Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I turned and faced down on the bed to hid from the sun then I remembered were I was and sat up quickly. I looked around and no sign of Johnny, I stood up and walked to the door that's when I heard the shower running, me being me I ran back to the bed and snuggled up under the blankets. That's when I saw the time, we were an hour late for rehearsals, I jumped and ran to the bathroom door, "Johnny hurry up we're going to be late!" "Maddie no we're not Buster came in and told me he's letting us stay in a few extra hours." "Wait Buster came in here while I was here in the bed with you, oh god," I heard Johnny try to tell me something but I walked off be fire he could saw it. I plopped down on the bed laying on my stomach. Buster us going to give me such a big lecture about this. I heard the water stop I sat up and waited for him to walk out, "hey umm can you get me a shirt I forgot to grab one?" "Oh ya where are they?" "Third one down on the dresser." I walked over to the door and cracked it open not wanting to walk in on him, "Maddie I have pants on you know." "Ya ok but I'd like to not see a topless guy today so take the damn shirt and hurry I need to get ready as well." "Ok calm down," he opened the door more before he even got his shirt on, "JOHNNY!" I covered my eyes quickly as he walked out more, "sorry forgot but now you can get ready and put some pants on while your at it." I looked down and saw all I had on was a shirt that was not long enough to cover what needed to be covered, I ran to the bathroom pushing Johnny out of the way and closing the door behind me. 'Why does this always happen to me' I thought to myself. I turned the shower on again luckily it was still warm and I took off my shirt and took the rest of my stuff off and jumped into the shower. I stood there letting the water run down my back  and looked up letting it hit my face.

After I finished I rapped my body in the towel and looked at the sink and saw a blow dryer, "Johnny why do you have a blow dryer?" "Every room has one Maddie" "oh I knew that." I heard him chuckle, I plugged in the blow dryer and grabbed a brush ready to dry my hair. I finished drying my hair and heard a knock, "Maddie what do want to wear today we have black and blue jeans and shirts are red or white which one seems better?" I was shocked he got me my clothes since I forgot them, "black and red." "Ok I'm going to open the door with my eyes closed so please don't yell at me." He opened the door in one hand were the clothes and the other was covering his eyes. He slowly took a few steps before stepping on my shirt and tripping falling on me, I had closed my eyes and when I opened them I was met with his brown ones, "Johnny eyes!" "Oh right sorry." He covered his eyes and stood up grabbing onto the sink for support. I stood up grabbed the clothes and pushed him out of the bathroom.

I had out the clothes on and was in shock I walked out kind of embarrassed, "we're did you get these?" He had given me ripped jeans and a cropped red shirt and when I saw cropped I mean bra sized cropped and slightly see through and it sucks that I have a black bra on from last night. He turned and looked me up and down, "Katie said to give them to you." "She knows I hate this kind of stuff." I grabbed m shirt and was walking to the door to go find a different outfit, "don't change you look...nice"  I smiled before opening the door and walking out to go meet the others in the living room.

"Maddie were where you last night I thought you called dibs on the couch?" Ash asked me even though she already knew she just wanted me to say it, "you already know." "Since when did you wear stuff like this?" She asked "Katie gave it to Johnny to give to me." She just slowly  nodded her head with a grin.

I walked into the rehearsal room and saw all the planets and stuff like then there was Buster. "Buster were is Mrs Crawly I haven't seen her?" "Oh I sent her to go talk to Clay Calloway." I spit out the coffee I had just drank, "you sent her alone!" "Yes she'll be fine I hope." He mumbled the last part but I still heard him. "Maddie I won't you to stay with Johnny today and weight down details on how he does," "why him" I asked knowing this is about what he saw this morning "no reason just want to know how he does when I'm not around or it might be to prove my hypothesis." I looked and saw he had a small smile. "What hypothesis?" "That you and Johnny will get together before the show," he said as he walked off I just shook my head and walked to the dance room and sat down looking at the time. I had to sit here for five hours.

Practice finally ended but I didn't pay attention to anything, but when I got up to look for Johnny he was nowhere to be seen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him run out with his skate board I followed him but when I walked out I saw his board was in half and he was shaking like crazy on his knees and I could see tears running down his cheeks. "Johnny!" I ran to his side and I saw how broken he looked, it reminded me of me. I put my hands on his cheeks and wiped his tears with my thumbs he looked up at me with his watery eyes and it hurt to see him so hurt. He grabbed onto my waist and rested his head on my chest crying even more now I hugged him tighter the more he cried. I let a few tears slip as I watched him cry over and over again he shook in my arms and I couldn't watch it anymore so I did what I had to calm him down, I lifted his head and leaned down pressing my lips against his for a few seconds before pulling away letting my forehead stay against his. He looked at me and I thought he was mad so I went on apologizing, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that but-" he cut me off before I could finish by pressing his lips to mine kissing me again but this time for longer. After what felt like ages we pulled away gasping for air, "thank you," was all I heard leave his mouth before I gave him a smile, I knew that kiss meant nothing to him and it should mean nothing to me to but it does mean something to me.

I walked back to the hotel with him in silence and I'm not going to lie I was kind of upset about what just happened. He just did it to calm down and I know that but I sucks to know that especially since I have feelings for him. We walked into his room and I told him that he should get his board fixed tomorrow because of how late it is. I put on the shirt from the other night and grabbed some shirts and laid down on the bed once he laid down on his side I realized I couldn't do this grabbed a blanket and walked out of his room and into the living room to sleep on the couch. I heard him walk out after I had laid the blankets out, "Maddie what are you doing?" He asked walking in front of were I'm facing, "I'm sleeping out here tonight." Right as I closed my eyes I was lifted ip and over his shoulder, "Johnny!" I whisper yelled at him and began to punch his back. "Will you stop!" He whisper yelled back until he threw me on he bed, "why are you acting like this." He asked annoyed "why does it matter?" I asked in the same tone, "just go to sleep." He walked over to his side of the bed and laid down I felt his arms rap around me again and I'm surprised he did it while he knew I was awake, I tried to move from his grip but he just tightened it and pulled me into him and rested his head on mine.

I don't know if I like this chapter it kind of doesn't make sense, I think I'll leave it since this is just for fun anyway.

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