Spatulas? Swim? Part 15

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•Levys POV•
"LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER!" I screamed and ran.
"GET BACK Ghihi! HERE Ghihi!!!" Gajeel screamed, laughing. I continued to run around his house, I heard footsteps sprinting behind me.
"KYAAAAAA!" I squealed.
"SHRIMP COME EAT YOUR FOOD!" He grabbed me and spun me around,
"Come on shrimp let's eat." Gajeel said it sweetly, calm and softly, it was so sexy! Er! Um!
"Kk!" I sent him a toothy grin. I can trick this big oaf easy as pie! He dropped me onto the ground. I ran.
"For real?" I heard him sigh and chase after me. Once I was in the kitchen, I grabbed a spatula and aimed it at him.
"First. You must beat me in a sword fight." I said threateningly. He joked
"Ghi. You mean spatula fight?" He smirked.
"SHUDDAP NO TIME FOR TALKING!" I yelled. I put the spatula in his face, he smirked and swiftly slid past me grabbing a 'sword' for himself
"I will take up on this fight of yours. But when I win you have to come on that date with me on Friday." He slowed down. Omg OMG OMG OMG!! He asked me on a date! I don't know why I'm so happy!!!
"Sure. But you won't be winning. And when I win. I get to pick were we go."
We were fighting as if it were life or death. Gajeel had that upper hand. JUST because he was taller. Not because he was better or anything. Never. >#<
"I win shrimp." Gajeel smirked as he put the spatula against my neck holding me from behind.
"Never!" I yelled and pinched his arm really hard.
"Ow!" He let go. I pointed the spatula at him.
"Move and you die." I said seriously.
"Ghihi fine you win. Will you at least eat your food?" He asked tilting his head,
"Fine. But I'm telling everyone in the gang that I beat you at this." I smiled.
"Go for it shrimp, I'll train. I'll beat you someday Senpai." He joked. I turned my head and walked away pretending to ignore him. I sat down at the table and began eating. He sat across from me looking confused.
"Whaa- oh. Senpai pls." Gajeel gave me puppy dog eyes.
"Senpai will never notice you." I told him coldly, of course I'm joking but. This could be fun. Than I heard my pocket buzz.
Message from Mira S.
Mira S.- GaLe babies?
Levy MG- MIRA >o<
Mira S.- anyway get ur stuff we r going to the beach
Levy MG- when?
Mira S.- as soon as u guys get here.
Levy MG- kk. C u then
Mira S.- k.
I looked at Gajeel across from me. He had a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth. He gave me a goofy grin. Which made me smile.
"Senpai is taking you to the beach. You are joining Senpai and her friends." I spoke like a king. Er. I guess queen.
"Yesh shempaii." He spoke with his mouthful. We ate making casual small talk. He continued to call me Senpai. Which I thought was cute that he was going along with my game. When we were done we headed off for the beach. He went to his room to pack bags. Wait I don't have any swim clothes. I have to text Mira. She probably has something for me. No wait! She has HUGE boobs! That would never fit me! It's worth a shot.
Levy MG- hey I dont have any swim clothes. U have any I could borrow?
I waited a second or two before a response was granted
Mira S.- wats ur size?
Levy MG- small.
Mira S.- thats wat I thought. I have something here for u.
Levy MG- omg really?! Thnx Mira!
Mira S.- no prob bob.
I heard a loud thud. I assumed it was Gajeel being Gajeel. But when Gajeel came down from his room looking a bit red. He shielded his face. "Uh um.. Shrimp- Er I mean Senpai." He stuttered? Oh no. What did I do?
"Uh yeah?" I asked.
"Yeah. Um. Here." He stuck out the bag and I opened it. KYAAAAA!!! I mentally screamed. I LEFT MY PINK PANTIES IN HIS ROOM. URGH HOW DO YOU EVEN FORGET YOUR ONLY OTHER PAIR OF PANTIES!!? My face felt 1000 degrees.
"Um thanks. Wanna forget about this and go act normal." I asked hopeful.
"Oh my god. Thanks, yes let's go," Gajeel puts his hand out. I took it and we left from his house to Miras. It was a thrillingly fast and loud ride there. When we arrived I had found a trick to get off. Use Gajeel and a supporter.
"Gajeel don't move." I held onto his shirt, and swung my leg over, I almost fell. But I had a tight grip on his shirt, I hopped off. Once my feet touched the ground, let his shirt go.
"Wow shrimp. You should find a trick not including me. Ghihi." He didn't call me Senpai.
I scoffed at him, he got off his bike. He blushed at the bag. I blushed when I realized it was the bag he handed me my pink panties in. He both walked to the door. Blushes smacked onto our cheeks. Gajeel knocked.
Mira opened the door giggling and cheers were heard from the back.
"Hey guys come on iiinnnnn!" Mira shouted! The music was loud.
Gajeel walked through scoping out the place.
"So hows last night??? Was he good?" Wait like? OMG WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT?! My face grew hot.
"MIRA! Nothing happened!" I admitted
Did you want anything to happen?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
"What? No! I saw him shirtless.... But that was it." I completely misdeeds that to myself. But I guess Mira heard it.
"Omg I have seen him shirtless! Every time we go swimming. Big whoop. You saw him shirtless. How about pantsless.
Like with no pants on? I imagined it. WHY WHY OF ALL THINGS DID I HAVE TO IMAGINE THAT?!? It was hot and stuff. But we were doing stuff!!! Not virgin stuff! Ewe eww ewww! I shook my head.
"Can we just go swimming?" I begged.
"Fine let's go." Mira turned,
"GUYS WE'RE GOING!" Mira turned down the music. Natsu walked up to me.
"OI Levy I need your number." Natsu told me.
"Sure why?"
"Cause Lucy seems to be mad at me. So I need to be able to text you and ask you stuff." He had a valid explanation and I have everyone's number in the group except Laxus.
Natsu and I exchanged numbers. He didn't put a funny name just a stupid one. "Le Dragon"
When we didn't get onto Gajeels bike. I was a little sad. But we are going to the beach, and I wouldn't want to get his seat west anyway. Everyone piled into a van. Gajeel and I, gray and Juvia in back. Lucy and Natsu, Lissanna and Bickslow in the middle seats and Mira in passenger and Laxus driving. In the other car. It was Cana, Wendy and Romeo. Erza and Jellel.
We all made our way to the Beach. We were all pretty quiet Natsu on his phone, Lucy and Lissanna listening to the same music. Sharing an earbud with one another. Gajeel was on his phone too. Everyone but Laxus was staring at their phone or out the window. My phone buzzed.
Message from 'Le Dragon'
Le Dragon- I know what happened this morning between u and Gajeel.
Levy- huh? Our spatula fight?
Le Dragon- wat? No. about Gajeel finding something you left in his room.
Levy- how?!
Le Dragon- he txtd me asking me wat 2 do.
Levy- leme c.
After a moment. My phone sounded and I looked at the messages
DragonBreath- u already knock up Levy?
MetaHead- wat? No! Omg really!? Okay well. I was getting the stuff for the beach ready, I put my swim trunks in the bag and I saw something pink. I move some stuff, and there were a pair of pink panties by my feet! Help!!!
DragonBreath- so levy left a pair of her panties in your room. Whyd she take em off ;)
MetalHead- BECAUSE SHE CHANGED HER CLOTHING! Just help! I can't carry them down in my hands! It be an indirect touch! And if I leave them here! And she finds out! She'll be all weirded out thinking I'm some perv! What do i do?!
DragonBreath- just quickly put them in a bag and let her know they are in there.
MetalHead- if she gets mad at me in blaming you.
Dragonbreath- go for it. C you at Miras
MetalHead- okay. Bye. Thanks.
DragonBreath- no prob.
I blushed at how scared Gajeel was. He cared! I know it was about my panties but I don't mind! I didn't respond and just looked over at Gajeel. I kissed him in the cheek. His eyes widened at he look at me shocked.
"What was that for shrimp?" He asked still wide eyed.
"I don't know! Just wanted to." I lied I didn't want Natsu to get in trouble.
"Okay. Shrimp." He paused after each word. Natsu was looking at us the whole time.
My phone went off. Message from 'Le Dragon'
Le Dragon- cute. U shoulda kissed him on the lips though.
Levy- he doesn't like me like that.
Le Dragon- does that mean u like him like that?
Levy- Wat no!
Le Dragon- k watever, but next time. Kiss him in the lips.
Levy- than I won't kiss him again.
Le Dragon- sure you won't. How about this, if I give Lucy my first Kiss, you have to give Gajeel your first kiss.
Levy- Howd u know?
Le Dragon- no girl who's kissed a guy word be scared to kiss. If you've kissed someone before your not scared to kiss again. But if you've never kissed anyone, your obviously scared to give away your first kiss.
Levy- seems legit.
When we arrived at the beach. I got nervous. Mira didn't should me the bathing suit she got me. WHAT IF SHE FORGOT IT?! let's just hope she brought me something I would wear. Please don't be something super showing and "sexy" Please!
1730 words! Sorry for not updating! I have been on a little bit of a grounding right now. But I'll be back up really soon! Love you my lovely waffles! •RagingWaffles101<3•

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