ch. 6/ day 6

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I feel strange, it smells like pavement, a solid space that's gravely and rocky. My head is hurting; swamps of stingers are lined up to break my head into pieces with a needle. My back has been invaded by a struggling party; millions of hungry people are lined up just to get a piece of my flesh, and yet I sense no living beings in the place. My limbs are numb, unable to move, I am paralyzed with no cure like Jesus. I just lay there in the darkness waiting for the sun to rise and a new.....

Few minutes later...

CLASH! Were those symbols? Squeak, a mouse? Suddenly I feel a weird contraption, ripping my eyes apart; I see the blinding whiteness of day and speak; just to have a gag on my mouth. That's when I sense two hands on my right, and my nerves get the best of me; I am shaking, the trembles of an earthquake on my body, rid of all murky life forms. That's when everything starts; I hear sweet voices singing tunes of a strange melody. People surround me digging deep; my wolf runs out, my eyes popping and a snout grew. I stare at the wolves around me; showing all colours: black, white, gold and many more.

Oh! Collin look at how much our baby girl has grown!

Who is that? Get out of my head!

Rhea, she grew to be a fine woman. Trisha and Kevin have trained her well.

Who are you? Wait, Collin and Rhea, where have I heard those names before? Trisha and Kevin Where taking about them on my birthday. Something about telling a secret and keeping her safe.

Honey, we are you parents!

Collin, I can't believe she doesn't know us!

You know I am still here right? And that you're taking in my head!

...they didn't say my parents did they? I am sure they did. I can't believe these people for all I know they can be pedophiles. What do these people want? They creep me like, those fall nights, when monsters come out to hunt and say "trick or treat" I go completely rigid waiting for their next move. I wait and I wait, I could be standing here for a millennia, if I keep standing here. It's so boring to just wait on paws, I am ecstatic for some action; oh screw it, time for some fun on the way to flapping town.

Hey, Leza can I take over? You can watch from the back, k?

No, you'll go wacko and kill everybody!

No I won't, come on; it's just for a little whiille

Fine, but promise to not kill anybody.


(Wolf's part/ point of view)******************************************

Finally, I can take back what, Leza can't remember. I have been waiting for a thousand years just to kill the wolf race and get my life back. Before, this girl's body was emerged with mine; I was a country girl, who fell in love. The passion I felt than was my very being and my flickering light on all the shadowed memories. The alpha of a group of rouge wolves and lone wolves, kicked out of their pack, came looking for a snack, something to eat. The Alpha, the leader and a person who basically waists his time almost every day around a desk; ripped my love away from me, it was suicidal. Everything I believed in broke down, in the end I was forcefully pushed of a building, just for seeing the horrid scene. Memories play through my mind, that naïve girl in the back of my head has no idea what's coming; the end of all werewolf kind. I will start it and the end will come when the hunters of these war beasts join the fight. I don't care about my mate; I have a soul, soaked in darkness and hatred, for all wolfen species. I continue to jump on people, wracking havoc everywhere I go, my pack try to console me, but I am way beyond their help, for until the race of wolves are done, I won't stop my destruction.

I throw use less knives at the beasts, before me; blood squirts into a million body pieces. Before, anyone realizes the war has begun....

Time flies around us, destruction, terrorism and all hatred fuelled into one blow; brings this book of lives to the climax, before death, deceives them and, killers drown them in their blood. The battlefield is set, no one to destroy my plan of liberation. Leza, still doesn't realize, that I am E; yes the one and only, E has been me, using her body and sending messages to her, while she writes them by herself. I, the mastermind behind this story, am ending it with, the horrible moments of death. The metallic metal red substance runs down my arm; my next target is her mother, Rhea. Rhea stole, everything from me, many years ago; she took my life; yes the reason I am in this stat before you today, is because she decided to pray and bring me back to make her happy. This only angered me, hatred scorches like fire and burns, like the flames in hell. I run through the many, stink bombs of bodies, to the paradise called revenge. Bodies litter the ground around her, she spots me and calls for help; she doesn't realize what happens, when I stab her in the heart. In her ear I whisper" oh! My sweet Rhea, this is revenge for the pain, you brought, by reviving, someone dead from the inside out" her face fades through my hands, making a pile of dust and red powder at my feet; the best thing is, that, since she's gone, her mate follows in the same path. I on the other hand, have unfinished business with the Alpha of this pack. Boom! Finally the hunters are here, Elisa joins the battle, to annihilate, this race of lythropes. An opening is made, I flash through the moving half dead bodies, running through the evil forest, to get rid of the evil wizard; the Alpha. I reach the end of my marathon and by the time I get there, I see millions of bodies in the room, the course has no yet ended, yet there are millions of tiny specks of dust in the yard called wolves. I, in full control of this girl, in wolf form, than human; slaughter the obstacles in my path. Right there, in the middle I see only 5 wolves left, heeding my mates orders, like he's the king. I stop and watch, as even the Alpha person, bows to him. To realize I have mistaken the wrong person; hunters clash, with werewolves all around me. Wolfsbane infests the air like a swarm of grasshoppers. My speed slows down, the war is almost over and the only ones left standing are me, and Leza's sunshine, Darren. In the days of the moment, I run to him; happy times pass through my head. Then right there in front, of my tormentor, I see myself, gazing into a pond of Ren's eyes. I am, almost about to let go of my sword and run up to him, to forget about the revenge, but, memories rush back, water splashes in my mind; the disgust comes back. Everything, ends when Darren, blankly stares into my voided eyes, and dies right in front of me. My shrilling cry running through the night and piercing swords at my very soul...

(Leza's part/ point of view)*******************************************************

I see millions of bodies, on the ground, my biological parents are dead, and no one is there with me. The night floods of silence, no one lives; I am the sole survivor, million have died. Something heavy is on my legs, too hard to lift. I feel something in my hand rough and rubbery, I look down and see... tears stream down my face, I have no reason to live anymore; I am a murderer, I have killed my own mate and his blood, along with everyone, else's are splat on me, crying for help and someone to save them. I am going crazy by the minute, hurt along with the pain, is unbearable and just hard to handle; the hilt of the knife, that pierced, my love is in my hand. I pull it out and say the last words I can whisper "I'm sorry" then everything goes black and all I see is the warm light calling me home...

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