ii. late nights

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(Y/N) was struggling, flailing, yanking – trying everything in her power to force the giant hand to release her. But all those attempts proved futile. Her blades were broken, blunt from use. Her ODM gear out of fuel. Her comrades, her squad were gone. There was nothing that could possibly save her now.

The wide, gaping jaw of the Titan drew closer and she tried to scream but no sound came out. Walls, this was it. She was going to die.

She squeezed her eyes shut and just as the colossal teeth were mere inches away from crunching her skull into splinters and fragments, (Y/N) jerked awake. She was sat up in her bed, her heart pounding in her ribcage as her roommate Lyra Culpepper snored soundly form the bed across the room. She was safely secure within the confines of the Walls and in the headquarters of the Survey Corps.

It had just been a nightmare of course.

They weren't uncommon these days, but it still left her trembling. It seemed like they were becoming more and more vivid each time they occurred and it was always the same scene. Her squad was gone – slaughtered by the Titans and she was the only one left. There was one detail missing this time however. She hadn't seen Hange Zoe die.

The last ones had the Section-Commander's life end in gruesome fashions, (Y/N) always a little too late to reach them in time before the final, deadly blow. She shook her head and climbed out of bed, grabbing some trousers and a shirt. Maybe a walk would clear her mind, she thought.

She briefly wondered if Hange would still be awake at this time and subconsciously found herself gravitating towards the hallway where the Section-Commander's room was, only to find their door suspiciously wide open.

(Y/N) frowned; she couldn't hear any voices but their light was seeping into the hallway. Out of pure curiosity and concern, (Y/N) peered around the doorway and into their room where she found a pacing Moblit. And behind him was the aforementioned Section-Commander, slumped at their desk and snoring soundly away. She restrained the urge to roll her eyes at the sight.

"Moblit?" she called quietly and the man halted.

"(Y/N)," he nodded curtly, his arms straight down his sides. He looked uneasy and unsure but he gave her a smile nonetheless. "What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I could ask the same thing," she arched up an eyebrow and gestured to the passed-out Hange. "They fell asleep doing their paperwork, didn't they?"

He sighed. "It appears so. I've been at a loss at whether to wake them or not. On one hand, I know they need it since they've done nothing but be awake for the last twenty-four hours. But on the other, Commander Erwin is expecting the paperwork on the latest Titan testing before tomorrow."

"Ah," (Y/N) smirked. "It seems like you're in quite the conundrum."

Moblit sighed again. "I suppose the right thing to do would be to wake them. As much as I hate to."

(Y/N) thought for a moment, trying to weigh up the options in her mind and whether there was a way around waking the sleeping Section-Commander. And then it came to her and she smiled.

"No, don't wake them," she said. "I have an idea."

Moblit gave her a puzzled expression. "What is it?"

"I know you're probably not going to like it but if I know Hange, then I know they keep notes that they use to write their paperwork, right?" (Y/N) said, passing Moblit by and walking behind them.

"Yes," he nodded, albeit a little suspiciously.

(Y/N) leaned over Hange's shoulder, peering at what they'd written so far and spotting the notes adjacent to the paperwork and grinned victoriously. "I'm good at mimicking handwriting, I can finish off the rest of their paperwork and hand it in to Erwin before sunrise."

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