iv. squad switching

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The air was warm and pleasant as they rode through the streets of Trost, approaching the gates of Wall Rose. The weather just right for the day's planned reconnaissance mission. But their appearance hadn't gone unnoticed. (Y/N) watched as an awed crowd gathered around them, their shouts and cries being overlooked by Commander Erwin.

"There they are!" (Y/N) heard a voice shout out from the crowd. "The main force of the Survey Corps!"

Her hands gripped Val's reins tighter. She couldn't help but feel like a fraud. She was by no means apart of the Scouts' main force. She peered at the Commander again. Why had he let her join? The rest of the Marlene Squad hadn't come, so why her? Wouldn't she just get in the way?

"Commander Erwin!" someone exclaimed. "Kill the titans for us!"

"Look, it's Captain Levi!" another voice cried and (Y/N) noted the bemused expression on the Captain's face. "They say he's as strong as an entire brigade!"

"Shut-up," she heard him mumble under his breath.

"If they knew how fussy you are, they wouldn't look at you with such admiration," Hange commented from beside him, their eyes gleaming with enjoyment.

(Y/N) glanced at them.

They had been the one who'd decidedly brought her along. She wasn't even the slightest bit surprised by that though.

"I think he likes the attention really," (Y/N) said, causing both of them to turn towards her. "He's just trying to hide his blush."

Hange snorted but Levi merely narrowed his eyes at (Y/N). "Tch – you should discipline your squad-members more four-eyes. If you were in mine, I'd have you mopping the floors of headquarters when we return."

"I'm not in Hange's squad," (Y/N) replied. "I belong in Marlene's group."

He arched up an eyebrow at that, and Hange suddenly seemed very intrigued by the sky, a common sign that they were hiding something.

"You seriously didn't think it appropriate to tell her?" Levi drawled.

"Tell me what?" (Y/N) asked, a little impatiently. "Hange?"

The Section-Commander gave her a meek smile that would've usually melted her resolve but this time her suspicion was too strong to garner that reaction.

"Well," Hange began. "This morning Erwin finally gave me the go-ahead to move you into the Fourth Squad. My squad. I was going to wait until after the mission to tell you but shorty here couldn't keep his mouth shut."

"Don't blame me for this shitty glasses. It's no fault of mine that you thought it a good idea to only tell your girlfriend until the last minute!"

She'd been so caught up in the news, she didn't even realise what Levi had called her and how Hange hadn't protested it.

All she knew that she was leaving Marlene's squad. Did that mean she had to switch dorms? Would she see her friends less often? Why hadn't Hange told her that they'd asked Erwin to switch her squads? How was she going to explain to the others why she was leaving? Would they resent her?

"Hey," (Y/N) suddenly felt a hand grasp her shoulder and turned to look at Hange's worried expression. "Are you okay?"

"It would've been nice to have been told," she said dryly and when she saw Hange grimace slightly, she sighed. "Just give me a little while, okay?"

She tugged Val's reigns and the horse surged forwards, causing Hange's hand to fall off her shoulder.

"Wait, (Y/N)-"

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