v. sleepover

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(Y/N) rushed warily through the hall of Headquarters, swinging her forest green cloak over her shoulders and blearily rubbing the sleep from her eyes. It was at least mid-night by now, judging by the position of the half-crescent moon in the sky. Torches lined the walls around her, lighting her way with a dull amber glow.

Why had Captain Levi of all people summoned her to Hange's room at this time of night? Had something happened? Was the Section-Commander okay?

It was making (Y/N) uneasy. The nagging thoughts and scenarios swirling around her head in a dangerous loop. Her hands clenched unknowingly into fists at her sides. She veered round the last corner that led to Hange's room and caught a glimpse of a figure, leaning casually against the Section-Commander's door.

Their face was shrouded in shadow, but judging by their short-stature, (Y/N) instantly recognised it as Captain Levi. The man stood up straight when he noticed her arrival and she took note of a cup of tea, steaming in his left-hand.

"Finally," he drawled. "(L/N), you sure do take your time, don't you?"

"Sorry Sir," (Y/N) replied, a little out-of-breath after having run up several flights of stairs. "I came from my room as soon as the Cadet delivered the message. What's the problem? Is the Section-Commander okay? Where's Moblit?"

"Four-eyes is fine, well sort of. Moblit is running an errand for me at the moment and so he's a little indisposed to make sure the titan-freak in there looks after themselves," Levi stated, his face looking as though he'd rather be anywhere than there right at that moment.

(Y/N) breathed a slight sigh of relief. Here she'd been worrying herself sick thinking the scientist had gravelly injured themselves or worse. But then her eyebrows knitted together as a new question formed itself into her mind. "So...forgive me Sir, for being a little confused. But what is it that you need me to do?"

Levi rolled his eyes. "I need you to go in there and sort them out."

"Sort them out?"

"Are you dumb? I need you to make sure they go to bed. Get them to go sleep, drag them from their desk if that's what it takes – I don't care. I know you two are close, Moblit informed me, don't bother denying it," he waved his hand dismissively when (Y/N) opened her mouth to reply. "They listen to you for some reason, that's what matters. I've tried giving them some sleeping-draught but they've caught on that I've been spiking their tea."

(Y/N) couldn't help but find their situation a little amusing, although there was a definite note of concern mixed in there. It must be bad if Captain Levi of all people was asking her to sort out the Section-Commander. She knew it was a common fact that Hange often prioritized their work over their health, preferring to have their head buried in books rather than a pillows.

"Okay," (Y/N)'s nodded weakly. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Good," Levi breezed pass her, before stopping. "And remember, they have to be up at sunrise for the usual meeting with the Commander."

"Yes Sir," then an idea clicked. "And oh – you said to do whatever it takes to get them to go to bed?"

"Correct," the Captain nodded curtly.

A small smirk curled upon (Y/N)'s lips. "And so strictly-speaking, this will be under your command and if they used their position to send me away, it'll technically be void?"

(Y/N) could've sworn she saw a brief flicker of amusement grace Levi's features before it vanished within a blink of an eye. Could've been a trick of the lighting, she supposed, but it helped grow her own smile nonetheless.

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