A Library Visit

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Kyokos pov

I was sitting in the library with kokichi reading through a physics book, hoping it would have some clue on our Timeline predicament. I have to end this somehow. I can't watch kokichi die like that again!

"fancy seeing you two in the library" we turned around to see Byakuya smirking at us "trying to find a way to end this?"

"exactly" I nodded.

"I've been trying to do that since the very beginning" Byakuya muttered.

"and instead of asking for help you decided to take things into your own hands. Classic Byakuya" kokichi rolled his eyes.

"why should I ask for help? Besides a handful of you the majority of you are a bunch of mindless baboons" Byakuya said rudely.

"if you're just here to insult us then I suggest you leave" I glared at him.

"I'm not talking about you two. Your among the handful of capable folks" he took a seat opposite me and kokichi "hand me a book. I'll help you get through this mess"

I was surprised yet I handed him a book with a smile "thank you Byakuya. It's nice to see you be a team player for once"

"tch. I'm only helping out cause I want this nonsense timeloop to end. It's not entertaining to repeat the same thing over and over again" Byakuya rolled his eyes.

"aww Byakuya pretends to be all mean but deep down he's a big softie" kokichi teased him.

"tch!" Byakuya scoffed but I could see his cheeks turning red.

I smiled to myself. Maybe Byakuya is changing..

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