I'm not Fine

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(I'm Fine Part 2)



A sleepy Hiccup yawned, rubbing his eyes. The blonde heard his voice but continued to pace. Hiccup finally started to see through his foggy morning state. He noticed Astrid's bindings by his feet and glanced up at the young girl pacing around in circles, almost drowning in her own tears. "Astrid? What's going on?" He worried, though still using a soft tone as he remembered her head wasn't great. He stepped in her path, halting her steps. She finally looked up at him, still crying hysterically. "Astrid, what is it? Couldn't sleep?" He wondered. She shook her head, losing eye contact. Hiccup rubbed a gentle hand down her cheek, wiping her tears away with his thumb. He was stunned by the heat radiating from her. "Sweetie, are you sick?" Concern was clear in his voice.

"I- I don't..." She rasped between sobs and shallow breaths. Her voice sounded as bad as it felt, possibly worse. "Oh, gods it hurts Hiccup." She cried, falling against his chest.

"What? What hurts?" He panicked.

"Everything." She admitted. "My head, my chest, my back. I've tried everything. Hiccup, I have never been in so much pain before."

"Have you been like this all night?" The blonde nodded. "Why didn't you wake me up?" He mentioned. Astrid didn't respond. "Let's get you to bed and I'll make you some Willow Bark tea. See if that helps, okay?" He suggested. Astrid was too tired to argue and would honestly try anything at this point. Hiccup walked her to his hut, as his was closer. She rested against the door frame, unable to move an inch further.

"Hic- Hiccup." She mumbled as her legs buckled beneath her.

"Woah, okay. Take it easy." Hiccup caught her and scooped her up, carrying her to bed. He tucked her in, only for her to kick the blanket off in protest. "Okay, too hot. Got it." He noted. He quickly whipped up some tea and handed it to the sleepy blonde before fetching a bucket of water and a cloth to help wipe some of the sweat from Astrid's forehead, hopefully cooling her down in the process. Astrid took small sips from the tea, trying hard not to spill it as her hands were still trembling. "Just give it a minute to work its way into your system. I'll be right over here."

He sauntered towards his desk and pulled out a box full of some of Gothi's old medical notes that he had kept for cases just like this. He heard a groan coming from behind him and spun to see Astrid wriggling. Her arm clutching her stomach and her eyes squeezed shut as if she were physically trying to tear herself away from the pain.

"Astrid?" He checked.

"Mmm." She whined. He raced to her side, faster than he could blink.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here." He assured. Her once closed eyes flung open as she shot up and her hand reached out to the side.

"Hic-" She opened her mouth to speak but closed it fast, brow furrowed in determination.

Hiccup seemed to know exactly what was about to happen and pulled away from her searching around the hut. His forest green eyes landed on a wooden bucket with some discarded paper inside it. He rushed over to the bucket, dumped out the contents, and thrust it onto Astrid's lap. It was good timing too because that was the exact moment Astrid spewed out her dinner. She kept searching with her hand until it finally met with Hiccup's and she gripped it tightly.

He stationed himself beside her, tucking her bangs away and rubbing gentle circles along her back, which seemed to soothe her, at least a little. When she was sure she was done, she collapsed into the boy beside her. He carefully moved the bucket and placed it on the floor before maneuvering them both to make her a little more comfortable.

"Hiccup..." She whispered.


"I'm sorry."

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. Understand?" He almost scowled. "Just try and get some rest. I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled sweetly as she finally settled against him and drifted off to sleep. Exhaustion finally taking over.


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