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Let me just say guys, over 200 reads!!! Oh my goodness! I was excited when I had 100! 😂 Thank you guys so much for reading, and hopefully enjoying my book! Thanks! Keep reading! 🙈

Nash's P.O.V.
Mom drove me, Trisha, Erin, and Hayes to the airport. We're meeting the other boys in LA. I'm really excited for LA, but I'm a little worried about Trisha, I mean she has an arm and a leg in a cast.😂 As we're driving I turn around in my seat and glance at Trisha, Hayes and Erin in the back. I give Erin a smile, she smiles back. I can tell she's jealous, I know she likes the O2L boys. We finally arrived at the airport and mom said, "We're here everyone." We piled out of the car, and I grabbed my luggage, Trisha grabbed some of hers, Hayes and Erin helped with the rest. Our flight leaves at 9:30, right now it's 8:15. We have some time to kill.
"I'm going to Starbucks anyone want something?" I asked.
"Uhh yea can you get me a grande caramel frappe?" Trisha asked.
"Sure babe." I answered. Hayes didn't want anything and Erin was coming with me. We got in line to order.
"So, are you upset? I know you really want to meet the O2L boys." I turn to Erin.
"I understand you can't take me this time and I get why. It doesn't bother me I mean, we've only known each other for a month or so now. Yeah sure I wanted to meet the guys but yeah it's fine there's always other opportunities and Hayes and I are going to have a lot of fun." she answered me.
"Yeah, but not too much," I winked at her. She giggled as we walked up to the girl at the cash.
"Hi welcome to starbucks what can I get you?" She said. I ordered the stuff and asked Erin,
"What do you want?"
"It's ok I'll buy my own." she said.
"Are you sure?! I'll get you something!" I offered her.
"Nah I have a gift card." she laughed.
"Oh alright then!" I answered laughing. Erin ordered her drink and as we started to walk back to Trisha and Hayes, a group of girls came over. Great. Just what I need right now.
"Nash!" They screamed. I took pictures with them and then left. I got to Trisha and handed her the frappacino. I sat down beside her and put my arm around her.
"Thank you baby." she said and handed me a five dollar bill with some change.
"What's this for?" I asked her.
"My drink." she said with a "duh" face.
"No put that away, you're my girlfriend I pay for your drink ok?" I looked at her.
"You're too much." she said kissing me on the nose then putting her money back in her purse. We just hung around, talked untill about 9:15. Trisha and I started getting ready to board. At 9:20 the intercom said,
"Now boarding flight 26 to Los Angeles."
"That's us!" I said to Trisha. She smiled at me. We said our goodbyes to Erin, Hayes, and mom. Erin hugged me and then ran to Trisha, she said,
"I'm gonna miss you, be careful, text me when you get there, call me, FaceTime me, everything. I will see you in 2 weeks."
"Bye Erin, have fun with Hayes and be good for Elizabeth." she answered. They are just like sisters.
"You kids have fun, be safe, especially you Trisha, see you in a couple weeks." My mom said as she hugged both of us. After our goodbyes, we went through security and blah blah blah all that airport stuff, and boarded the plane. Trisha sat at a window seat and I sat beside her on the other side of me, was some other teenage boy. He nudged me.
"Yo is that your girlfriend?" He smirked.
"Yeah it is." I answered.
"She's cute." he said.
"Yeah and she's mine." I shot back. I turned back to Trisha and she laughed at me.
"Smooth." she said. She put her head on my shoulder. I put my arms around her and kissed her cheek. She fell asleep for the plane ride. We landed and I woke her up softly.
"Babe come on get up beautiful we're in LA." She rubbed her eyes and blinked at me god, she so adorable I love her so much. We got all our stuff and saw Cameron and Matt waiting for us. Matt ran to Trisha,
"Hey crutches!" He yelled and hugged her picking her up.
"Hey Espinosa!" She answered. I'm so happy that my best friend and my girlfriend are close friends.
"Hey man," Cameron greeted me.
"Sup bro how are the guys?" I asked him.
"They're good, excited to meet her." Cameron smirked. "They're happy you finally have a girl."
"Haha so funny.Coming from a guy with no girl." I shot back. Cameron rolled his eyes then helped grab some stuff and we piled into the car, it was quiet for a while until Trisha spoke up.
Trisha's P.O.V.
LA is already so beautiful. It's so cool. I wanted to know who were going to be there so I asked,
"So who all are there?" Matt quickly answered my question.
"JC, Kian, Connor, Ricky, Trevor, and Andrea. I think Jenn might be there tomorrow."
"That's cool! I've always wanted to meet Andrea Russett as well! She's so cool." I answered. I decided to tweet a "tyler Oakley" type tweet.
"@trisha314: LA I am in you." Immediately re tweet and favourite after the other. My social medias have been rising in followers and I'm a more known youtuber now. I then got a reply from Tyler himself. "@tyleroakley: @trisha314 love the tweet we sound a lot alike, besides that we should meet up!☺️😂" I freaked out since I love Tyler so much. I squealed when I saw the tweet.
"What's wrong?" Nash asked concerned.
"Oh nothing just TYLER OAKLEY JUST TWEETED ME TO HANG OUT" I showed him the tweet.
"That's to cool, I know how much you worship him. I know Ricky has his number." He answered.
"Really that'd be so cool!" I said excitedly.
"Well right now let's focus on O2L because we're here!" Cameron interrupted. We jumped out and grabbed all our stuff. Wow, it's even nicer than in the videos.
"Nice Hun?" Nash put his arm around me.
"Yeah it's beautiful." I answered.
"Well good because we're staying in here for 2 weeks so." he laughed.
"Oh I'm fine with that."I answered. We walked in and JC greeted us.
"Hey Nash, come on in man long time no see." He grabbed some of the luggage and brought it up some stairs. Nash took my stuff from me all except my purse obviously. We walked in to a living room to see them all sitting right there. Oh my gosh. Ricky was the first to get up to greet us.
"Hey Nash!" He did the guy thing with him. Ricky turned to me and said,
"Ooooo I finally get to meet you Trisha! Nash talks about you a lot, I've been watching you YouTube channel and I think I follow you on Twitter!" I was a bit speechless I mean he's so full of energy.
"Yeah you do, and it's so cool to meet you to ricky! I'm a fan." he smiled and said.
"Well now you're my friend girl. Here I'll give you my number." I passed him my phone and he punched it in.
"Thanks!" I said.
"Well come in sit down, make yourself at home, I mean it's your home for 2 weeks." Ricky told us. Nash helped me over to the couch where Kian, Trevor and Andrea were sitting. JC came back from upstairs.
"Where's Connor?" Matt asked him.
"Oh yeah let me get him. CONNOR WE HAVE GUESTS!" JC ran back upstairs.
"Hi Trisha I'm Andrea, I've been watching your videos, I really like them." Andrea turned to me.
"Oh thanks so much I really like yours too." I answered her with a smile.
"You have such a pretty smile," she said.
"Oh wow thanks! Its nice to have a girl around, well you know other than a 13 year old." (A/N: lol no offense to Erin but you know age group😂)
"Haha yeah, here put your number in." Andrea passed me her iPhone. She already had my name typed in as "Trisha🙌" I put in my number, and passed her phone back to her.
"Thanks!" She said, then I got a text.
"That's me" she told me. I went to the chat and added her as "Andrea🙈"
"Hey I'm Kian it's nice to meet you." Kian turned to me.
"Hi Kian I'm Trisha." I answered.
"You're Nash's girlfriend right?" He asked me. Just when I was about to answer, Nash wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek saying,
"Yep she's mine!" Andrea and Kian laughed.
"Yeah," i said, "And this one is mine." I tapped his cheek. Just then JC and Connor (Franta😬😍) came racing down the stairs. JC had a MacBook in his hands and Connor was chasing after him. "GIVE IT TO ME JC CAYLEN!" Connor screamed.
"WE HAVE GUESTS YOU HAVE TO MEET ONE!" JC yelled back obviously talking about me. Andrea, Kian, Trevor, Ricky, Cameron, Matt, Nash and I were all bursting with laughter. Connor stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he saw us all laughing. His face was so red.
"Sit on the couch, socialize, then maybe you'll get your laptop back." JC pointed at the couch. Connor walked over and sat beside Kian. Connor had his head buried in his hands and was in a little ball. He's so cute.😂 Kian put his hand on Connor's back and said
"We have people over." Connor looked straight at me. I smiled nervously. Then Connor's eyes grew wide.
"YOURE TRISHA MONTGOMERY OH MY GOD!" He jumped up. He whipped his phone out and called someone.
"She's right here. she's staying at my house! okay okay I'll give her your number. see ya bye." He turned to me and held his hand out.
"Your phone?" He said. I unlocked it and handed it to him. I immediately got 2 new contacts. "Connor👌💭" and "Tyler💁" Oh. My. God. Connor Franta just put his and Tyler Oakley's number.
"So Connor like you didn't already know this is my girlfriend Trisha." Nash put out there.
"Oh I know you tweeted about it many times!" Connor answered.
"Anyways, Trisha how did all this happen?" Andrea asked me as she pointed at my casts.
"Yeah explain to them how you gave me a heart attack." Nash turned to me.
"Oh well I woke up one morning and wanted some fresh air, so I went for a walk. Then the last thing I remember was trying to call Nash then big headlights coming at me. The rest is black." I explained.
"Dayum" Ricky said.
"Yeah scariest phone call ever. I thought she died. That would have ruined my life." Nash answered.
"Awwwwww" they all said. I smiled at him at pecked his lips.We spent the rest of the night learning about each other. Finally at 2:15 in the morning, Nash and I went into our room. I snuggled into his shirtless body and fell asleep on his arms.

Sorry for the long wait guys!!!!
I put a lot of thought into this!😁 Hope you enjoy!😘

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