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I wake up to a light breeze against my skin. Stretching my arms across the bed I find nothing but cold sheets. Butt naked on the bed, I reach for the sheets and wrap them around my body.

Sitting up straight, a series of conflicted emotions hit me like an unexpected wave. What have I done? There is no way that could have been a dream, the pain and marks are there to prove it. I get out of bed into the shower thinking that will help clear my head, but that doesnt seem to work. Cleaning up in the shower only seems to bring up memories. The water running down my skin awaken the sensation I felt when Rose ran her hands up on me while I made love to Bryson thinking it was her. How she paid attention to every spot on my body while Bryson was waking up a vixen in me.

The music behind the door wakes me from my trance and I realize I pleasured myself. I rewash, not in the head space for picking clothes I put on a light gown and head for the kitchen, I am hungry. I hear my favorite song come on and sing along. Not looking where I am going, I bump into Rose, she laughs at me, saying my bad singing messed up my walking path. This girl is something else, I greet her as she tells me breakfast is almost ready. I could wake up to this every day.

She serves us pancakes, bacon and fruit punch. We eat in silence, music playing in the background. I start to realize Bryson is not with us making me ask.

Me: where is Bryson?

Rose: I dont know, he wasnt here when I woke up. She answers honestly.

This makes me wonder if I over did it yesterday. I decide to shift my conversation with her to last nights wild actions. I am shocked that I have managed to chase a guy within eight months of dating all because my curiosity got the best of me. I mean guys usually leave their girl for not agreeing to a three-some not for initiating it.

Rose tells me that I am overreacting and that I need to calm down. How will I calm down when I dont know what may be going through his mind? I just hope I didnt fuck up. I did too much, I enjoyed every bit of what happened yesterday and thats about all I am guilty of. I am guilty of enjoying a three way with my best friend. After eating I clean up the dishes and counters while Rose takes a shower.

I change into sweats and tell her I am going out for a walk when really; I am off to go look for Bryson. I want to check up on him, Rose told me to give him the day clear his head, but I am not patient, four hours tops is how long I am willing to wait. I walk around the neighborhood contemplating his thoughts, I am overwhelmed with mixed emotions. I am both scared and anxious to see him.

After some time sitting under the tree opposite his house, I decide to call him. The phone rings for a long time and goes to voicemail, I call him for the second time in hope that he will answer but to no avail. I walk my sorry ass home using the longer route to torture myself with my harsh thoughts. This is it; this is how my relationship ends and it pains me a little just not as much as I thought it would.

When I get home Rose is waiting for me on the couch with a bottle of my favorite wine and snacks. We cuddle to some romcom I find on Netflix and stuff my face with greasy food drinking and yelling at the tv for not listening to me. I look up at her and tell her how thankful I am she hasnt walked out on me and neglected me with hiccups interrupting my speech. I hug and kiss her cheek and finish my glass before I pour more wine, but she tells me to go easy on it knowing damn well I want to drink my sorrows away.

We fight over my glass of wine because she thinks I have had enough so I galp it all in one go and whip my mouth with my back hand and gladly give her my glass. When her fingers touch mine something about it feels different and we stare at each other for a bit. I put the glass aside and grab her face with both my hands and kiss her like my life depended on it.

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