Chapter Thirty One - The Wanted Rifle

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This Chapter is rated M. Please read at your own discretion.

One of the men eyed Daryl, "I've changed my mind about wanting the brunette. I want in on the ginger one." He nudged one of his companions, "Could'a sworn it was two girls?"

"His long hair is kind of deceiving." Came the response from the other man.

"Yo, Adam! You said your girl was ginger with big tits? Thought you said she was dead?"

The rocker pushed his way through the trees to come and stand at the front of the small group.

His face was priceless, but that all changed in a split second, "No, this isn't her."

Emma's jaw clenched, and she balled her hands into fists. He could at least acknowledge her after he had left her for dead!

"This your boyfriend, Red?" Adam asked, crouching in front of her and gesturing towards the hunter.

She swallowed the lump in her throat at the hidden accusation, and she felt a shiver of fear creep up the back of her neck.

"No." But not through lack of trying.

"Shame." One of the other men stated, "'Cause you're now free for the taking-"

"-Don' you touch her, ya piece o'shit!"

"Daryl!" Emma warned.

The men laughed, "Maybe he'll want to watch - like that guy did with his daughters."

Emma froze completely. Adam was part of that group.

Her body began to shake, and she felt Daryl's eyes on her form. She snapped out of her shocked state, when the men came forwards and grabbed the hunter.

Daryl was dragged away from her - kicking and swearing at them.

"Don't hurt him!" She yelled after them, wincing when she could hear the sounds of bruising flesh.

Daryl was outmanned, and Emma knew she had to do something. So, she raised her crowbar...and knocked Adam out with it.

He didn't even see it coming.

Taking her rifle from his unconscious form, she cocked the gun and fired a single shot into the air. The scuffling stopped, and she stood facing the men with a newfound anger.

"Get away from him!"

They held up their hands and backed up, "Okay, Red, what're you going to do here?" One of them chuckled, "'Cause it sure as hell ain't gunna shoot us-" He fell back with a scream, as blood erupted from his shoulder.

"I 'sure as hell' will!" She growled at him, "Daryl get up, and grab your crossbow. We're leaving."

"You ain't going nowhere, Red-" The gun went off a second time when Adam grabbed her ankle unexpectedly.

There was a shout of agony, before the nurse echoed it with one of her own.

Emma was helpless against Adam - he kicked her and hit her - and all she could do was hold up her hands to defend usual.

The rocker then screamed, and Emma followed suit as a walker bit down into his neck, and tore out his tendons. Blood pooled out of the gaping hole in his throat, and ran down his chest and onto the red head beneath him as he collapsed on top of her.

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