Chapter 9

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Cinnia's POV
“We’re wearing disguises?” Linh asked.
“As an added precaution,” Mr. Forkle agreed. “In case there are moments you, Cinnia and your brother cannot keep everyone hidden, it’s best for you to blend in.”
“They’re hiding us?” Alvar asked. “What are their abilities?”
“I’m a Hydrokinetic,” Linh said. “And my brother is a Shade.” Alvar scratched the back of his head. “Huh. That definitely changes things up.”
“Why?” Keefe asked. “How do we know his little Shade tricks are even going to work? What if the ogres can see through them like Calla can see through the vanish?”
"They can't. Calla can't see me when I'm covered in shadows."
“I used to sneak around the city all the time—but wait, gnomes can see us?” Alvar disappeared and tried the how many fingers am I holding up test. “Whoa. Total mind blow.”
“I know how to get around it,” Biana said smugly. “What’s the secret?” Alvar asked as she vanished to prove it. “Like I’d tell you!” She shoved her brother as she reappeared. “Honestly, though, you kinda have to figure it out yourself. I’ve been trying to teach Mom, but she still can’t do it.”
“Can you see Tam?” Sophie asked Calla, getting back to the bigger worry. "I can't see Cinnia when she dies it but I'll try Tam in case something is different." Calla replied. Tam gathered the shadows and faded from sight. A faint outline remained, but I had to really look for it. “My eyes see nothing beyond yours,” Calla said. “The glints of life ignore him.” Keefe snorted. “How does it feel to be rejected by dust?” I rolled my eyes. “Pretty good, actually,” Tam snapped back, “since it means I can survive this mission. Can you?” I smirked.
“Yes,” Mr. Forkle jumped in, “with your help.” He eyed both boys. “Whatever differences the two of you have must be settled immediately. You’re a team now. It’s time to start acting like it.”
"That's their problem. They have no differences." I snorted. “That’d be a whole lot easier if he’d let me take a reading,” Tam said, ignoring me. He pointed to Alvar. “I’d like to do one on him, too.” Keefe rolled his eyes. “Forget it, dude."
"Come on Keefe. Just do it." I urged. "That’s twice now you’ve refused. Do you really have that much to hide?” Tam asked. “Hey, I’m not up for it either, and I’m not hiding anything,” Alvar jumped in. I rolled my eyes. “You want to know something about us—ask.”
“Okay,” Tam said, glaring at Alvar. “Why should I trust you?”
“Because I’m the only one here who knows the back paths of the city. It’d be easier if I knew exactly where we’re going, though. I can think of several places they might keep the cure.”
"That's not an answer." I pointed out. “Choose the one that would be the most obvious,” Mr. Forkle jumped in, probably to stop a fight. “Mr. Forkle thinks this is a trap,” Sophie explained. “That . . . complicates things,” Alvar said, going back to studying the scroll he’d set aside. It turned out to be the map of Ravagog from Lady Gisela’s possessions. “Does anyone have any idea which side of Ravagog this secret tunnel is going to bring us to?”
“Side?” Linh asked. “Ravagog is separated by the Eventide into two parts,” Fitz explained. “Half the city is underground, the other half is carved into the mountain.”
“It’s cute how he repeats things I’ve taught him like he’s an expert, isn’t it?” Alvar asked—and with that joke, Dex officially jumped on board Team Alvar. Even Keefe cracked a smile. Tam still looked wary, and I could see his shadow crawling closer to Alvar. I smirked. “Seriously, guy,” Alvar said, scooting his chair away. “Respect people’s boundaries. You don’t see the Telepaths poking around everybody’s heads, do you?”
“No, you do not,” Mr. Forkle agreed. “Though Shade readings are far less intrusive than telepathy.”
“Whatever,” Keefe said. “Can we go now? We’re losing time.”
“We’re going tonight?” Tam asked. “Wouldn’t a night raid be exactly what they’re expecting?”
“It’s still safer than broad daylight,” Keefe argued.
“Not for me,” Tam said. “I can control the shadows at any time. It’s safer to go when they’re not on alert.”
"He's right." I agreed. “I actually agree with Mr. Song,” Mr. Forkle said after a long minute. “That will also give you a few hours of rest before a very long day.”

“I could be back with the cure while the rest of you guys are still sleeping.”

“Or you could be dead,” Sophie reminded him. “Please don’t make me beg.” Keefe let out a sigh. “Fine. I’ll wait until dawn.” Mr. Forkle cleared his throat. “I suggest you all head to bed. Is anyone willing to share their room?”
“Of course,” Sophie said, quickly adding, “I meant with Linh.”
“I guess I’ll take Alvar with me,” Fitz said.
“Actually, I’d rather bunk with Keefe.” Alvar turned us and whispered, “Fitz is a cuddler.”
“You can have my room,” Dex told Tam. “I’m going to stay up tweaking the wiring on these cubes—”
"No, Mr. Dizznee, you’re going to rest,” Mr. Forkle interrupted. “You all are. Even you,” he told Calla, “at least take a few minutes.”

“I cannot rest while my people are suffering,” Calla argued. Mr. Forkle decided not to argue. He shooed everyone to their rooms. I tossed and turned and finally decided I couldn't sleep. I covered myself with shadows and tip-toed out. Sophie and Calla were talking in the girls' common room so I went to the boys'. I saw Tam standing there. "Hey." I said, uncovering myself. "Hey. Couldn't sleep?" He asked. I shook my head. "I couldn't either." He said. "Can you promise me something?" I asked. He nodded. "Be careful." I told him. "I will. You be careful too." He said. I nodded.

"Any reason why we’re not having the roots pull us to Ravagog?” Keefe asked as we fought through the cramped tunnel. “It would be way faster than walking.”

“The same reason we didn’t have the roots carry us to Exile,” Calla said. The brief pause in her song made the tunnel close tighter, and it tightened further when she added, “Roots this old only have the strength to carry us one way, and the escape will be far more crucial.” She belted out the next verse to widen the tunnel again, and I had to dry her eyes on her cloak sleeve. The lyrics officially won the prize for Most Depressing Gnomish Song Ever. Now I understood why the legends had warned of embracing the heartache. Our Exillium skills came in handy, allowing us to see through the darkness and stay cool despite the stuffiness of the tunnel. I channeled energy to her muscles to keep moving steady, but I still battled exhaustion, especially when the tunnel started to slope up. Tam stood right beside the whole time and he helped me up when the tunnel sloped. The longer we walked, the more the roots narrowed, as if the Four Seasons Tree was stretching as far as it could reach. When the roots were no thicker than gossamer threads, Calla announced that the surface was right above us and asked if she should sing open an exit. “Let me go out first,” Alvar whispered. “I need to figure out where we are. As soon as it’s safe, I’ll come back and get you.” I could sense Tam about to argue, so I grabbed his and hand and squeezed it. It stopped him saying whatever he was going to say. Neither of us let go after that. “I’ll go with you,” Biana offered. “You should save your energy,” he said. “And I should take the Markchain to cover my scent.” Sophie removed the silver pendant hanging from her neck and handed it to Alvar. I was still stunned Lady Cadence had agreed to loan it to them. Calla sang a deep, low verse, which sounded more ominous than I would’ve liked as the earth nudged open, letting in streams of greenish light.

A/N: What is one of your unpopular kotlc opinions if you have any?

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