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⤷ FIVE; friends ⤶


ONE WOULD OFTEN SHOW REMORSE WHEN THEY SAW THE EMBARRASSMENT THEY CAUSE but i couldn't help but relish in their embarrassment. The once unwavering confidence now void as they hung their heads low in shame as they passed me. Our siblings giving me smirks and thumbs up as they trailed behind them.

Their once perfect blond locks still stained with a harsh Gryffindor red, it almost made me feel regret but then I pictured the face of Tommy whose face looked identical to theirs almost a dozen times.

Pride was something was my father bestowed upon me and I would not waste it just on anyone. Their embarrassment was to be enjoyed by all those who came to hogwarts to enjoy their magical journey only to be crushed by those who were cruel to them.

Happy that their smirks had turned to deserving scowls, i knew it made me horrible but I did it for those who have been hurt and humiliated by them for years. For those who have been hurt by the egotistical misogynists that were unfortunately were my older brothers. I loved them but I didn't like them in the moment.

Unable to help the grin that lifted onto my lips as I passed by their group, my sisters and cousins joining them. Ignoring the annoyed expressions of their friends as Analise began cackling at them with Louise's giggles.

"Merlin, did you see the look on their faces." Looking at the constipated expression on Analise's face before letting out a couple of chuckles.

Arriving at our potions class that was held by Professor Slughorn, a bit dimwitted but overall decent teacher. "You still have your essays right?"

This was the third time I had reminded them about it. Sure they were absolutely brilliant but they were the definition of procrastination. Leaving things to the last minute before they eventually forgot about it.

"Yes Elly. We've told you a million times." Lou was a literal golden retriever. "Yeah. We got this man." Ana on the other hand was what you call a hybrid species. See where i have learnt that Lou was a golden retriever, Ana was a pit bull and donkey in one.

"Okay sure. If only you could remember to do them." We walked through the door to see that there were a couple of people already sitting down. In front of the board was the jolly Slughorn.

Laughing at what seemed to be nothing as his eyes landed on me. "Ah Miss Dawson, so lovely to see you again." My father was his best student when he was here. With that and my quick learning plus wit, I soon became the same. It was kind of funny. When I first walked into the room he giggled to himself when he saw my eyes.

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