Hiding Sunlight

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The next morning we went to the arcade. Stan giving us the day off to do family bonding with the kids. If it's anything like last time, I hope the cells are warm. 

We didn't stay out long on account Wendy having to clean today. Robbie hasn't really talked to me, mostly huffing and running off to his room. Despite that , it hasn't affected the band. We still met up and rehearsed, especially after finding a drummer and keyboardist a couple days ago. This is good. I don't know what his problem is but as long as it doesn't come into the dynamic. 

After playing for a few hours, we went home and relaxed. Still not talking, Robbie sat on my beanbag and played his guitar while I read the journal. Nirvana played quietly in the background as we chilled. The silence mustn't have been killing him because what came out of his mouth had me doing it instead.

"Stay away from Wendy."

That's it. Plain as day. 'Stay away from Wendy', who does he think he is?

"And what makes you think I'd listen to you. She's my friend anyway, why don't you stay away," I glares at him just to meet his. 

"You don't even have a chance. What makes you think she'd EVER like something like YOU," he sneers at me. I freeze. Wide eyed and shocked he would even think of saying that to me. 

He called me a "something"...

With the sudden realization of what he said, he starts trying to apologize,

"Ricky. Ricky, I'm so sorry. I don't mean it I swear. Look it's just that you're both girls and like that's weird. It's not natural and-"

I push him out my room, "GET OUT! GET UP AND GET OUT ROBBIE I SWEAR. IT'S NOTHING UNATURAL...not more then I already am..." I push him one more time out the door and stare at the ground, tears clouding my vision. I hardly ever cry but that...that hurt. A lot.

"I didn't mean it like that! Come on you gotta listen to me. Just, what if it gets out. Mom and Dad would be fine with it but her family? They're traditional Ricky. The town is in the past. What if- what if someone...bad...doesn't accept it. Like seriously, does she even know about your- uh 'condition'?" He looks genuinely worried. Most don't get actual emotions from Robbie, or even care to get to know him. But one thing I do know is that he does care about his family, even if he never shows it around others.

But no, no she doesn't.

It'll never be something I'm proud of. When I was born I wasn't alive. Stillborn of the twins. My parents couldn't except it. They work with the dead all day but to have their baby, someone who never had a chance taken just like that. No, they would NEVER accept that. Anyone whos dealt with bodies day in and day out had messed with the Occult somewhat. My parents went to a man in the woods who had been researching Gravity Falls for things abnormal. Desperate, they went to him and seeing the grief in their eyes, he agreed. He'd been working with someone before, someone who can change things. My parents handed me to him, just hoping for the best. When he walked out of that shack with a crying baby, they couldn't be more happy...side effects be damned. 

More like I'll be damned. 

The side effects weren't like a bad immune system or even brain damage. The closest thing to describe it was Vampirism. I could walk in the sun and all, but I'll never get color. I walk just fine, if I don't forget to stop floating. The only power ever really used is when I sing. It lures people in, like a siren. I can't really help that one.

 The only thing I could never avoid being noticed are my eyes. I tried contacts, the blackest of blacks to match my other eye but...the gold. It burned right through. Nothing could ever stop it from showing; yet, no one ever asked. Oddly enough not the weirdest thing most these miscreants have seen. 

Oh, and the worst one was the type of "nutrients" I need. Blood that is. I know, cliché, but it's to substitute the fact none is flowing through me. It's only once, maybe twice, a month. I tried animals when I was younger; but, I went comatose. It wasn't enough... That's when Robbie volunteered. I can't and wont ever turn him. It can only happen when I choose to or if I starve enough for my control to waver. That only ever happened worse and it was a cat. Vampire cat now. I kept him, couldn't let him be alone forever. Cutie.

I actually don't know about forever. As of now, I grow like a normal teen. I'm 16, almost 17, and about 5'11" ( I made Wendy 5'9" and Robbie and Ricky are 5'11"). Everything else that grows definitely grew, to my demise. All that puberty stuff. No cycle though, thank god. 

The point is, I am not human. But Wendy doesn't know that. There's nothing like me in the journal, so its not like I could prove I wouldn't hurt her. If she wasn't terrified enough to hate me. 

I sigh, "No. How could I ever tell her."

In a rare moment of familial love, Robbie hugs me. I hug back as I feel the despair of her hating me sink in. Still hugging he whispers to me comfort,

"I know its not the best advice but...wait. Wait and see if you'd even tell her. I'm not the best at relationships but I know that's a big thing to hide. If it works out it works out. I just want you safe. I love you Ricky, you know that right?"

I squeeze him and he rubs my back, "I love you too Robbie. I'll think about it. If it doesn't than...there's no one I'd think would be better for her than you. I know you do so don't turn from me. Just, lets not make this what tears us apart. Promise?"


I let him back in my room and we lay on my bed. We stare at the ceiling for a but before looking at each other, smiling. 

Nirvana is still softly playing in the background as we fall asleep.

Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend
As an old enemy

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