vi. snowy excursions

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Another gust of icy wind sent shivers racing down (Y/N)'s spine as she dragged her boots through the thick, heavy snow and up the side of the mountain. Snowflakes battered her body, stinging her skin raw from its ferocity. Her hands, tucked into three lots of warm woollen gloves, clutched at the straps of her pack and were still numbing from the cold despite the layers of protection.

She felt miserable, to say the least and yet there was her partner, bounding gleefully in-front of her. Talking passionately about their excitement and eagerness to join the Survey Corps in a few months' time, theorising ideas about what could possibly be behind the Walls.

Hange Zoe was a peculiar character indeed.

Hange was only a couple of years older than (Y/N) and in the last of three years into their training. (Y/N) had only just started when the Chief Instructor figured it was a good idea to pair up the most recent recruits with the ones who were close to graduating.

Something about teamwork and how the older would teach the younger. (Y/N) didn't really listen properly. She only realised what had happened when a beaming Hange tapped her on the shoulder with a sunny smile and proclaimed them "Buddies!"

The next thing she knew she was hiking up a mountainside in freezing temperatures with a person who could seemingly speak for hours without a respite. (Y/N) honestly didn't know whether to be concerned or impressed.

"So, what about you?" they called loudly over the whistling of the wind. Their goggles glimmering in the miniscule amount of moonlight that squeezed through the overhead storm clouds.

(Y/N) blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry. I missed what you said."

Hange smiled. "Where will you be going to after you graduate?"

"Oh," (Y/N) thought for a moment. "Uh, I guess I haven't really thought about it yet. Maybe the Garrison I suppose."

They frowned. "Aw, that's a shame. I was kind of hoping that you'd join the Survey Corps."

She scoffed. "I don't think I'd be good enough for that. They need people like you. Intelligent, smart and someone who actually won't get killed on their first expedition. Trust me, I won't last long."

Hange bumped their shoulder into (Y/N)'s and she jolted, trying not to slip in the snow.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," they exclaimed, their eyebrows drawn together. "Everyone has to start somewhere; I think you'd make a great soldier."

She smiled weakly. "Thanks."

"And I expect you to join me in the Survey Corps in a few years' time," they continued and began reaching into their coat pockets, pulling out a compass they'd been given at the start.

Then, rather abruptly, they stopped. "Uh oh."

(Y/N) quirked up an eyebrow. "What do you mean 'uh oh'?"

Hange waved dismissively, one hand still grasping the compass. "It's no big deal. It's fine. Sort of. Only that we've gone two miles off course from our checkpoint."

"What?" she spluttered. "How in the Walls did that happen? I thought we were going south; we were walking in a straight line this entire time!"

"Hmm," Hange pondered, scratching the back of their head. "I probably led us a little south-east while talking. That's a possibility. Actually, it's probably what happened."

"You've got to be joking," (Y/N) gaped exasperatedly.

"Pfft it's fine," they beamed. "We just have to retrace our steps and then head south again. We'll be at our checkpoint in no time. Follow me -"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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