Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Maddie Jackson, I'm 19 and I live in Red shore. I didn't always live here actually I lived in a place that was very boring and small compared to here. I lived in a small house with my dad and I worked for a close friend of mine Buster Moon, but my dad was in this gang thing and he got caught and was sent to a prison in Red shore. I left to come live here to help get money to bail my dad out and got a job working for Jimmy Crystal as an assistant. That was 3 years ago and I have not heard from Buster since I left and the prison won't let me see my dad so I'm alone until I get that money. It's hard to get some of the people here to let you be there assistant if you look nothing like everyone else, everyone is an animal but you well partly you are part tiger.

I was in my office minding my own business when I get a call from Crystals assistant Jerry. "Miss Jackson you have visitors." "Send them down to me please." "Yes ma'am." After all these years everyone has grow to love me but they also have grow to know that I make my own rules and I am my own boss, yes I still listen to Crystal but not all the time. I woke that morning with a killer headache. I sat at my desk with my head in my hands but groan as there was a knock in my door, "You may come in." I told them as I turned and grabbed my coffee. "Maddie." I heard a very familiar voice said but I turned my head quickly to make sure it was really him, "BUSTER!" I practically yelled out his name as I dropped my glass cup and it shaders to peace's.

"So you guys are here to do a show based off of what." I asked annoyance in my voice "you know I don't really know but I know Clay Calloway is going to be in it but I do need you to meet my cast." Buster told me walking over to the group he walked in with. "That is Meena, Rosita, Gunter, Ash and wait were are Johnny and Mrs. Crawly." I heard him say the last part and jerk up, "YOU LOST MRS CRAWLY!" I yelled at him again, slightly running out of my office to go look for the two missing people. After about 20 minute of looking I saw a gorilla looking around worried, "excuse me have you seen an old lady she looks like she's about 100 something and has a glass eye that will freak you out." He asked me, "Mrs. Crawly?" I asked, "yes, wait how do you know who that is." "You must be Johnny, I'm Maddie a friend of Busters, let me help you find her come on."

We looked and look but never found her, we were walking down the hall and I saw Crystal walking down the hall and without thinking I grabbed Johnnys hand and pushed him into a room not knowing it was the mens wash room. "Maddie what was that for?" "I'm supposed to be taking you and your friends to the hotel already if Crystal saw me he would literally kill me." "Wait Maddie this is the mens room." I heard him saw that and I turned to face him "oops." As I was about to leave I heard footsteps coming to the door and out of nowhere Johnny grabbed my hand and pulled me into a stall covering my mouth. "Shh." He said as he put his finger to his lips. "Johnny flush the toilet and walk out there like nothing is wrong ok." I whispered and he nodded in return before doing as I said.

The guys that walked in were still there and I could see Johnny partly he was looking at himself in the mirror trying to wait till their gone to get me out of there. "Hey dude have you seen that one chick that works in room 501." I heard one of the guys say "oh ya what's her name again oh ya Maddie Jackson right." The other said and I swear I saw Johnny tense up as they said my name. "Ya dude if only she didn't wear all that clothing to cover that body she has." They both laughed as walked out once I checked to make sure nobody was there I walked out with my head down, I'm not going to lie I hate when people say things like that it makes me want to cover up more. "Maddie are you ok." I heard Johnnys calm voice ask, "oh yes I'm fine, now let's go find Mrs. Crawly." I put on a fake smile and I don't think he really believed it.

We snuck out of the restroom and started to hurry down the hall and we ended up running into the others and they had already found her. "Oh you already found her." I said with a sigh, "oh me dear I didn't think you could get any prettier but here you are" Mrs Crawly said while grabbing my hand, "thank you but I think I looked better before I left." I said with a smile, "no my dear you look much much better, you not beat up or tired looking anymore." She said giving me a smile back and I slowly moved my hand from hers but she pulled it back pulling me down with it. "My dear who is the lucky man?" She asked looking at the ring in my finger and I giggled, "Mrs. Crawly that's my ring finger there is no man in my life right now." I finally got my hand back a stood up, "let's get you all to the hotel." I said walking to the doors of the building and then walking to the limo that had been there for a while waiting for us.

I unlocked the room door and swung open the doors and I saw there jaws drop in awe. I giggled as Johnny ran to the window looking at the view. "I hope you all don't mind but Crystal wants me to stay with you all here so don't ask why because I really have no clue why he makes me stay with the groups that I assist." "We don't mind Maddie." Rosita said with a smile, "oh and you all have your own rooms come one I'll show you which is yours." I told them walking down a hallway. After I got everyone settled into their rooms I got settled into mine and I changed into my black shorts and then a white shirt. My short let my legs show and that mean my stripes show, I have no fur but I have dark tan strips along the sides of my body I call them birth marks but I know it just because I'm part tiger.

I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes the sky was black and my clack read 1:30 AM. I got up out of my bed and slowly mad my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was about halfway down the hall when I head someone's footsteps in the kitchen, I started to slowly walk down the hall and stopped at the corner before quickly turning to see Johnny getting a cup of milk. "Whoa there tiger it's just me." He said and i laughed when he said tiger but I don't know if he meant that in a joking way or not. "What are you doing up?" I asked walking to grab a cup out of the cabinet, "I don't know why are you up." "I asked first." "Couldn't sleep" "same." There was an awkward silence before he broke it by saying, "well I'm going to go to bed see you in the morning." "Ok goodnight Johnny" "goodnight Maddie." I heard him walk off and his door close, once I got my water I walked back to my room and laid there thinking about how this is going to go, like how are we going to get Clay Calloway in our show if none of us even know the guy or where he has been the since his wife died 15 year ago.

Ok so this is kind of an odd story to wright and I know that but this is just for fun. Also please if you have something that you think I should change please let me know I would gladly appreciate it.

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