x. holy shit, it's a ghost

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ten ; holy shit, it's a ghost

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ten ; holy shit, it's a ghost

ten ; holy shit, it's a ghost

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"H-HOW COULD THIS BE real?" Hope stutters, her arms crossed over her chest, her breath trembling, and tears in her eyes. She was trembling, well at least, she thinks she is. She was forcing the tears that so desperately wanted to stream down her cheeks back, forcing them to stay in her eyes. "H-how could she still be alive?"

"I don't know," Freya says, looking through pages of her grimoire. Her short blonde hair in a tangled mess, her eyes slightly crazed as she looked through her book. "But I'm going to find out, if she died in that fire, then she shouldn't be able to be resurrected."

"What if she didn't die? What if she's been alive all this time?" Hayley whispers, her eyes distant as she stared at the wall in front of her. Hayley felt numb, as if the world just crashed around her. If Evangelina hadn't died, why did she fake her death? Why didn't she stay home? And why didn't she say goodbye?

"It-it's a possibility." 

The family fell quiet - well, more quiet than it was before. 

Kol, Elijah, and Davina were the only ones that didn't seem very concerned, or confused. They were standing in the back of the corner, all of them watching the rest of them. 

"Can you find her?" Klaus spoke for the first time since they found out. His eyes were slightly distant, and he had been pacing for at least thirty minutes. 

"I think so, yeah."

"Do it."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The Mikaelson's stood in the middle of a blank white room filled with doors that were differently decorated. 

"Where are we?" Rebekah asks, spinning around as she took in the room. 

"In Evangelina's memories. Each door represents one of her most important ones," Freya says, walking around the room, letting her hand drag along the individual doors. 

Every member walked around the room, looking at each door. However, before they could open a door, a bright white light surrounded them, and they were thrown into a memory. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Who opened a door?" Rebekah snapped, having previously examine a beautiful door. 

"No one," Davina says, focusing in front of her. "It's what Eva's doing right now." 

The family stood in a dark room, with rows of empty cells. Well, almost empty. In one cell towards the very back of the room was two little girls. They were both wearing filthy, muddy, dirty shirts, and they're hair matted. They were huddled together, holding to each other tightly. The room was dark and dirty, there was water dripping noisily on the floor. 

The door opened, squeaking loudly. A woman with long red hair pulled back in a tight braid pushed through the door, grunting lightly. "Damn," she mutters, "that door is fucking heavy."

She was dressed in a white leather catsuit, with a black belt around her waist. She held a gun in her hands, and the family was sure that there was more weapons in the belt. 

She reached her hand up to her ear, "Nat, the room is cle-," she cut herself off, catching sight of the little girls. Fury glazed over her eyes, flame lighting her eyes beautifully. 

"Eva?" a distant voice came, probably from the ear bud. "Eva, are you clear?"

Eva? This is Evangelina? She had grown so much in the last years. Klaus Mikaelson stared at his long-lost daughter, tears glazed in his eyes. His daughter, his little girl that he had treated so horribly. His daughter who he thought had been dead for years

"I'm going to need transport. There's two children here, Nat." 


"She's so grown up," Hayley whispers, tears in her eyes, and throat clogging up. "I missed it."

"Why is she wearing a cat suit? And why does she have a gun?" Hope whispers, tears shamelessly streaming down cheeks. 

"I don't know."

"Hey kiddos," Eva whispers, creeping closer to the cell door, putting her gun away. The two girls scooted back from her, fear clear in their eyes. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise. I just wanna get you outta here, is that okay?" 

The both still stared at her, completely quiet. "I'm gonna open the door, okay? Then we're going to get you two home." 

"O-Okay," one of the girls whispered, clutching the other girl closer to her chest. 

"Alright, it's gonna make a big noise, but then you're going to be out of there, okay?"

They both nod, and Evangelina put two little bugs on each side of the cage. 

"Is that a bomb?" Freya asks.

"Yup," Kol says, popping the 'p.' 

Before anyone else could say anything, a loud boom sounded, and the door of the cell blew off. The two little girls let out fearful gasps, and ducked. 

"Alright, lets get you two out of here," Evangelina grunts, ducking into the cell and crouching before them. "Are any of you hurt?" They both shake their heads. "Is it okay if I carry you two?"

"Can she even carry the two of them?" Rebekah asks. 

"Okay," a little girl whispers, forcing the families eyes back on Evangelina.

"Okay," Evangelina whispers, a gentle smile on her lips. "And I won't drop you! I carry my daughters like this all the time. They just love to be picked up, either from me or their dad. But, I'm gonna pretend as if I'm the favorite."

"Daughters?" Klaus shouts. "She has daughters?" 

"It would appear so, Niklaus," Elijah mutters quietly. 

Elijah didn't like this. If Evangelina found out they were looking through her memories, or that the entire family found out that she was alive, he shudders to think what she would do. His little niece has gotten quite feisty ever since she had moved to New York. She had been better since she married Steve - no matter how much Elijah wished she hadn't married anyone ever - and made her own family. 

And he really dreaded when his family - inevitability - searched from Evangelina. He could imagine how that would turn out.   

But he knows his family. 

He knows that now that they she's alive, she knows that they would stop at nothing to find her. 

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 ━ S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now