Complicated Murder Trail (keade)

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Sakuras pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. This time toko was the victim. Last night she tried to kill me and maki came to my rescue. Its up to me to figure out what's going on!

"so how did toko die anyway?" hina asked.

"it seems like she was slashed at the back of the neck" kyoko muttered.

"it's a clean slice too" kokichi added "whoever did this mustn't have hesitanted at all"

"No hesitation eh? Sounds like the work of an assassin!" Leon yelled as he pointed to mokoto.

"hey what are you trying to say!" kaito demanded.

"you know exactly what I'm trying to say" Leon grinned "your little girlfriend is our killer!"

"but I didn't kill toko" maki insisted "I wouldn't do that to kaito. Not when he's still alive and with me"

"maki-roll" kaito looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"ha a likey story" Leon rolled his eyes. He's not budging. Looks like I have to make him see reason.

"I believe her"

"eh" Leon looked at me in disbelief "sakura you can't go around blindly believing everyone. That's how people get killed!"

"I don't blindly believe her" I muttered "I have proof that she's not the killer"

"you do?" hina looked at me in surprise "what is it?"

I took a deep breath "last night genocider tried to kill me. Clearly she felt threatened by me. Maki came to my rescue and told me to get help. By the time I got hina she was dead"

"interesting but how does this prove that maki didn't off her?" Leon asked.

"she was facing the front of genocider when they were fighting. There's no way she could of sliced the back of her neck like that"

"Well spotted sakura" hina cheered.

"Well leon ready to admit that maki-rolls not our killer?" kaito folded his arms.

"yeah I guess I jumped the gun a bit there" Leon chuckled nervously.

"maki I think you should explain what happened between you and genocider" mokoto said firmly.

Maki sighed "I was fighting off that serial killer and surprisingly she was winning! I thought she was going to kill me when someone came up behind her and slashed her neck. They ran off before I could get a good look at them"

"then how are we supposed to figure it out!" taka turned pale.

"Well maki did mention the killer having blonde hair" I muttered

"yes" maki nodded "I remember seeing it as they ran off"

"then the killer has to be either miu or keade" chihiro muttered.

"no need to theorise" keade smiled softly at us "it was me!"

We all looked at her in disbelief. Before we had time to possess this Monokuma demanded that we start the voting.

I sighed as I voted for keade.

"keade why did you do this" kaito asked shakingly "shuichi would have wanted you to live!"

Keade sighed "if I hadn't acted maki would have been killed. My actions saved my friends life and I'd gladly do it again!"

I was shocked. I never took keade as someone who kills without hesitation but I guess this game has turned us all into Killers.

"hey enough of the mushy stuff!" Monokuma demanded "let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

*time skip*

"maki-roll it's going to be ok" kaito said softly as maki cried in his arms. She must feel responsible.

I clenched my fist in anger. So much has been taken from us. In what world is this justified!?

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