ch.5/ day 5

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Last night I found a note from E it said:

Dear Leza,

I give you advice: expect the unexpected; our messenger has told you our message, your mate is missing. I hope you will satisfy me with your tries to defeat our nation, good luck you'll need it. My spies have told me about your plan to take over, if this is what you want I am sending my army over and I hope you will make this a good show. Until next time.


Now this person is giving me more chores. Just who is this? Are they a group? A person? a robot? An organization? I wonder deep into my thoughts lost in an everlasting puzzle, that no mathematician or being has escaped or failed. I have no solution, my thoughts run in circles, information, poking at my cells to be let out. It's like there's little people in my head racing around, getting things ready, making gear move and swarming around in a work place hanging on to get my every need. I don't need a stupid piece of paper to tell me what to do, or what not to do. I take my own decisions into my own mind and will make a new board for me to keep my future going.

"Keith, I want you to tell me all the transaction happening in our pack with anyone else since the time Daren took over this pack. Now!"

"Luna, there have been many long lists:

1. Maria - Kingston, her sister

2. Luca - Maria, his mate in Mexico

3. Carly - Columbia, Luna of stardust pack




100. Karin - Kieshin, a guy in New York (her boss)"

"Wait, Keith, can you repeat that last one please?"

"Yes, Luna. 100. Karin - Kieshin, her boss in New York"

"Thank you beta Keith, you may leave"

Once I hear the door shut and the scent of leaves are drawn out of the room. I fall down on to my knees; I just can't believe Karin, my mate's younger sister is betraying me, her Luna, for my Step brother or something. What did I do wrong to deserve this torture and betrayal? What pain did she go through, is something wrong with me?

Leza nothing's wrong with you. She maybe just had some business w/ them. Yu know....

Then why is she not here at the moment, when I am in the heat of a battle with myself. I have only spent like 3 days w/ her maybe 2, but that still gives her no right to go against me. I mean she doesn't even know me!

It's going to be okay, everyone will be right by you, so cheer up, now before someone breaks the door!

Breaks the door? Wait, I suddenly realize I'm in the great hall. The smells reminding me of a summer day at the beach, there's peppermint coffee on the, and on the other side is, none other than my mate..."Leza, get up! LEZA get up! Getup" what's that noise. Wrinkling my nose, I inhale all the odours to find them strange. I pop one I open one eye to the lights are as bright as the huge star, the sun. I was never fond of the fact that lights could blind you for minutes or hours, especially for a person with sharpened eye sight, or better yet like me. In the far distance I hear waves in a circle, going down a water fall. At the end, when I open both eyes, the light hits making me blind for a billion days; once the lights gone I see two people in the darkness of a damp. They're both smiling, as if seeing a new era of peace; I feel a slap and burst through the barriers and find myself looking at, the beta, Gemma, and delta, with all the pack warriors surrounding them. Faces of worry, glowing eyes of seriousness; the room was giving itchy vibes of mind blowing anger. That's when Luca speaks

"I Gemma Luca, have grave news to tell you Luna, that is........."

"Gemma, speak" I say in a voice full of authority.

"Um... Luna, yourparentsarewaitingatourfrontdoorstepandwantingtospeakwithyou, newshasarrivedfromthetrackersthattooktestsonthem, theyhaveproventhattheyreallyareyourparents."

"More slowly Luca"

"Okay, Luna, your parents are waiting at our front door step and wanting to speak with you, news has arrived from the trackers that took tests on them, and they have proven that they really are your parents."

"What do you mean my parents?"

They all run out of the room, knowing perfectly a world wind is coming their way, a tantrum that can break down cities. The doctor tries to restrain me from my goal; get to my parents. I smell a metallic, iron, bloody, chemical scent, a lethal substance only used on werewolves; crazy wolves that is. It's Wolfsbane, this substance can kill humans in an instant and make wolves weak, until they go into a coma or even killing them with a silver bullet through the heart. I feel the lethal yellowish chemical, running in my blood stream making me cold, I am glad pony is beside me; my stuffed unicorn, which Trisha gave me for my 7thbirthday. I feel instantly cold, pony's fur the only thing keeping me warm; I am hanging on the edge of a cliff called death, my fingers hold hard, keeping me from falling to my doom, for I must live for them. My thoughts die down and everything is black.....

12:00 o'clock in the morning

I sneak out of the white room, no one notices the light taps of my feet as I run down the hall way. I keep running till I see the door, the guards are sleeping, I open the doors greeted by the depths of night. I only see two figure in a distance silhouette by the outside lights, a bush catches my clothes and I am stuck, but, just then I find a note. It reads:

Dear Leza,

I am close, you do not know my next plan, but, I know you're trapped in a bush, full of thorns, with two strangers behind you. I know you are trying to get away and run. There's just one problem you can't escape my operation E. Betrayals will happen in the morning and continue through the night. Don't trust anyone, that's all I will reveal for now.


That's when something wacks against my head, I feel dizzy, see a million faces and am in the midst of a hungover. My head aches all over, the last thing I hear before everything blacks out is 'good night Princess, sweet dreams'.......

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