Chapter 3

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I followed Katie to the back of the restaurant and there is were I saw Milo and two other guys. "Why are you here?" I asked him anger in my voice and on my face, "I came to see my dear old niece." "I'm not your niece, you put my father in jail and put me in the hospital." "Your father got himself in jail in his own." "You framed him." He started to walk closer until our faces were inches apart, he grinned then turned around and took a few steps. I saw him pull his hand out of his pocket his claws sharp as knives but mine were worse he quickly turned and tried to attack me but without thinking I moved my hand and felt my claws break through his skin. When I saw him fall to his knees in pain holding his hand on his chest I looked at my hand and saw blood, I began to shake in fear of what I just did, "Maddie it was self defense." I heard Katie say trying to calm me but she failed and I felt the tears fall down my cheeks and I ran fast and I didn't turn back even when Katie yelled my name.

I got a taxi back to the Hiram hoping I would beat the others there and I did thank his for that. I walked to my room and went to the bathroom to clean the blood. When I looked in the mirror that's when I noticed that he got a hit on me to there were a few deep cuts on my neck and there was still a lot of blood leaving them. I went out to the kitchen to get the first aid kit for my cuts and when I was on my way back to my room I heard the door unlock so I rushed to my room not wanting to talk to them right now. I went back to the bathroom to clean my cuts and bandage them up. I finished and heard a knock on my door, "Maddie it's Buster can I come in." I didn't answer hoping that would make him leave, I walked over to my balcony and leaned on the railing looking at the city and I felt a few tears leave my eyes. "Maddie." I heard Buster again but this time he was behind me, "I didn't mean to do it I promise." I said with a shaky voice, "I know you didn't Maddie," "I probably scared you all." I said turning to finally face him, "no Maddie none of us are scared of you the only person that is scared of you is you Maddie." He said walking a little closer and that's what broke me. I fell to the ground crying and I felt Buster hug me trying to comfort me my eyes were closed as I tried to stop the tears but as they kept coming I felt more arms rap around me and when I opened my eyes I saw the others joining Buster and I on the floor as they hugged me.

After a while I stoped the tears and a few of the others stayed but I told them to go to bed since we had a long day tomorrow. Meena, Rosita, Ash and Johnny were the last people to leave and I had already changed and was getting in bed when I saw Johnny stop at the door. "Maddie," he asked quietly, "what's up" "can I maybe stay in here tonight just for tonight please?" I looked at him confused, "is there a reason you want to stay in here." He looked like he was thinking of an answer to say, "yes but I'd like to not say." "Ok go get changed." "Wait really?" "Yea why not." I gave him a smile before he went off to get his clothes on.

I sat there in my bed smiling to myself, 'I am about to have a guy stay in the same room as me!' I thought to myself. I heard a knock and looked up to see Johnny standing in the door way, he had grey sweats and an a white tank top. "Maddie we're are your extra blankets at?" He asked, "oh umm there in that closet." I pointed to a far closet in my room I saw he grabbed three big blankets and walked to the side of my bed. He set the blankets down and grabbed the biggest of the three and was about to lay it on the ground, "wait what are you doing?" I asked, "make a pallet obviously." He continued to let the blanket down on the floor, "don't bother you can take that side of the bed and I'll take this side." I told him and he stopped and looked at me like I was crazy, "are you sure." "Yea I'll put pillows in between us its fine," "ok." I grabbed some of the extra pillows I had next to my bed and laid them down in between us. "Good night." "Good night Maddie." And with that I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and looked at my phone and it was 3 in the morning, but when I moved to get comfortable I then felt arms on why waist and something pressed against me I looked over and saw a sleeping Johnny. I blushed at the sight, but when I tried to move fro
The grip of his arms they only tightened and then I felt him burry his head in the crook of my neck, I froze at the feeling but slowly relaxed. I reached down and grabbed his hands and slowly pulled them off my hips and I finally got free after about 20 minutes of me trying, then I put a pillow in my place so he would think I was still there. I looked at my phone again and and hour had gone by already, I decided to go out and get donuts for everyone so I threw on a pair of leggings and a overgrown hoodie then threw my hair in a messy bun and since it was so early I decided I was going to wear my glasses instead of my contacts.

I grabbed my bag and opened my door trying not to be loud then I walked down the hall to the door and then stopped, I decided to wright a bite for Johnny telling him we're I was so he wouldn't worry and then I put it in my night stand next to my bed then I put one in the kitchen for the others. I was walking down the street looking at the lights since it was still so dark they shined so bright. Once I reached the bakery I ordered a dozen of there best donuts. Once I got the donuts I paid and then started to head back to the hotel. The sun was starting to rise and I had to take a picture of the sun rise it was so pretty.

I unlocked the door to the room and set the box of donuts on the counter and walked to my room and saw Johnny reading my note, "that was for if you woke up before I got back" I said as I dropped my bag on my desk, "donuts are in the kitchen if you want one." I said as I took my shoes off and jumped back on the bed cuddling up under the blankets. I heard Johnny chuckle before getting up to go to the kitchen. Once he came back he was shoving his face with a chocolate filled donut, I giggled at the sight but out of nowhere he dropped his donut and ran over to me and he had taken his shirt of and put it against my chest, "Johnny what are you doing!" "You bleeding a lot" I looked at the shirt that was once white and is now as red as a rose, I got up and ran to the bathroom and took the bandage off of the cuts and saw that the skin around then was purple and blue and when I slightly out my fingers on it, it stinger so bad I let out a small cry of pain. Johnny ran in with a first aid kit and quickly took the bandage off completely so he could clean the cuts, "Johnny slow down you'll make it worse." I told him not wanting him to make the pain worse for me. "Just clean the blood the reapply the bandage it's fine." I told him and he slightly calmed down.

I was sitting in the kitchen drawing a picture of a girl swinging from a tree. I looked up and saw all three of the girls looking at me grinning. "What?" I asked, "Rosita went into your room this morning and saw you and Johnny cuddling," Ash said with a cocky smile. I blushed and looked away from them, "I don't think he meant to do it though," I told them, "what makes you say that?" Rosita asked, "I've known him for not even three days and plus he's the kind of person to get all shy after that kind of thing and he acted fine this morning." "Do you like him Maddie?" Meena asked, and I looked at her, "I've only known him for a few days I don't know how I feel yet but it's something." "What if he likes you back." Ash applied, "who would he like such a broken, messed up, and ugly girl like me." I told them, "don't saw that your aren't broken." "Your not messed up." "Your not ugly either Maddie." They all said giving me a comforting smile, "at least someone believes that."

Don't worry the next few chapters are going to be really happy for Maddie and the others I promise.

Oh and do not ever doubt yourself ever you are beautiful and amazing ok bye love you<3

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