ch.3/day 3

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Ch.3/day 3

I wake up in the forest, missing the warmth that clouded me, last night. I pat the spot beside me to find it, empty. I open my eyes to find no Daren, and in his place is a letter:


If you want to find your mate, you have to die. I killed Trisha and Kevin, you were supposed to be next, but, I have to find your real parents. Until then, we will meet when the sunrises tomorrow anywhere because I'm after you and your precious family. This is revenge for all the pain you caused me.


This message looks weird and it's typed, so I am unable to tell who wrote this threat to me. My mate is missing, my parents are alive and I found out this E person is after my life. What more does a girl want. Daren already knows about these threatening messages. I told him when I got it for the first time yesterday. Every one of his friends and I decided to have a meeting place at any location, and for me to have a tracking device and emergency button at all times. Just in case someone comes after me, I could contact them in anyway, without talking.  This is like the feeling I got from the book fifty shades of grey, the ending was so sad. Ana tells Christine, that she fell in love with him and all he does is leave her, heartbroken, and struggling to get the pieces together again; today is just like that time. My heart is weakening bit by bit, with: worry, heart calling and me reaching into a mile of empty space to come out with nothing at all. Tears streak my face, my mate is gone, missing, and I have no Idea where he is, his scent is gone, disappeared from the forest; I might not even find him, or ever see him again. I run through my this evergreen coloured forest, following a path laid out in red, until I am deep inside, where no one will be able to find me. I am lost in my life; the one person I met yesterday and thought will always be there with me, is missing, my love and home is crushed. The house is burned to the ground; this pain is physical and emotional.  The forest branches scratch against my skin, creating a pool of blood in the forest. There's salt in my wounds, vinegar in my blood stream; I am once again a child in one of those stories, my parents are screaming at each other; I have nowhere to go, life is miserable, mom and dad fight every day, I get beat and crushed, then I am transported to a world worse.  That girl is lost, I am lonely; I use my blood to write my pain on the ground, I try to rip it out of me, and let my memories free. I want the wings of an angel, to fly away from this world and into the light away from all the pain that no one understands. The people I grew up with have left me alone, I got kicked out of my house, found my mate, just to lose him too soon and be crushed to the planet. Trying to defy gravity is hard, but, I have no one left, my memories are nothing, earth is just a road that leads to self-demise and death. I am a broken girl on it that can't find a reason to keep living. I need to leave that's all I can think of when the darkness takes over my body.

The next time I wake up I am in a white room, it's padded, and everyone's outside the room. Staring at me, through the glass. What is with everyone and staring at me? They all stare intensely; I am confused, as to why. Everyone's suddenly scared to even come close to me. That's when Karin, comes in.

"Karin, why is everyone scared to even come close to me, it's not like I am dangerous?"

"They're scared because you almost killed half the pack in the forest!"

"What do you mean?" Now I am really confused at what she's saying. I don't remember doing anything to any of those people. What happened with them? I didn't do anything except sleep in the forest. No one was there, except for me, I was crying by a tree. I scratch my head in confusion, what is she saying? It all sounds like gibberish to me, the Luna.

"Don't you remember? Lucas came to carry you then you went all bonkers! You started to scratch and injure everyone half to death. Just to get you home, we had to build a trap. Then took an hour just to get that whole cage in the car. It's like your wolf had rabies, she was restless, and she only started to calm down when we gave her Daren's shirt. Why?"


"Sorry, Luna... anyways what were you doing with your blood, you were all scratched up when we found you?"

"You wouldn't want to know...."

"Leza, you're not telling me something. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk. You should have learned by now not to lie to me. Even if you're the Luna."

"No! Karin it's okay I don't want to have one of your horrible, pranks on me! I saw the pink hair yesterday and I don't want any. Nope"

"Then, tell me"

"We have to keep the pack extra protected; she said she was going to attack us because of me. You have to keep them safe, they're coming after me and we need to be on full alert for all rogue and strangers. So everyone has to be on lock down mode fast!"

"Leza, you're scaring me!"

"I repeat, tells everyone to go one lockdown mode. Karin listens to me and snaps out of it!"

Karin runs out of the room, my only choice now is to take over the pack. I don't know how to be a leader but, I have to be strong for them. After Daren, they're all I have, I can't let them survive this world on their own and become rogues to be attacked again. Children are our future they have to be protected my other choice is to sacrifice myself to for them and Daren wouldn't want that. My Parents built me strong so I must stay strong; this pack needs my help for the better or the worse. My first priority take care of the pack, my second find my parents.

"Luca can you get all the trackers and tell them to do research on my DNA? Also, tell them to find locations of my relatives."

I was walking to the door when I hear Lucas call for me. "Wait, Luna do you know why you want our trackers to do that. I know them and I am pretty sure, they'll tell you it's going to take more than 2 weeks to do that." He bows down in respect for no reason; seriously I am not getting used to the constant Luna name.

"Luca, get up and stand tall." When he does I answer his question "I want to find relatives, because I know my biological parents are out there somewhere in the world, hiding from the same person that's after me, and I plan on getting to them before they can even find their location. I don't care how long it takes but, just find them." I hear a 'yes, Luna' and then the door slams shut. I walk over to Daren's desk and see piles upon piles of paper work, I don't believe my eyes there is so much paper it fills the room; it's like a paper museum. I am stuck in that room for unknown hours.

At night

This is the 7th time I woke up in bed me screaming and screaming, when nightmare after nightmare came along, not even pony my sole survivor of life can save me. This never happened when Daren slept with me; he's not here and everything feels so wrong: I can't sleep and I can't eat, because of nightmares and because I just vomit the food out once I am done. My body won't accept any food, it just wants something. I get out of bed pace around the room, to get some gears working in my head; doesn't work. I go down to my office and start working for about 3 more hours. Only the working is keeping me from tearing down everything in this house to shreds. I just need a relaxation technique but, nothing is working. That's when I decide it's time I read a book, from his shelf. I take down the book called child x. I start reading the first page concentrating on every detail the book is giving me, then hanging on for dear life to let go of reality. I just hope this book would help my situation, because I have no where left to go and nowhere left to hide, I am now just an open, empty box that needs to survive. The novel does just that giving me an idea at the end; if you haven't realized all my knowledge comes from my love of books, if you read just deep enough everything will pop out on its own. I just sit there reading all my fairy tales again until I drift off the edge into a luring deep sleep, where I won't feel a worry in the world......

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