Chapter 4

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We all were down in the rehearsal room and I had to show everyone where they were going and gave them their papers to practice. I had to show Johnny who his dance choreographer. We both walked into the dance room and all eyes went to us mainly me since I'm not wearing what I normally wear. I have right black shorts on with a white crop top on and an oversized jacket. I got Johnny introduced to everyone, he changed and started to warm up but some eyes still stayed on me but mainly from a wolf in the back of the room but once I caught him looking at me he winked. I stayed a little longer before Buster came in to check on how it was going and Johnny was not enjoying this at all he was falling behind and tripping over his own feet, I felt after one of his falls the wolf started to laugh causing everyone else to laugh. Once Johnny got up I walked over and stood beside him, "shut up!" I yelled getting everyone's attention, "you all laugh but you were all the same way when you first started, so the next person who laughs and not just at him at anyone here and I will make sure that you go hope praying that you don't see my face tomorrow." I gave them all a smile and left to go help Buster with Rositas part on the zip line.

I was standing there watching as Rosita sat at the top were the ship was panicking because of how high up she was. "Rosita you can do it just close your eyes and jump!" I yelled but nothing worked at some point Crystal came by to check in and he brought his daughter Porsha with him, after a few minutes of trying to get her to jump Buster went up to check on her, and Porsha went with him well snuck up with him. While Buster was helping Rosita Porsha asked if she could jump but Buster tried to tell her no but soon Crystal told him to let her do it. Porsha jumped without the help of one of the people that was up there but she actually didn't do bad.

After about an hour I went to go check on how it was going with everyone else. Once I got to Johnny I noticed he looked disappointed about something. I was walking over to were he was sitting when the wolf blocked me, "hey I'm Kyle." "Yea cool." I walked around him and sat beside Johnny, "you talk and I'll listen." I told him making him look up at me, "I can't do it I keep messing up and tripping over my own feet." He said and I looked at his shaking hands before grabbing them in mine, "try your hardest that's all I can tell you to do." He looked at me and I gave him a small smile and kissing his check before walking off.

After practice I headed back to the hotel first so I could take a shower and keep drawing the picture from this morning. I heard someone at the door and when I turned and saw Johnny at the door, "hey" he said awkwardly "hi" I said before turning to go back to my drawing, "Maddie, did did I do something wrong?" "No you haven't done anything wrong. Have you?" "N-no actually yes yes I did." I looked up at him it in front of me, "what did you do?" "I snooped." "What do you mean you snooped?" "I asked Buster and Katie about your past!" He said with his eyes closed in fear that I would get mad. "Why didn't you ask me?" "You mean you would have told me." "Yea and I still can since neither of them no it all." "Wait you'll tell me more." "Ya why not."

I walked to his room and sat on his bed and he sat beside me, "so you know my dad is in prison but what he is in prison for he never did the only reason I know that is because the object he got accused of stealing was stolen on a day that he was with me all day on, but there is more I dug through it and found out the my Uncle and dad had a fight about my dad not wanting to do the hole stealing anymore because it would get me hurt, then I found out more details that pointed to my uncle who he'd made me figure out he was the person who framed my dad. Something else I found out was my uncle and mom had an affair before her and my brothers died in a random house fire. I looked into their affair more and found out that he manipulated her into it and once she was done with his threats she was going to tell my father and my uncle set the house in fire stopping her but my brothers ran in to try to help her and when they found her she was not killed by the flames she was s-stabbed in the head and..and then my u-uncle did the same thing to my brothers, the fire was to cover up that he just murdered 3 people. My uncle is the man that was at the restaurant the person who cut me the person who led me to try to end it the person who took my family from me." At this point I had tears nonstop falling and makeup smeared everywhere. Johnny rapped his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug, "I'm so so sorry Maddie." I pulled back and looked at him, "don't be you didn't do anything wrong." "I shouldn't have asked." "It's fine." "Are you sure i mean you started to cry be-" and I slapped him across the face before he could finish, "I said it's fine now shut up." I said with a giggle, "you hit really hard you know that?" "Thank you, I think." "Come on let's go wait for the others." "Ok."

After everyone arrived Buster and Gunter started to work on the ending of the show. I heard lots of footsteps outside of the door and when I turned Rositas husband and 25 kids came through the door. Some kids went to her and others went to mess with think in the room. I stood up and walked over to Johnny to ask him something but some of Rositas kids beat me to him. I felt something pull on one of my pant legs and when I looked down I saw one of the piglets she looked at me and her mouth dropped, "PRETTY LADY!!" She yelled before grabbing on to my legs and a few others doing the same causing me to fall to the ground laughing. "Ok ok I need to breath." I said in between laughs, "kids get off of her!" I heard Rosita demand before all her kids giggled and jumped up, "Maddie are you alright?" Rosita asked worried, "pretty lady!" "What?" "Pretty lady that's what she called me!" "Oh is that bad I'm so sorry if it is!" "No it's good it's just what my dad called me if he talked about me to other people he would always be like, 'oh my pretty little lady could take down all your man if she really wanted to' I just haven't been called that since he was sent....away."

I was sitting at the bar stools listening to music and finish my drawing, "Maddie!" I heard someone yell my name, "oh yes sorry" I turned to see Rosita, "I hate to ask this but do you think some of the kids can stay in your room since we barely have enough room for the ones that are starting ours?" "Rosita they can all stay in my room I'll sleep on the couch, "no I don't want you to sleep out here it can get cold." "No it's fine." "Are you sure sweetie?" "Yes I'm sure." She nodded with a smile before walking off to get her kids settled in my room.

After about an hour I realized I was the only person left in the living room so I got some blankets and pillows then turned the lights off so I could go to sleep. Right as I was about to go to sleep I heard someone walking in the kitchen, I sat up annoyed, "please shut up I'm trying to sleep." I whisper not even looking to se who it was. "Maddie what are you doing out here?" I heard that British accent that I'm starting to love. "Oh umm Rositas kids needed a room so I let them stay in mine." "Why are you out here though it get freezing at night out here." "I got blankets," "come on you can stay in my room until you get yours back." "Wait really." "Yes now come on."

I was going to lay in the floor and when I did I felt two hands grab my waist and pull me up placing me on the bed. "But I like the floor." I told him, I really hated it but I was just to scared to stay in the bed with him after last time. J blushed thinking about that but quickly got snapped out of it, "to bad your sleeping on the bed and plus it's not the first time." "Speaking of last time you never told me why you stayed in my room." "Oh umm ya about that I still don't want to say." "Come on it can't be that bad," "it's not but I just don't want to tell you." "Fine be like that," I turned over facing away from him laying on the bed. I felt the bed dip down as he laid down on his side of the bed looking away like I did. "I stayed with you because I was scared." I heard him mumble, "scared of what" I turned over to look at him only to see the back of his head, "Katie and Buster both told me what used to do to yourself and I was scared you it again." I was shocked, he stayed because he cared. "I was going to do something that night," that got him to turn his head to face me, "the only reason I didn't was because did you Johnny," I face me a smile and I gave one back. I laid there after I turned back and that's when I realized. I think I've fallen in love.

I was slowly drifting to sleep when I felt Johnnys arms rap around my tiny waist and he pulled me closer to him and rested his head in the crook of my neck like last time, but I think he thinks I'm asleep because he mumbled something into my neck and all I heard was 'if only you knew' and and that's all I heard but brushed it off as sleep talk and closed my eyes.

If only she heard the rest of that sentence. Yes I know I said she would be happy for the next few chapters but I actually forgot about that part but now she will be happy for the next few chapters I promise.

Ok I hoped you liked it bye love you<3

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