Chapter 16

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Omniscient pov
Atlanta Ga

"Wassup babies, it's Brailyn and today i'm going to be vloging since I got a lot to do today."  Brailyn said as she was making a intro to her new video. She had become big on youtube in a small amount of time considering the support from Brysons fans. She was just happy to be making her on money considering her background.

"Today I gotta take Bryson to the airport because he gotta go on tour. Imma be so lonely, I wish I had friends down here. " The few months that had passed Brailyn didn't make any friends. She was a very shy person and she wasn't good around new people. She just kept her focus on her boyfriend and the blossoming baby inside of her.

Brailyn continued to vlog as she went down the stairs making her way outside being that Bryson was already was already waiting for her in the car. "Whew, i'm out of breath" it was becoming hard for her to do every day things, including walking down the stairs being that she was already 4 months pregnant. "fuck a breath."

"Whatchu been doing in ner ? It took you a long time." Bryson spoke. He was irritated being that they woke up late and were already going to be late. Brailyn taking her time getting dressed made them even more late. Now they would have to figure out a way to maneuver around the Atlanta traffic.

"I had to start my vlog. Say hey to them" Bryson looked at the camera while rolling his eyes and continued to drive to their destination.  "Imma just talk to y'all later since Bry got that sassy ass attitude."
Half an hour later

"Guys we're finally here" Brailyn spoke with an evident pout on her face. The shorter was going to be sad when he left. She had no one to talk to besides him. She was now realizing that she had no one but him.
" It's gone be okay bay. Imma be back in two weeks and imma facetime you everyday so it won't feel like i'm gone." Bryson reassured her. He knew how crazy her hormones could get and he hated seeing her like that.
"You promise ?"
"I promise."
The two hugged as they said their goodbyes. "Love you later. "
"Luh you later."
It was going to be a long two weeks for Brailyn.

End of chapter 16
Please excuse any mistakes. I'll try to update this book every two weeks. Im trying to get done with it as soon as possible. I really don't know where to go from here but i'll figure it out along the way 😭.
I'll make sure that the other book that im writing is well thought through. Just bare with me 😭.

Love y'all ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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