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Trisha's POV
*2 days later*
I still have no idea where I am. I shouldn't have listened to that damn phone call. If I didn't I would be in Nash's arms right now instead of being hurt by this person I don't even know. Yes, whoever this is has hurt me. I have cuts and bruises everywhere. I really don't know what they want with me. I hope somehow Nash will find me, and I hope he doesn't stop looking. My kidnapper took my phone, and I could get the ringtone I picked for Nash. It gives me just a little more hope. Oh great, here they come. He/she walks in and sits in front of me.
"Whatever you want from me, tell me, I could help you." I try to say with anger in my shaky voice.
"That might be a little hard." I finally know, it's a man. His voice was a little familiar, like I haven't heard it in a long time.
"Who the fuck are you?!" I demanded.
He smirked through his mask.
"You really want to know?" He asked with an evil smile. I nodded vigorously.
He took off his mask and immediately tears pricked at my eyes.
"D-Dad?" I stuttered. He smiled.
"Did you miss me baby girl?" He smiled.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! Why the hell would I miss you?! You left me and Erin when I was 4! She was 1! 13 years! 13 fucking years!" The tears started to fall.
"Young lady. Watch your language." he scolded me.
"You can't tell me what to do! You aren't my father! I'm not your baby girl anymore, I'm 17. I can take care of myself." I told him.
"You know, I want to make up for those 13 years." he said smiling.
"Too little too late assho-" I was cut off by a hand smacking my cheek.
"Don't talk to me like that. You're mine now." he said grabbing his whip.
"No please no don't do that please." I begged for him to stop. He smirked.
"You reminded me, maybe I should get your younger sister here too." he smirked.
"No please no do whatever you want with me just don't hurt Erin." I said. Yes I would give up my life for Erin to be safe. I know Nash and Hayes would take care of her. And mom.
"I'd love to see how she's doing." he said.
"Yeah I'm sure you do. You left when she was 1!" I screamed. Crack. He hits me with the whip. Pain shot through my leg. I really hope Nash comes before I get really hurt.
Nash's POV
"Guys we need someway to find her!" I yelled. I had called Cam, Shawn, Matt, the Jacks and Aaron.
"Bro calm down!" Aaron tries to quiet me down.
"Calm down?! Calm down?! My girlfriend has been missing for 3 days! I won't be calm!!" I scream.
"We'll find her Nash!" Cam declares.
I sit down and run my hands through my hair.
"I feel so shitty." I say out loud.
"What? Why?" Johnson asks.
"I told her I'd never let anything happen to her and now she's missing." I let some tears fall.
"Hey man it's okay." Johnson reassures me.
"I hope it will be, I don't know what I would do with myself if something really bad happened to her." I say.
I immediately look up.
"What what what what tell me tell me tell me." I say grabbing his shoulders.
"Find my iPhone!" He screams.
"Could that work?" Cam asks.
"You said her phone was picked up by a man right? That was obviously her kidnapper so we just need her location from her phone" Shawn finishes.
"YOURE A GENIUS SHAWN!" I hug him and run to my phone to do the find my iPhone thing.
(A/N I don't really know how it actually works so let's say it does how I say😂)
We pile in the car and drive.

Thanks for all the reads guyssssss👋
Btw I'm ending this book soon and there might be a sequel idk yet😁😁

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