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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After Olive dropped Isaac off at the warehouse she got a text from Derek saying he needed her to help chase the Kanima, she was easily the fastest out of the pack so it made sense that he texted her. She met up with him and they tracked it and actually ended up getting pretty close. Both fully transformed, they flipped over a chainlink fence gate, chasing the Kanima into a factory. They surrounded it, making sure it couldn't get away. Scott and Stiles pulled up behind them, Scott, too, jumping over the fence and running around to help them catch it. Suddenly headlights pulled into the area and gunshots rang throughout the space. Derek grabbed Olive's collar to pull her back with him into hiding. Chris Argent came out and emptied his clip into the Kanima, but soon after it got right back up, circling Gerard. Olive looked at Derek, who just shook his head but she writhed out of his grasp and lunged at the Kanima, scaring it off and causing it to leave Gerard alone. She turned back to look at him before running away and losing Derek in the process.

She returned home through her window that night, hoping her parents weren't there so she could act like she's been asleep this whole time. Turns out, they were home because she heard the front door shutting around 3 am, which was weird because they usually never left this early. Olive pulled the covers off of her and went downstairs to investigate, seeing that her father's car was gone and there was no sign of her mother either. She walked around, seeing the $50 bill left on the counter for her. She swiped it, shoved it in her pocket, and opened the fridge. Nothing. She sighed and just decided to go to sleep, seeing as she did have school in the morning. She trudged upstairs and went to bed for the 4 remaining hours she could get.

She woke up a little early for school the next morning and just decided to head out early. She rolled up at the warehouse an hour before she had to be at school to see what everyone was up to. When she walked in, she noticed Isaac and Derek talking intently, suddenly Isaac shushed him and looked over at her, shaking his head.

"Okay, that was super suspicious, what are you two talking about?" She said, dropping her bag to the floor and turning back to them.

"Nothing, just Kanima business," Derek gave her a small smile and Isaac stayed quiet, just staring her down.

"Kanima business, huh? Then why can't I hear it?" She inched closer to them with every word and Isaac just shook his head.

"I'll tell you later, come on let's stop for coffee or something on the way to school, my treat," Isaac wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her out of the warehouse, leaning down to pick up her back as they left. He basically dragged her to the car and made sure she got into the driver's seat before taking his own. Olive looked at him with furrowed eyebrows before she pulled out onto the street and made her way to the nearest coffee shop.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Her day was just as weird as that. Jackson was missing, Stiles wasn't at school but Scott was, Allison wasn't speaking to her (semi-understandable), and everyone was acting weird around her. Once the final bell rang, she gathered all of her stuff and went to lacrosse practice where, finally, some normalcy happened in her day, except for the fact that Scott and Stiles were MIA.

Once she got home her parents weren't there, which wasn't unusual, they often worked during the day so she was home alone until around 5. But then 5 rolled around, then 6, 7, 7:30. She finally decided she was going to call her parents to see what was going on. She called her mom and her dad and both of their phones went straight to voicemail. She called Derek and Isaac, but both voicemails. She even called Stiles who also went to voicemail. After what could possibly be the weirdest and worst day ever, she went to sleep, maybe her dreams will be a little better.

The next morning she had a text from Derek saying to skip first period and meet him at the warehouse. She texted back okay and then got ready and made her way over there. Once she'd finished getting ready she'd noticed that her dad wasn't up getting ready for work, she knocked on their bedroom door, and no answer. She decided she would ask Derek about it later since she was going over there anyway, and not to worry because they were probably just away and forgot to tell her, it's happened before. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"What, no extremely conspicuous whispers this morning?" She said, announcing her entrance to the warehouse. Isaac shook his head and laughed lightly as she approached Erica and Derek. "What no Boyd today?"

"He's out of town, not important, I called you here because we need to find out who the Kanima is, and since we failed with Lydia, we need to get into Scott's inner circle. I need one of you to get close to them," Derek says, walking out of the train.

"Hmm. Scott or Stiles?" Erica twirls a piece of hair on her finger and Derek looks back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Either one."

"Derek, the full moons coming up," Isaac reminded him and Derek nodded.

"Yeah, that's what these are for," Derek reached down and opened a box with the Triskele carved on top of it. Olive reached in and pulled out the circular spikey head thing from last month.

"Oh hell no, I am not doing this again," She threw it back into the box and Derek chuckled.

"No, she's got a point, last time you said you would teach us how to turn whenever we want," Isaac said and Erica nodded.

"Well, Olive kind of already did that once last month-" Derek started but Olive shook her head.

"That was a failed attempt at best, I did not do well after a few hours," She sighed and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, but your anchors stronger now, isn't it?" Derek smirked, knowing what- or rather who- her anchor is. She scoffed and shook her head, closing her eyes.

"Wait- what's your anchor?" Isaac asked, raising an eyebrow and Olive shook her head more now, screwing her eyes shut as tight as she could.

"It's just- it's nothing. I'll do the head thing," She finally opened her eyes to look at Derek who was trying not to laugh his ass off currently.

"Okay well, I don't particularly want to be chained up. Why don't we just forget about the Kanima and-" Isaac started but was interrupted by Derek.

"We can't just forget about the Kanima. It's top priority right now, Olly you saw the way Gerard looked at that thing. Something is telling me we need to find it first."

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