ch.1/day 1

18 0 0

I guess you can call me Cinderella the unwanted. Not because I have a step-mother, father, and two step-sisters, but because my brother is the only embodiment of the thing that spells E-V-I-L! And well, my sister too. Still my brother is worse; he makes me feel like a speck of dust and Mom and Dad sound like their robots trying to conserve my life. Today just like any other day I wake up from my bed screaming. No one hears me! Because my stupid bother always decides to put a sock in my mouth. I spat it in his face; before I can comprehend what I just did he punches me in the side, whacks me with his baseball bat and almost drowns me in the bathtub. I sit in the bathroom relieved he left, my lungs are burning like they're on fire in a case with gasoline, and I take as much air as I can into my lungs trying to breathe in big gulps. I was just cooling down, from what happened and rush a shower. I'm just about done when... BANG...BANG BANG BANG! "Ms. Let's take a long time in the bathroom and be selfish for an hour! Can you clear out? Moms calling you!" my sister screeches outside the door. I slip out of the bathroom unnoticed and down the stairs. "When are we going to tell her?, Kevin, she's already 18 years old or at least going to turn that age today, the change is coming. Sooner or later she will get curious....." mom sobs. Through the door I hear, "Trisha you know we can't, remember what Collin and Rhea said 'keep her safe, we're being chased by hunters and we don't want it to affect our dear girl.' Those are exact words that you......" I open the door interrupting their weird conversation. Mom and dad are smiling like giddy people trying to hide their morbid expressions and start singing "happy birthday to you" in loud voices, surprising me. That is until I see the breakfast that awaits me on the table, it's my favourite breakfast: stacked chocolate pancakes with whipped cream, candy and ice cream. Shrugging off their conversation I run to the delicious breakfast that awaits me on the other side. While I stuff my face into my food, my parents are laughing like hyenas. They laugh like that every one of my birthdays because when I am done my breakfast and turn around my face is sticky with syrup, has whipped cream all around and little pieces of pancakes with ice cream. After they splash water on my face and wash it for me mom says, "Honey hurry up before you miss school." I lose my smile and walk out the door trying to avoid the memories that play through my head of the day Elisa, my best friend, died. It was like any other day sunny in the summer and we decided to meet at our usual spot earlier than normal. Mom told me to leave before Elisa left without me; mom knew Elisa was my only weakness. I walked all the way but, as I was nearing I saw Elisa wave at me so I waved back. Out of the blue I heard a BOOM! Ringing in my ears and everything goes blank for a while; all I saw was Elisa on the ground, eyes open and bleeding her heart out. All she said was "Leza run before they shoot you too. Run save your life...." Her voice faded away. I panicked; in the middle of a road, with only two sides the right or left. I reach into my pocket and try to grab, my phone fast. Just, than my life passes before my eyes; the phone keeps falling and my eyes stay entranced on, the sight before me. I tried, to get the retched phone in a grip so it won't fall; the world was falling apart, and I am the only who was able to save it. I was shutting down, the only thing my body was capable of doing was, calling 9-1-1, just to get an ambulance there as soon as possible. When I looked in Elisa's eyes they were blank and like a void of colour, simply dead. I stood there paralyzed for hours torn with the grief of losing my most beloved friend. My life felt like it was sucked out of me and pined to a billboard never to return. It took me about one and a half years to get over the grief I felt that day. She's still my best friend but, everyone's forgotten about the sunny girl that lightened their day and moved on; except for me who has lived with her love for 12 years. At first going to school without her was difficult but it got easier when I pretended I could talk to her through my notebooks; now I've got use to my daily rout.... "Brang!" the school bell rings. Yah, yah schools boring and stuff, 8 hours of hell and all, and everyone knows what the school routine is so I don't have to explain it. School ends, yahoo, I get to go home. I run home free of any distractions through the forest, to not be seen by the twins but, mostly to explore and because I love the smell of nature (sometime the trees and my environment talk to me). Once I reach the door I realize its open.... Weird? I walk in to see everything normal. Pheuf.... I actually thought something was wrong, that is until I enter the kitchen. The sight before me would bring any loving girl to an infinite amount of tears and it gives me extreme amount of pain and grief even more than when Elisa died right before my eyes. I feel my heart crack into a million pieces that can never be put back together again. Blood is everywhere in the kitchen, Mom and Dad are on the floor looking like they've been tortured to death. For the second time in my life I had to call 9-1-1. While the police, investigators, ambulance and exedra, come in and out of the house, I stood frozen there in the middle staring off into space, just like the day Elisa died; the memories replay through my head and give me the pain of being tortured every day in hell. As the people drift by me like ghosts, I stand there dazed in a vision of hell fire.

2 hours later, after they cleaned the house making it look worse and acting like it was normal, the lawyer comes to read out the will. "To Kieshin and Levy Marco, we leave our house and belongings with €15,000 for each of them. To our adopted daughter, Leza Mcklein we leave €650,000." The lawyer read out in his monotone voice. I am shocked that they would leave that much for me. Wait... Did he just say adopted daughter? They couldn't tell me the simple truth that I was adopted. I mean for gods sakes I am 18 already, would it have killed them to have given me a little trust! The lawyer leaves and once the door shuts, the evil twins turn to me (Levy and Kieshin). Kieshin starts by "Leza, why are you still here. This is our house you know so, take your things and leave, because you're not wanted in this place." Then, comes Levy with her very evil smirk, and she says "Oh! Leza, leave all your dresses and stuff here, then get out of this house in 2 hours before we call the authorities." Seriously, now I'm homeless! What a way to end the day... I can't cry, so I might as well get out of this hellhole while, I still have the chance. I rush to put my belongings into my backpack, since I now don't have that many things to take with me. I slip out the door silently, so the devil twins don't know that I've left. At least, I have the clothes I slipped into my bag unnoticed, they belong to Trisha and Kevin. Trisha left an envelope with a letter. Guess I should read it later, once I've settled down.

Went to the forest and found an awesome clearing by the path I usually pass through in the deep part of the forest. By the time I set the fire and have everything ready to sleep, it's 20 to 12. I sit down to read the letter:    

Dear Leza,                                                                                                                                                Kevin and I have prepared this letter for you, because we don't have much time. At midnight, on your 18th birthday, you will change into a wolf, because you're a werewolf. All werewolves have a pack, which means you're also a rogue. We could only protect you for so long. I have no idea where my best friend, your mother is. Collin and Rhea left, leaving you, their precious child in our hands; now the hunter has come for us, don't be afraid of anything just go with the flow. Learn how to fight in wolf form and you will survive, stay under cover and on your guard at all times. You have no idea, how much you coming into our lives have made us happy. Never think you're alone, you're always with people who love you all around, try and be happy, stay low.

                                                                                                           Love, Trisha

That's when the pain comes; it feels like someone has just run over me with a car. My body spasms, I hear a loud crack, and I drop to the ground on all fours. Great, now I am a wolf which means its midnight already. I go to a pond close by and see, huge green eyes staring back at me. I jump and bark, wait did I bark, am I a dog?

You're not a dog, you're a wolf!

Wait who was that? Am I going crazy?

No you're not going crazy silly, I am your inner-wolf.

What's your name?

Don't have one. Why?

Just wanted to know.

Wait, Leza did you hear that?

No! Do you smell that scent? It smells like, mint and chocolate. Yummy! I want to taste it.

Leza, that's our mate.

Yawn... what's a mate?

I'll tell you in the morning...

Before I drift off to sleep, I hear a growl and feel a lick then blackout.....

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