Too many drinks? Part 11

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~Levys POV~
I had walked around the corner to see if the line was long at the club, surprisingly there wasn't that many people, the club on the inside sounded very packed, I'm pretty sure Natsu, Lisanna, and Gajeel got here. Lisanna better be matching us! I walked to go get everyone. When I turned the corner I was surprised, well I guess I knew, but it was still shocking to actually see how many of us there were. I counted heads.
1,(being myself)...2,3,4..5,6,7....8,9,10,11,12,13..,14? Then I saw him. Gajeel, In a tight gray shirt. It stuck to him. And his abs. (Wink wink ;P)
He was attractive. Wait?! What am I saying?!
I awkwardly walked to the group of people. I slipped in, standing slightly behind Gray and a obsessive Juvia. I stole glances of Gajeel and his body. I'm not sure why but I found it slightly attractive the way he smiled. He looked around and looked at Gray. I quickly looked away before he saw me. Then I felt it. I felt eyes burning holes into the back of my head. I heard loud steps on concrete.
"Who chose black?" I heard a gruff voice.
"Huh? Oh, um Lucy." I fiddled with my fingers.. Why am I so nervous around him?!?
"Black looks good on you shrimp." He smirked.
"Oh uh thanks. Nice shirt. I guess." I mumbled a bit.
"I guess? Are you saying I'm unattractive?! I'm hurt!" He pouted. I giggled. Mira yelled.
"Okay guys line up!" We all kind of lined up. It was a line drew by a four year old. Mira smoothly handed out Fake I.Ds, it worked smoothly. No suspicion. Our I.Ds looked pretty legit. We got in line, which ran pretty quickly. It was in order, Lucy, Natsu, Lissanna, Bickslow, Mira, Laxus, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Cana, Erza and Jellel, Romeo, Wendy and I.
Lucy and Natsu got in without getting carded. Lissanna got carded. Everyone else got in without trouble, except Wendy and I, neither of us had boobs, and I was extremely short! I guess I did look really young. He finally finished checking Wendy and I's cards. I was so nervous! But we made it in.
Lights were flashing, the bass was booming, people was drunk! It was packed. It was like Walmart on a Black Friday. Mira and the girls walked straight to the bar. She ordered 8 Mojitos. I grabbed mine and we walked to a larger-than-normal booth. And acted as all teenage girls did when they got away with something. Talked about it and giggled madly. The boys went off to who knows where.
"Hey guys. Can we go to the dance floor?" I asked. I didn't want them to get too drunk so I wanted them to focus on dancing more than drinking.
"Yass! Let's go!"
"Juvia wants to dance too!"
"Let's do this!"
Everyone was agreeing and standing up, we brought out drinks with us. We didn't want some creep putting drugs in them.
We walked to the dance floor and just started dancing. I guess maybe we should have watched our alcohol more. I started feeling dizzy. I had drank wayyyyy too Much. We all had. I can tell, Wendy was stumbling a lot and Lucy was slurring.
Maybe I should have Mira call a cab.
"Ma-Mira, call us s'a cab."
"Huh? Oh, o-okay. Luuuuceee. Can you tell n-Natsu, to ummm. Come get us with the boysss?" Mira looked around pulling out her phone.
"Yeah! Um. Natsu, Natsu. Nastu!" She scrolled through her contacts. When she found it she called him. Obviously on speaker,
"Hello? Lucy why are you calling me?" Natsu asked.
"Nastuuuuu, I need. I need you to come take us to our, our cab."
"Lucy are you drunk?" He asked.
"Not uh! No. I- T think levy is though."
"No! I'm. I'm just fine." I retorted loudly. I think we were in speaker cause I heard myself.
"Oh my gawd is the shrimp drunk?" I heard Gajeel say chuckling a bit.
"I'm not drunk! Not!" I hiccuped. But after the hiccup I continued my sentence.
"not a shrimp eitherrr." I complained.
"Lucy are all you guys like this? We're coming by the way." Natsu said.
"Oh Em geeeee thanks natsuuuu!" Lucy yelled, and hung up.
I giggled, I heard Natsu calling us.
"Luce! Here they come!" I shouted all the girls turned their heads.
"Oh my god. You guys are shit faced drunk!" Laxus laughed.
"I am not see look!" Mira yelled. Than tried to walk in a straight line heel-to-toe. And she stumbled. Laxus ran up to her and grabbed her in his arms. Natsu gave Lucy a piggy back ride.
"Gajeel!" I yelled.
"What shrimp?" He asked looking at me a bit confused.
"Does Natsu have a crush on luceeeee?" I whisper yelled. He laughed
"I think so." He answered back. I stumbled a bit.
"Woah shrimp," I felt him grab my by my waist, it felt tingly. I felt my face lift from the ground.
"Gajyyyyy!!" I yelled, I felt my legs being sat down.
"Gajy?" He asked cringing.
"It's so high up here!" I threw my hand up in the the air, I was on his shoulders! He laughed at my comment. We waited by the side of the road until the cab came. We all piled in. I was leaning against the window.
"Where too?" The cab driver looked at Natsu,
"Let's just go... To the Heartfillia estate." He looked at Lucy when he said 'Heartfillia'
"Sure thing!" The cab driver looked forward.
"Hey you guys are really packed back there someone can come up front." The cab driver looked at us through the mirror,
"LEMME DO IT! I NEVER GET TO SIT UP FRONT!" I yelled, everyone giggled.
"Go for it shrimp Ghihi" Gajeel laughed, the cab driver hadn't even pulled over and I just climbed over the seat, being as short as I am. I plopped down in the front seat.
"See! Just a little more room!" He said and everyone in the back seat moved around a bit, I giggled. I was still feeling a bit dizzy.
"Guys I'm ganna ride home after yall, after Um, you guys go to luces. I'm tired."
"You sure shrimp?"
"Y-yeah. I am"
After a while we pulled up to the estate and everyone filed out. Gajeel looked at me slightly worried. But I smiled and waved him off. He smiled a goofy and grin and held the door for the boys to help the girls in. We pulled out.
"Where's home?" The guys asked.
"Uh, the McGardens."
"Okki Doki!"
After a while, I felt someone touch my inner thigh, I looked up and saw the cab driver smile at me. A kind of scary smile. It looked innocent, but his eyes were different. Maybe I'm just seeing things, I am pretty drunk. No, this is real! The cab driver pulled over, and slid his hand farther up my leg, I pushed his hand away,
"Hey, I'm sorry, no thanks." I tried to open the door, but it was child locked.
"Come on, you won't even remember it in the morning."
"But-but. I'm a Virgin! I'm waiting!" I yelled getting worried. I was definitely getting sober.
"I guess I'll be your first." He moved closer. Maybe I could trick him out of this.
"Hey! Okay. Just wait! I have to tell my mom I'm ganna be late."
"Hurry it up. This boner won't be here forever." He said in a rushing way. I texted Gajeel.
Shorty<3- Gajeel Please help. The cab driver is touching me weird! I need help
Gajeel is Sexy<3- What?! Where are you?!
Shorty<3- it looks like I'm right outside of Hastings! Please hurry!
Gajeel is Sexy<3- comin shrimp
"You done yet?" He asked. This dude was dumb.
"Y-yeah." I answered.
"Finally. Anyway where were we?" He asked evilly. He took his cold hand and ran it up and down my inner thigh. I shivered. He took his other hand and slide it into my bra. Feeling my breast. He put his lips on mine. They tasted horrible. Like alcohol and cigarettes. He shoved his tongue in my mouth. I'm just glad he hadn't done anything too bad so far. He begins to unzip his pants. I grabbed his hand. Maybe I can keep it from loosing my virginity.
"Me first." I answered his questioning look. gotta stall! Gotta Stall!! He chuckled and continued what he was doing. Moving his hands closer to my panties. It had been about 7 minutes, when the man wanted to get serious. He unzipped his pants, he snuggled his hand into his pants. That's when I heard it. The sound of my savior. I heard the sound of a motorcycle. The man looked up and looked down at me.
"You bitch." He slapped me hard. I screamed as he hit me again. Throwing my head against the window. I yelled out for Gajeel. I heard the kickstand squeak and I heard the cab driver try to start the engine. I glued my eyes shut. As I heard the Gajeel try and open the cab drivers door, I heard the man try and start to car again when, glass shattered. I hid my face. Gajeel had punched through the glass! The car failed to started as Gajeel pulled the man out through the window. I held my head as my nose was bleeding from getting slammed into the car window. I heard Gajeel yelling curse words. I heard punches being thrown. Silence emerged. Than I heard my door open and two arms wrap around me.
"Shrimp. You good?"
"My- my nose." I removed my hand from my nose and it continued to bleed.
"Oh hell, hang on." I opened my eyes. I was leaned against a tree by where Gajeels motorcycle was parked. He took off his shirt. Abs, I mean, and, he put it too my face while picking me back up, I felt my whole body heat up. I'm glad he couldn't see my cheeks they are probably red as a tomato. I smelled Gajeels shirt, making it not easy to notice.
"Thank you Gajeel." I mumbled
"No problem shrimp. But shrimps like you are hard to find. So, you gotta stay with me for'a while. So I know your safe." He explained.
"Stay with you? Like sleepover?" I asked blushing.
"That's what I'm talkin bout, let's go." He said nonchalantly
"Wait really?" I asked, I'm going to be sleeping at a boys house?!
"Yep. Who knows, that guys might still want you. Your staying wit me." He said in all seriousness.
"Ummm. Okay." I blushed deeper and hid my face farther into his shirt. We got on his bike and drove. Not bothering to put on helmets, though he did grab a shirt from under his seat. What's going to happen at his house?! I hope we doesn't live with his family! That would be embarrassing for me!

1895 words! Thanks for reading guys! I'm not sure how you guys feels out the longer chapters, but I will probably continue them. Thanks for reading! Drama Ahead! Lemon? Doubt it! But anyway! Thanks for reading! Love you my Lovely Waffles

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