Chapter 4:

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Cinnia's POV
At breakfast the next morning, I ignored Keefe, though he tried to talk to me. When Sophie came down,  her facial expression was a mix of excitement and disgust. "Silveny's pregnant." She said, noticing my slightly worried look. My mouth dropped open, and I dropped my fork, though I didn't bother to pick it up. "Are you sure?" Biana asked. "Oh yeah." Sophie snorted.  "She showed me...." Keefe pushed his plate away in disgust. I felt like doing the same, but I didn't want to copy him. "Seriously, that is one batch of memories you do not have to share with me." Fitz said. I left after that.
At Exillium, we practiced night-vision. I sighed, another skill I was good at. You look upset. Tam's voice filled my head, with a hint of worry in it. I suppose I am a little upset. I admitted. Why? He inquired. I paused, before deciding to tell him. My friend is being biased against Shades because me and Sophie left with you yesterday. I told him. That's too bad, but don't sweat it. Just talk to him-or her. He advised. Yeah, I'll talk to him. I told him with a smile.
Mr Forkle was talking to Sophie and the others about something, so I pulled Keefe away. He looked genuinely surprised that I wanted to talk to him. "Listen, Keefe, I'm sorry that I was ignoring you." I told him. "No, Cinnia, don't be. You had good reason. I should be the one apologising. I shouldn't have been so reckless." He said bitterly, looking away. "Hey, don't sweat it. We're good now." I assured him. We both smiled. "Cinnia, c'mere for a sec." Sophie called. I went over to her. "Mr Forkke had an idea..." she began. I motioned for her to go on. "And we need your opinion on it." She finished. "Alright." I said haltingly. "We would like to give the Song twins a visit, and an option of living in a house." Mr Forkle said. It took me a while to process what he was saying, and once I did, I experienced mixed emotions. "I don't know." I said slowly. "I mean, I'm sure Tam would love to have and opportunity like that but... I don't think he'd appreciate us just showing up." I warned. "We'll do it." Mr Forkle decided. I groaned, but went anyway.
"What are you doing here?" Tam demanded, coming out of his tent with Linh following. "It's ok, they're with me." Sophie assured him. I cringed, knowing it wouldn't have any effect, and I was right. "I never said you could bring people here!" He spat. I stepped forward and shoved Sophie behind me. Tam's features softened when he saw me, but not completely. "I told them you wouldn't like it, but they came anyway." I explained. Tam still looked unconvinced, so I added, "It's ok, you can trust them. I read all their shadow vapour when I first met them, but I'm sure they'll let you do it." He nodded and Linh raised the water earning a 'wow' from Fitz and Dex. They walked below it and the water crashed into the riverbed. I walked up to Tam. "You better be right about this." He muttered. I looked into his intense eyes and nodded. Tam looked over my shoulder and saw the group coming closer. "Stop!" He yelled. They stopped, looking startled and a bit out of pace. I moved to stand beside him. "Don't come any closer before I've taken a reading." He said. Keefe scrambled away. "No way." He said. I frowned. "You let me take a reading." I told him. "Yeah, but I trusted you." He replied. "So you don't trust Tam." I concluded. He nodded. I rolled my eyes. "It's alright, it's only a little cold." Sophie said. "The only people to refuse readings are those with darkness." Tam said. "Or maybe I just don't want a creeper putting his shadow in my head." Keefe countered. "Boys, boys stop it!" I told them. Fam took a reading of everyone except Keefe, which he wasn't very happy about. "Now, what do you want?" Tam asked. "We have a proposition for you." Said Mr Forkle. Tam gestured for him to go on. "We can give you a place to stay." Mr Forkle told him. "What's the catch?" Tam asked. I shook my head with a smile. "There's no catch." Mr Forkle promised. "There has to be a catch." Tam insisted. Mr Forkle shook his head. "Please Tam." Linh pleaded, looking around with tears in her eyes. Tam tugged on the end of his bangs. "Fine." He agreed. "Do you need help packing up?" I asked. Tam shook his head. "We just need a minute." Linh promised. She raised the river again - earning another wow from Fitz and Dex - and Tam crossed. He came back a minute later with two rolled up cylinders with metal rods poking out. "Before we go, I was hoping you could do something for me." Mr Forkle said. "There's the catch!" Tam exclaimed, looking like the whole world finally made sense to him. "It's not a catch. I was merely wondering whether you would consent to reading the shadow-vapour of the trees." Mr Forkle replied. "You want me to read the shadow-vapour of some trees?" Tam asked. "Yes." Mr Forkle confirmed. "I'm sure it'll be off the charts, seeing as they have the plague but sure." Tam consented. He frowned. "I don't understand." He muttered. "Just as I thought." Mr Forkle nodded.
        That evening, me, Biana and Sophie were in my bedroom. "Let's share our crushes." I suggested. Sophie and Biana agreed. "I'm last!" I shouted. "I'm second!" Sophie called. Biana blushed. "I - um - I have two." She stuttered. "And they are...." Sophie prompted. "Um, Dex and Keefe." She finished. By that point she was redder than a tomato dipped in ketchup. "I'm sure one of them will realise how awesome you are!" I told her. Biana shrugged. "I dunno. Keefe is obviously head over heels for Sophie and Dex is....well he likes someone else." She said sadly. "Sophie who's your crush?" I asked, changing the subject. She blushed. "Um I have two...." she trailed off, looking at Biana. "Am I the only one with one crush?" I asked rhetorically, exasperated. "Um- Keefe and um Fitz." Biana looked a little dejected, and I understood why. "Time for my crush!" I said, saving the day with a subject change once again. "Yeah, who is it?" Biana asked, brightening. "Tam." I muttered. Biana squealed. "Oh he totally likes you back!" Sophie exclaimed, and Biana nodded.
A/N: Hey guys, here is the next chapter. I would like to know; do you prefer more shorter chapters or less longer chapters?

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