Chapter 2:

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Cinnia's POV
The next day, we had Exillium in the heart of a plague zone. It was a wasteland. "We have to do something!" Sophie cried, anguished. I looked at her a little sadly. "We can't do anything. We are no longer a part of community. We have to fight for survival and redemption." The blue coach said. "How is it fighting for redemption if we don't do anything!" Sophie asked. "We have learned our place in society. You six should too." The purple coach told her. I felt outraged at the coment; not all of us were putting up a fight. Then the purple coach told us to go to our hemispheres. "Rise." The purple coach commanded. Sophie was about to stand, when I gestured to all the other Waywards. She got the message and we began levitating. "Today, we will be practicing levitation in motion. Each time you fall, you prove yourself Unworthy." The purple coach told us. Sophie fell a lot. I almost fell a lot of times, but I caught myself each time. Tell your friend that she needs to be careful with her telepathic conversations. The Shade's voice filled my head. I almost fell but I caught myself. You show impressive control with your levitation. He added. Thanks. I told him. Once again, our conversation was caught short. This time, not by the end of Exillium but by a commotion caused by Sophie and Fitz jumping off the cliff. I groaned.
When they came back up, they were holding a gnome that had caught the plague. I scrambled away from it, and then remembered that it didn't affect elves. "What are you doing with that?" Asked the red coach. "It's a gnome with the plague!" Sophie said. Duh. "We have to help it." Fitz added. "Stay there!" The physician shouted, running up. "I can't help it. I don't know gnomish medicine. Even if I had a full apothecary, I would know where to begin!" The physician exclaimed. "Then we need to bring it to Lumenaria." Sophie said. "All of us are banished." The blue coach said. "We have some friends in the Lost Cities." Fitz said. "Well, we don't have any crystals." The red coach said. "No need." Sophie said, and she, Fitz and the gnome jumped off the cliff again. This caused a whole lot of screaming. Then Exillium ended. When Dex asked for extra beads for Sophie and Fitz, it roused another shouting match. If you want to make a stand, come back with your friends tomorrow. The Shade said. I jumped. I saw he was watching me, and nodded.
           We waited for Sophie and Fitz at the grove. When they came, Calla backed away. "Don't worry, we've been quarantined." Sophie assured her. Calla nodded and sang us to Alluveterre. "Oh yeah guys," I said, turning to all my friends. "The Shade at Exillium said to come back with you two." I told them, motioning to Sophie and Fitz. "The Shade Boobrie Dude warned us to stay away from?" Keefe asked with a snort. I glared at him. I felt hurt that he would be biased against the Shade when I, one of his best friends, am one too.
A/N: Hey guys, here's chapter 2 for you. I'm sorry that it's not exactly following the storyline but it's been a while since I've read Neverseen.

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