Chapter 10

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Cinnia's POV
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Alvar said, turning invisible. The only sign that he’d left was the shifting dust as he climbed out of the tunnel, and the rustling of the roots as Calla closed the earth again. Fitz offered everyone water from a magsidian flask Mr. Forkle had given him, and Keefe guzzled the whole thing. I rolled my eyes. Fortunately, the flask had been carved to draw moisture out of the air and refill itself. He passed it to me. “I wouldn’t drink that,” Linh warned. “There’s something wrong with the water.” She gathered more and molded it into an orb hovering over her hand. It had a slight greenish glow to it. “Sorry guys,” Keefe mumbled. “I would’ve saved some if I’d known.”
"It's fine," I assured him, though it kind of wasn't.
How much do you trust him? Tam shadow-whispered in my ear.
Alvar? I asked.
Him too. But I’m much more worried about your Empath buddy. He’s hiding something. That’s why he won’t let me take a reading.
He is, I agreed. But I know what it is.
Keefe probably wouldn’t want me to tell Tam, but it was the kind of secret that couldn’t stay hidden, and I trusted him. Keefe’s mom was one of the leaders of the Neverseen.

What do you mean by ‘was’?

I did my best to explain the situation. A long silence passed before he asked, What do you think he’ll do if he finds out his mom is still alive?

I don't know I admitted.

I know you guys are talking about me,” Keefe said, making me jump. “Care to fill me in?”

“I was asking her why the president of the Foster Fan Club spends more time styling his hair than the girls do,” Tam told him. I snickered. Good one I shadow-whispered to him. He gave me a smile. “Dude, you did not just insult the Hair.”
Calla silenced both boys, reminding them that someone on the surface could hear them. After that, the waiting felt endless, especially since Keefe seemed determined to stare a confession out of me. I looked away.

It was a long time before anyone spoke, and it was Fitz. “Alvar’s been gone a long time.” he remarked. “Do you think something happened to him?” Biana whispered. “I could go out and look.”

“We shouldn’t split up again,” Fitz told her. “If we leave, we all leave together. But let’s give him a few more minutes.”

It was quite a while before dust rustled above us. “All clear,” Alvar whispered. “But hurry.”


  "Okay, this place is way creepier than I thought it would be,” I whispered as we crawled out of the tunnel and into the underground section of Ravagog. I held tightly onto Tam's hand and he held on equally tightly.

  The city was silent, save for a steady low-frequency rumble that felt like an itch under my skin. Glowing green moss coated the dark stone walls, casting sickly light through the enormous cavern beyond. The buildings were carved into the humongous stalagmites and stalactites jutting from the floor and ceiling like sharp, jagged teeth, with tufts of stagnant fog swirling like rancid breath.

  “Where are the ogres?” Fitz whispered, scanning the dark windows pressed into the rock. "We got lucky,” Alvar said, appearing beside him. “This is the working end of the city, and right now it’s naptime. That’s why I waited a few minutes to come get you. They just went down for the count, and should be out for an hour.”

“Ogre naptime?” Dex asked.

“Not as cuddly as it sounds,” Alvar told him. “They basically push their workforce until they collapse. Then they let them rest just long enough to get back on their feet and drive them until they crash again. Their workers never get more than an hour of sleep at a time, and they keep working them until they have nothing left to give.”

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