as Iguro asked that question, he felt a negative aura around Shinobu.

"You see... When I examined his blood, I found poison inside there. That poison attacked the nerves inside his brain. I must say that Tomioka is lucky to be alive... Any moment later, and he could've died from that." She answered. Iguro couldn't believe it. Of cour it wasn't just some kind of sedative, it was much worstー it was a secret killing method they wanted to use.

He started to panic and Shinobu was confused. "What are the risks when that happened!?" Obanai's tone was different than usualー much different.

"Perhaps some blackouts until he fully recovered. The worst thing would be memory loss." The moment Shinobu said the words memory loss, a flashback came in.

°•°•°•° •Iguro POV• °•°•°•°

Iguro woke up, seeing himself bandaged in a bed. Looking around, he realized that he was inside the butterfly mansion.

"Kocho?" He asked. A few minutes later the insect hashira came in. "Hello, Iguro-San. Please don't move much, your wounds haven't healed yet. I congratulate you on your win against Upper 4." She said. Obanai looked around for Giyuu, but he didn't see him anywhere. "What about Tomioka?" As soon as Iguro asked that question, he felt a negative aura around Shinobu.

"You see... When I examined his blood, I found poison inside there. That poison attacked the nerves inside his brain. I must say that Tomioka is lucky to be alive... Any moment later, and he could've died from that." She answered. Iguro couldn't believe it. Of cour it wasn't just some kind of sedative, it was much worstー it was a secret killing method they wanted to use.

He started to panic and Shinobu was confused. "What are the risks when that happened!?" Obanai's tone was different than usualー much different.

"Perhaps some blackouts until he fully recovered. The worst thing would be memory loss." The moment Shinobu said the words memory loss, a flashback came in.

°•°•°•° •Iguro POV• °•°•°•°

Tomioka, what are you doing!?" I asked. "Iguro-Kun... Could it be that something feels missing from your mind..?" Something missing? What could he mean? I remember my childhood andー hold on... How come I can only remember the start of the final selection? He is right. Something is missing. The moment after the start of the final selection up to the point where I got to know Kanae-San. Did...did I have a memory loss!? But how!? I...I never thought about that.


"I-I'm sorry, Iguro-K-Kun... You probably w-won't understand, but p-please know that I'm s-sorry for that... day." I was shocked to see him like that. I soon released the hug, seeing his eyes that were still letting out tears, and the eyebags under them. I grabbed a tissue paper that was right next to us and wiped away the tears with it.


"Thank you for being there with me... I love you, Iguro Obanai."


"They should know mine and only mine. My boyfriend, my partner, my future husband."


"Giyuu, you would never judge me, right..?"
"Never in a million years."

°•°•°•° •Narrator POV• °•°•°•°

Tears came out of the serpent hashiras eyes, and more confusion. "Take me to him Kocho." A moment of silence came in. "Fine. But I want an explanation after. Just go to the other wing." As soon as she said that, Iguro rushed out of the room and went to the other where Giyuu was. The other hashira were also there and surprised to see the serpent pillar rushing in with glossy eyes.

Obanai rushed up to Giyuu, both made direct eye contact. "Tell me you remember everything! Everything! Come on!" Iguro screamed at him, while Giyuu looked confused. "I remember the lookout, what else?" He asked confused. "Not even one single thing that includes me..?" He asked again. Tomioka shook his head.

Iguro started crying, and almost got a panic attack. "Iguro-San, calm down!" Shinobu said, running up to the two boys. The other pillars were still very confused as they watched everything.

"You don't remember buying the rings? You don't remember our first meeting? You don't remember ourー your confession? You don't, do you!?" Iguro mumbled out loud. Tomioka lifted his eyebrows but again shook his head as a no.

Silent tears were now coming out of the serpent pillar's eyes. "B-But I'm your boyfriend..." He said. Everyone was surprised, even Giyuu. The other pillars wanted to ask questions, but before they could, Iguro ran out of the room into a bathroom and locked himself in.

The hashira were all discussing this, and Tomioka still sat there in confusion.

"Boyfriend? Remembering... Wait... Didn't heー yes he did have an odd reaction when I said that the highest risk would be memory loss. Perhaps they have been dating in private? No, I shouldn't make assumptions. It's best to leave Iguro-San alone for a while, and then talk to him." Shinobu mumbled to herself, trying to figure everything out.

Iguro was still crying, and Kaburamaru was right next to him, being sad too. The soft hisses calmed the serpent hashira a bit. "Kaburamaru, I'm such a failure... First I was too stupid to realize that I forgot about our relationship, and now I wasn't there to protect him. If I did something, maybe he wouldn't have lost his memories at all..."


Story words: 1169
Complete chapter words: 17

Chapter XI start: 05/02/2022
Chapter XI end: 05/05/2022
Published: 05/05/2022

Inspiration: hmmmー maybe chapter one? The title? Yeah maybe idk

Written by: Masumi Sensu
Grammar checked by: Masumi Sensu
Check read by: Masumi Sensu

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one and have a good day/night! ♡

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