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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After the ambulance came to pick up Matt, Allison and Olive went their separate ways. Olive went home, her parents were still not there, so she just did her homework and decided to watch a movie. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Olive opened the door to see Isaac, standing there. She stood there for a second, debating whether to let him in or slam the door in his face. She decided to go with the former and stepped aside, Isaac, who wasn't expecting her to let him in, walked in before she could change her mind.

Olive didn't say anything, she just sat back on the couch. Isaac followed her into the living room, leaning on the doorway and he cleared his throat. They both looked everywhere but at each other, neither of them really knowing what to say until Olive broke the silence.

"How's Erica?" Isaac turned to see her now looking at him.

"Oh, uh, she's good. Resting," Olive nodded and sighed. Isaac rolled his eyes and huffed.

"I hate this," Olive narrowed her eyes and Isaac continued. "I hate that you're mad at me, Olly. I'm sorry, okay? I really am. I was protecting you, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt you-"

"You did hurt me."

"I was going to tell you-"

"When, Isaac? In a week? A month? If I found out a different way would you have ever told me you knew? What was the timeline?" She's standing now, flailing her arms and raising her voice.

"I tried! I was gonna tell you this morning but Erica was there and you were upset-"

"I was upset because I couldn't find my parents, that goes with your thing!"


"Hardly? If you would've told me I probably would've figured out where they are right about now!"

"Screaming isn't getting us anywhere," Isaac said, lowering his voice.

"Yeah but it feels good," Olive lowered hers as well and they stayed silent for a second. "When did you find out?"


"Don't Olly me, when did you find out?"

"The night we were going after Lydia," Olive's eyes widened and she looked up at him. "They were in the house and they helped Allison and Stiles take us out. I made the connection when she called you."

"My dad wasn't in the hospital cause they got into an accident-"

"Erica scratched him."

"Oh, my god."

"Olly I'm so sorry."

"Oh my god," Her face twisted and her eyes welled up with tears but she didn't dare let them fall. "I drove you all the way to Derek's, why wouldn't you have just-"

"I needed to talk to Derek first-"

"Derek knows?!" Isaac nodded and Olive scoffed, turning and pacing.

"In his defense, he told me to tell you," Isaac rubbed the back of his neck and Olive nodded.

"At least someone has some common sense around here."

"That's not fair," Olive stopped in her tracks.

"That's not fair? That's not FAIR?" Isaac shook his head, realizing his poor choice of words but Olive continued. "You know what's not fair, Isaac? The person I thought I could trust the most in this world is the one who kept the biggest secret from me. Do you know what else isn't fair? My parents are literally out there plotting my death right now. And do you know what especially isn't fair? That I really thought I was falling in love with you," She sighed, running her hands through her hair and Isaac's eyes widened.

"What did you just say?" He whispered and Olive's words finally caught up to her. She looked at him, mirroring his expression, and sighed. "Olly, what did you just say?"

"Nothing important anymore."

"No, no you can't just say that and then not follow it up with anything," Isaac took a few steps closer but Olive backed away. "Olly."

"No. No, I'm not doing that."

"Doing what?"

"That thing they do in movies when they get into a big blowout fight and then they end up fucking afterward I am not doing that. You hurt me, bad, Isaac. So whatever I felt before it's irrelevant now. I don't want to be around someone I can't trust."


"I think you should leave."

"No, Olly-"

"Isaac just go please," She took a deep breath, trying to prevent the tears welling up in her eyes from falling. Isaac nodded, a few of his own tears falling before he left, slamming the door as he did.

As soon as he left, tears began streaming down Olive's face. She let out a sob, falling to her knees and letting it all out. Everything from the last few days hit her. She couldn't stop, no matter how hard she tried the tears just kept falling. The TV droned in the background as she sat, curled up on the floor, and sobbed into her hands.

Isaac kicked the sidewalk and wiped a few tears away as he went back to Derek's car. He'd told him what happened and Derek had let Isaac borrow it to drive to Olly's house. He got into the driver's seat and smacked the steering wheel, gripping it and letting his head fall to rest on it as he cried. He couldn't help but think this was the end. It just felt like a conclusion. He hated himself for hurting her. He hated himself for not kissing her in there, he hated himself for not kissing her at all. He shook his head and started the car, driving back to Derek's, leaving her once again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Olive picked herself off the floor and decided to shower and just go to bed. She sighed, letting the water run down her back and loosen up any tension that resided in her body. She took what could've easily been a half-an-hour shower and got dressed for bed, deciding to refill her water bottle before bed. She stopped in her tracks as she descended down the stairs.

There her parents stood, dressed in all black, weapons in hand. Olive shook her head slightly as her mother looked at her sympathetically. Her father just looked angry. Olive's eyes widened as she slowly took a step up to go back to her room.

"Don't move," Her father raised his crossbow at her and Olive froze, dropping her water bottle onto the stairs, more tears pricking her eyes.

"Are you gonna kill me?" She whimpered out and her mother turned to avoid eye contact, tears falling from her eyes.

"We need to talk," Was all she heard before everything went black.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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