Sliced and Diced

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Set during RTTE season 5

Astrid was stood at the door of the clubhouse, sheltering from the rain, though refusing to go to bed until Hiccup returned from his latest stupid endeavor. He was late. Hiccup was very seldom late. But Algae Island wasn't exactly a vacation location, so Astrid couldn't help but worry. And when she saw Hiccup fly Toothless into his hut, her worry only increased. She raced to his house and knocked on the door, despite just wanting to run in and bust him for worrying her.

Knock. Knock.

"Hiccup?" She called.

"Astrid?" He noticed as he opened the door.

"You're l-late." She shivered. Hiccup sighed. You see, Hiccup had managed to run into a stray dragon on Algae Island and it had ended pretty badly. As much as he wanted Astrid to go back to her hut to let him fix up his wound without worrying her anymore, he couldn't bear leaving her out in the rain, so hesitantly invited her in and immediately threw a fur blanket over her shoulders. "What happened? W-was it the Flightmare?"

"Not exactly." Hiccup winced as his hand grasped a fistful of his tunic, and though he was facing away from Astrid, it didn't go unnoticed.

"Hiccup? Are you hurt?" She wondered.

"I'm fine. It's just- argh!" He hissed, dropping to his knees. Astrid was by his side faster than she could blink. She knelt in front of Hiccup to see a large slice across his tunic, starting on his left shoulder and ending on his right thigh, slicing right through the fabric. Only then did she notice the trail of blood that had followed him from the door.

"Hiccup, what the hell happened?!" She gasped, helping him onto the bed.

"Baby Timberjack..." He rasped.

"Hiccup, what did I tell you about playing with young Sharp Class dragons?" She scowled as she grabbed the box of medical supplies from under his bed. "You could have been cut in half!"

"It's just a scratch. I'm fine." He insisted.

"You know I'm not b-buying that." She glared at him. "Get your shirt off. I need to clean the wound."

"Astrid, I can do it. You should just go back to bed and get out of those wet clothes before you freeze." He suggested.

"Hiccup, d-don't be such a b-baby." She rolled her eyes. "I'm your girlfriend. I'm gonna see you shirtless eventually."

"Yeah, that's not making me feel any better."

"Ugh!" She growled before tearing off her outfit and tossing it aside, leaving her in just her bindings. Hiccup turned away out of respect. "There! No more wet clothes. Just take it off before you bleed out!" She hissed.

"Okay. Okay." He sighed in defeat before tearing off his tunic. Astrid almost immediately covered the wound with some clean cloth to slow the bleeding, pushing Hiccup down until he was lying across the bed.

"I can't believe you weren't gonna tell me." She thought.

"Of course I was gonna tell you, Astrid, just, once I'd gotten it cleaned up and under control."

"Hiccup. Let me ask you something. If I had gotten sliced and tried to hide it from you..."

"Trick question. You're smart enough not to get sliced." Hiccup responded.

"Hiccup..." She glared.

"Fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to hide it."

"Good. You can open your eyes you know." Astrid let out a small chuckle.

"I know." Hiccup noted. Astrid rolled her eyes. Her hand remained over the cloth to keep him from bleeding as she leaned down to kiss him softly. His eyes gently fluttered open as she backed away. "What was that for?" He wondered.

"Just for being you." She admitted. "I love that you're so respectful. Not many guys are."

By this point, Hiccup had stopped responding. He just smiled at her.


"Nothing..." He said, staring up at the blonde as she smiled down at him. "I just... somehow you're even more beautiful than I thought."

Astrid's cheeks suddenly began to burn as they faded to a crimson hue, though the rest of her was still cold as ice. She gently leaned in for another kiss before resting her forehead against his.

"Take off your pants." She whispered, almost flirtatiously.

"W-what?" Hiccup panicked.

"I need to get to the rest of the wound... I was trying not to ruin the moment." She chuckled.

"Uh, A-Astrid. I don't think-"

"Hiccup, we both know that you're g-gonna do it, no matter how much you complain so just save your b-breath." The blonde advised.

Hiccup let out a sigh, took a deep breath, and did as she asked. Astrid quickly got to work cleaning and sterilizing his long wound. Luckily it wasn't deep enough to need stitches, making him extremely lucky.

"Thank you." Once he was all wrapped up in bandages and Astrid had cleaned up all the supplies, only then did they finally take a moment to realize the awkwardness of the situation as they both stood in their underwear.

"So, I should get to b-bed." Astrid shivered as she scooped up her dripping clothes.

"Wait!" Hiccup halted her in her tracks by gently grasping her wrist and pulling her flush against him. "Stay. It's warmer here."

"Hiccup, I have nothing to wear." She reminded. Hiccup took her soaked clothes and hung them beside the roaring fire to dry. He grasped her hand and led her to the bed, pulling her in beside him. He covered them both over with the blanket. Astrid hummed contently as she sunk into Hiccup, drawing his heat.

"How are you so warm?" She wondered as she placed her hands against his bare waist.

"Astrid Hofferson just took her clothes off, just be thankful I'm still conscious." He joked.

"Fair point." She sighed as she slowly began to drift off. "So, my place tomorrow?"


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