Chapter Sixty One - The Run With Both Dixons

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Emma was approached by Maggie that next morning, the brunette had taken the red heads idea about making a prosthetic limb for Herschel seriously, and had been in the library all night checking out the books.

She wanted to go on a run with the nurse to find some handbags, and some materials to make a cast.

"Of course, I'll go with you." Emma said, sitting up in bed and rubbing her tired eyes with her hands. "Give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll meet you downstairs."

The walker field had almost been cleared, Merle had taken the lead on it to earn himself a place in the group. Although he was insistent that that was not the reason.

Because it was still walker territory, to get in and out the group had decided to use the breech in the fencing that Tyreese and his small group had used to get inside, for now.

The red head knew there would be no qualms about them going on a run. Rick's rule of two people minimum wasn't broken, and Emma knew Maggie wouldn't have asked her without checking with the sheriff first.

Emma knocked on Michonne's cell wall, before popping her head in. "Ladies day out, are you in?"


"Maggie and I are heading out for a few things, do you want to come? Make it a ladies day."

"I'm already going on a run with Rick." She said, "Carl is tagging along too."

"Oh, alright. Be careful."

"You too."

"Where ya goin'?" Came a voice from the cell beside Michonne's.

Emma poked her head around the side of the doorway, "Out. Ladies day."

"Just you an' Bo Peep?" Daryl asked. "I ain't got nothin' to do. I'll come with."

"Last time I checked in your pants, I saw you weren't a lady."

"Last time ya opened ya mouth, I heard ya ain't a lady."

"You can come if you want." Emma said then, flushing scarlet, "We're going to get some stuff to make a Merle arm for Herschel's leg. Need to get some handbags and some stuff to make a plaster cast."

"When ya leavin'?"

"I was going to get dressed and brush my teeth, and meet Maggie downstairs."


The red head grinned at the Hunter before slipping off back to her cell. She brushed her teeth before pulling on some clean underwear and clothes, then stepping out of her cell to find the Hunter on the gangway waiting for her.

"It's my favourite time of year." She informed him, eyeing his clothes.


"'Tis the season when your arms come out to play." She gave his left bicep a squeeze. "Dear god."

"Least it ain't my ass this time."

"Is that a complaint I hear? Is your peachy bum not getting the attention it so craves?"

"Leave my ass outta this."

"Until later then." She promised, flashing him a teasing grin as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Maggie greeted them both, handing Emma her rifle.

"We got both Dixon's with us then, Emma."

"Merle's coming too?"

Maggie nodded, "He offered."

Daryl scoffed, "What ya payin' him?"

"The first shot of the Governor if we see him."

"Fair enough."

"Where is he?" Emma asked, not spotting the older man anywhere. "He can't be brushing his hair."

"We on a schedule or somethin', sugar?"

"Yes." Emma shouldered her rifle as Daryl adjusted the strap of his crossbow. "Now come along, we got some things to get for some arts and crafts."

"Tell ya wha', sugar, ya come sit on ole Merle's lap and I'll-"


"Jus' playin', Darylina." Merle chuckled, clapping the younger man on his shoulder. "I'ma be lookin' out for some lil rubbers for ya."

Emma pushed open the door and the four of them filed out into the second yard, before climbing their way up the rocky slope and through the hole in the fence. Glenn and Rick had gone out during the last couple of days to fuel two cars, so they had something to go on a food run with.

Both cars were still there, so Michonne, the sheriff and Carl had yet to leave.

"How long do you think it'll take to clear the rest of the walkers, Merle?" Emma asked as she and Daryl got into the back. The older Dixon had called shotgun, and because Maggie knew where she wanted to go, she was driving.

"Golden Pond an' darkie should 'ave it done in a couple hours."

"His name is Tyreese." Maggie narrowed her eyes at the older man, and started up the car. "You want peace here, you keep your racist comments to yourself."

"Sure thing, lil lady."

Emma knew the reason Merle had shut up when Maggie spoke was because he felt as though he could have prevented what had happened between her and Shane. But Daryl didn't know, unless Merle had told him. Although, judging by the frown that knitted the hunters dark brows together, he was clueless.

"If ya wanna bump uglies in the back, Darylina, we can turn a blind eye, ain't that righ' lil lady." Merle gave Maggie a slight nudge with his elbow, causing her to laugh.

"Knowing Emma, she's probably got a condom in her pocket." The brunette teased.

Maggie drove for about fifteen minutes, purposely driving in the opposite direction to Woodbury. Merle pointed out a turning a few miles down the road, stating that he had gone there with a guy named Martinez and bagged a 'lotta good shit'. He said that there was a kids school just up the road from there which they had cleared because the Governor wanted crayons 'and shit' for the kids.

"Ya clear it?" Daryl asked, speaking up for the first time since he'd been in the car.

"Nah, kids at Woodbury too old for some o'this crap." He said, "Ya wanna take a looksie, be m'guest."

"I don't think it'll hurt to look." Emma said, "If they have a crèche there we might pick up some things for Judith. She might like it if I find her a toy bunny or something."

"She still doesn't like you?" Maggie asked.

Emma sat back in the seat and crossed her arms over her chest, "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Daryl's her favourite." Maggie teased the red head, pulling up outside the school.

"So what you're telling me is, if I don't shower and start smoking she'll like me?"

"I don' see ya complainin'."

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