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⌕ pairing  : Chan x Felix

⌕ genre     : si abang kalau lagi ngerayu si adek

⌕ created : 18/02/2022

felix: oke bang, aku ambil--

chan: eh shuuushhh!

felix: uh, kenapa?

chan: tuh, denger gak?

felix: denger apa?

chan: suaranya malaikat!

felix: hm? engga.. emg suara malaikat kayak gimana?

chan: shuuut!! itu tuh barusan ngomong lagi!

felix: .... 🙂

felix: nyehhh bisa aja. mau dicipok pake stick PS bang?

chan: bibir kamu aja dek, hehe


a/n anyway i have another rants :D

my opinion in each –lix centric fandom

or me trying to praise fandom and insult them at the best way <3

chanlixers are very nice and friendly and they got creative fanfics too but a big F to indonesians

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chanlixers are very nice and friendly and they got creative fanfics too but a big F to indonesians. (i will find every moment to insult indo ppl BRUH you guys are great authors but why so quiet?!!? <3 )

hyunlixers aren't as big as chanlix fandom but they got solid fandom, greatest fanartist, with khyunlixer keep feeding our need

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hyunlixers aren't as big as chanlix fandom but they got solid fandom, greatest fanartist, with khyunlixer keep feeding our need.

literally i would kiss and hug every hyunlixers coz the mass hate they had to endure. what a fuckin miserable twat to hate sunshine and barking abt bottom hj.

 what a fuckin miserable twat to hate sunshine and barking abt bottom hj

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changlixers are blessed with moments. i dont have any other opinion 'cuz i dont read changlix story that much. all i know is they constantly being the side ship in other ship fanfics.

jilix fandom aren't as big as the other three but they got the cutest people

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jilix fandom aren't as big as the other three but they got the cutest people. most of them just shipping platonically or in sunshine twins agenda. they also aren't really strict with top/btm preference which kinda make me lost bcos i dont read top flx content '-'

 they also aren't really strict with top/btm preference which kinda make me lost bcos i dont read top flx content '-'

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i mostly interact w/ kminlixers and all they do is making FA or collecting crumbs. they great at doing it too. pretty chill and i like being here. almost the same w/ jilix people often ship them platonically.

 almost the same w/ jilix people often ship them platonically

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jeonglixers are nowhere to be seen but i know they're THERE. moments and crumbs literally in front of our eyes but people a.k.a STAY are too afraid to face this ship. (maybe just because they still in cute soft innocent maknae agenda) bro, wake up. you just fuckin pathetic atm.

seunglixers are in the brink of extinction

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seunglixers are in the brink of extinction. are they even exist tho?

STAR LOST ; drabblesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang